47%??? 55% of swing state voters say Romney favors the rich


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Swing state poll: Romney favors the rich – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

In Wisconsin, 55% of likely voters say a Romney administration would benefit wealthy people. In Virginia, 56% say the same. In Colorado, the number is 54%.

The number of voters in those swing states who think Romney's policies would favor the middle class? Just about 10%.

Contrast that with President Barack Obama's numbers on the same question.

In all three states, a plurality say Obama's policies favor the middle class. Only a sliver of voters say the president favors the rich, while roughly a quarter say he favors the poor.
Swing state poll: Romney favors the rich – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

In Wisconsin, 55% of likely voters say a Romney administration would benefit wealthy people. In Virginia, 56% say the same. In Colorado, the number is 54%.

The number of voters in those swing states who think Romney's policies would favor the middle class? Just about 10%.

Contrast that with President Barack Obama's numbers on the same question.

In all three states, a plurality say Obama's policies favor the middle class. Only a sliver of voters say the president favors the rich, while roughly a quarter say he favors the poor.


Here we go again with using polls to try to "prove' something.

Despite two days of negative coverage over his secretly videotaped remarks during a fundraiser in Florida, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has now taken the lead in the key swing state of New Hampshire, according to a new Rasmussen poll.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in New Hampshire shows Romney with 48 percent support to President Obama’s 45 percent. Four percent prefer some other candidate, and three percent are undecided.

In June, Obama held a five-point lead over Romney in the Granite State, 48 percent to 43 percent, the polling firm pointed out in their remarks released Wednesday.

New Hampshire now shifts from “leans Obama’ to “toss-up” in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections.

Obama carried New Hampshire over Republican John McCain 54 percent to 45 percent in the 2008 election. Forty-nine percent (49 percent) of the state’s voters now approve of the job he is doing as president, while 51 percent disapprove. This includes 30 percent who strongly approve and 43 percent who strongly disapprove. This marks little change from June.

Romney, who served as governor of neighboring Massachusetts and was the winner of the state’s Republican Primary in January, is viewed favorably by 50 percent of all voters in the state. That’s up five points from June. But he’s also viewed unfavorably by 50 percent. This includes 32 percent with a very favorable opinion of him and 37 percent with a Very Unfavorable one.

This New Hampshire survey of 500 Likely Voters was conducted on September 18, 2012 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

The candidates are separated by three points or less when voters in the state are asked who they trust more on several major policy issues. The president is trusted more when it comes to health care and energy policy. Romney has the edge on the economy, taxes and national security.

This is comparable to the closeness of findings nationally, but while Romney has a seven-point lead in voter trust on the economy among voters nationwide, he has only a three-point advantage on that issue in New Hampshire.

Forty-five percent of New Hampshire voters now rate their personal finances as good or excellent, while 11 percent describe them as poor. Twenty-five percent say their finances are getting better, but 41 percent think they’re getting worse.

Romney has a 16-point lead among male voters in the state, while the president leads by nine among female voters. Most voters under 40 favor Obama, but the majority of their elders prefer his Republican challenger.

Both candidates draw strong support from voters in their respective parties. Romney edges Obama 45 percent to 43 percent among voters not affiliated with either of the major parties.

With the addition of New Hampshire, eight states are now Toss-Ups in the Rasmussen Reports Electoral College Projections: Romney also has the slight advantage in Colorado, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin; Obama has the edge in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

Romney is ahead in North Carolina, Indiana, Montana and North Dakota. The president leads in Connecticut, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, New Mexico and Pennsylvania

Read more on Newsmax.com: Rasmussen Poll: Romney Takes Lead in New Hampshire
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Rasmussen Poll: Romney Takes Lead in New Hampshire

You know what BOTH polls mean? SHIT!

Apples versus oranges like you tried on the other thread.

Can you do anything else but use polls over and over gain.

You want to talk about rich to make a point and I can talk about swing states to make one.

Neither proves a damned thing.

See how I can divert your thread like you do to others?

God! You're lame.

Point made!
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You can hold your breath and claim that "Polls don't matter"

But both parties as well as the all important donors take them very seriously. Polls tell us which states are in play, which issues are important with voters, which tactics work and which don't

You don't think polls matter?

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