380 Tons Of Dung From the U.N., News Media, and Demos!


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
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Well, there's one of your October surprises. A bunch of hyped bull.........ala Dan Rather's September Surprise.lol

Our troops have probably disposed or found over a 1/2 million tons of conventional weaponry since the Iraq War started, but this 380 Tons of hyped Dung is really important isn't it?

Let's see now..........Just a short time before Reagan's second term............Iran/Contra.............a few days before GWB's 2000 election..............DUI..................Here we go again.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
The Dung is metaphorically, the empty bunkers, the already missing stuff, the media hype..............not the actual explosives...................read my lips................follow along nice and slow................it's metaphorical........for bull %$#

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
Palestinian Jew said:
So "dung" was metaphorical for bullshit? Wow, you're very clever.

Clever as sh%@% I guess.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
I just find the whole thing bullshti because its been conservatives and Republicans as well as many sources here and abroad who have been saying that the weapons were REMOVED BEFORE DURING AND AFTER THE INVASION.

Yet they Media harped for ever that there werent ANY WMD's. WMD's have about 10 times the killing capacity as these explosives and with about 100 times less space consumed. So they are telling us that 380 tons of explosives that were missing when we arrived is a bad thing on Bush but WMD's that are missing is a non-issue?

I think the media is losing its iron grip on information and these cases of fraud are not one time things. These are just the first few times they have been caught tampering with information. Slowly but surely the "Iron Curtain" of the media will be lifted from the public's eyes and the people of this country will see just how wrong the left really is.
Eightball said:
Well, there's one of your October surprises. A bunch of hyped bull.........ala Dan Rather's September Surprise.lol

Our troops have probably disposed or found over a 1/2 million tons of conventional weaponry since the Iraq War started, but this 380 Tons of hyped Dung is really important isn't it?

Let's see now..........Just a short time before Reagan's second term............Iran/Contra.............a few days before GWB's 2000 election..............DUI..................Here we go again.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket

Golly Gee but Lt.Kerry has been full of bull sh.. since 1968-why should his campaign be any different-Lt.Kerry loves the UN and blindly supports this corrupt organization-self serving-as in Kerry! :flameth: Oh yeah-Iraq is one giant ammo dump-why is the dump identified as " el caca" any different?
archangel said:

Golly Gee but Lt.Kerry has been full of bull sh.. since 1968-why should his campaign be any different-Lt.Kerry loves the UN and blindly supports this corrupt organization-self serving-as in Kerry! :flameth: Oh yeah-Iraq is one giant ammo dump-why is the dump identified as " el caca" any different?

Gee maybe because the explosives and detonators were looted, and we know it was after April 18th. The pictures are out of the US soldiers breaking into the sealed bunkers, the barrels of explosives, and soldiers displaying detonators and other hardware. Even the weapons inspectors and the IAEA did a better job of securing this site.
sagegirl said:
Gee maybe because the explosives and detonators were looted, and we know it was after April 18th. The pictures are out of the US soldiers breaking into the sealed bunkers, the barrels of explosives, and soldiers displaying detonators and other hardware. Even the weapons inspectors and the IAEA did a better job of securing this site.

So how is it known that the photos you saw were from the facility in question? We have secured close to 400,000 tons of explosives in IRaq and have disposed of them. Its almost a certainty that these photos are from IRaq, but time and place are unknown.

As for this particular facility, it was documneted by an imbedded reporter as well as the unit that was there that the explosives that the UN labeled and categorized as being their pre invasion was gone when they got their.
insein said:
So how is it known that the photos you saw were from the facility in question? We have secured close to 400,000 tons of explosives in IRaq and have disposed of them. Its almost a certainty that these photos are from IRaq, but time and place are unknown.

As for this particular facility, it was documneted by an imbedded reporter as well as the unit that was there that the explosives that the UN labeled and categorized as being their pre invasion was gone when they got their.
you mention a reporter and the unit but you dont identify either one. The reporter I saw was from KSTP news and he was imbedded with the 101st (infantry?) He was with them when they photographed breaking into the bunkers and displaying the contents, on or about April 18th.
Well I just find it hard to belive that this much explosives just dissapered. Especially with our troops being present in the area. Looters couldn't of done this, and they say it was more in the area of 200 some tons(still alot though).
I saw two people on cable news who where at Al Qaquaa on April 10, the day after U.S. troops entered Baghdad. One was a soldier with the 101st and the other was the NBC news reporter who was embedded with the troops. Both said there were no high explosives to be found at the dump on April 10.

Don't you find it telling that whoever removed this ammo, took only the high explosives that had a use in nuclear weapons and left all the other ammo? Seems to me this is an admission that there were WMD in Iraq, after all.
Would you say it is odd how this "big story" about the unprotected ammo drump fell right off the tv screens and newspaper pages after November 2? Haven't been able to find a mention of it anywhere during the past two weeks. Makes one think it was another one of those stories developed and broadcast solely to influence the election.
almost as amazing as Sandy Burglar's great escape from the media "scrutiny" of stealing classified, code word documents from the national Archives.
sagegirl said:
you mention a reporter and the unit but you dont identify either one. The reporter I saw was from KSTP news and he was imbedded with the 101st (infantry?) He was with them when they photographed breaking into the bunkers and displaying the contents, on or about April 18th.

Come on. There is no way that seven hundred sixty thousand pounds of explosives were spirited away AFTER we took the area. Consider the logistics required to move that much weight. The ragheads didn't sneak in, cram it in their pockets and walk off.

Some explosives may be missing. Who knows? But there is no way that 380 TONS of the stuff disappeared. If those explosives were there and IF they were removed by the opposition, then the explosives are still hidden somewhere in the immediate vicinity.
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