31 Conservative Celebrities


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The list includes Libertarians.

31 Conservative Celebrities - Independent Journal Review

Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Selleck, and Sylvester Stallone, conservatives are MEN.

Some on this list that I seriously doubt are conservative: Adam Sandler, Carl malone, and L.L. Cool J.

Some on this list that I am embarassed about: Jessica Simpson, Vince McMahon, and Mel Gibson.

Other notables, imo: Jerry Bruckheimer, Ben Stein, Johnny Ramone, Roger Staubach, and Alex Trebek.

The rest:
1. Cindy Crawford
2. Vince Vaughn
3. Rachel Hunter
4. Joan Rivers
5. Bo Derek
6. Susan Lucci
7. John Elway
8. Mary lou Retton
9. Stephen Baldwin
10. Drew Carey
11. Kelsey Grammer
12. Alice Cooper
13. Shannen Dougherty
14. Meatloaf
There are more than that.

Penn and Teller are Libertarians.

Ted Nugent is...something.

And Obama is still trying to pry Charlton Heston's gun from his dead cold hands.
I didn't see Patricia Heaton mentioned


You left off one that I know to have conservative views: Frank Caliendo (the John Madden impersonator). I don't know if he sports the full monty or not but at least somewhat.
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The list includes Libertarians.

31 Conservative Celebrities - Independent Journal Review

Chuck Norris, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Selleck, and Sylvester Stallone, conservatives are MEN.

Some on this list that I seriously doubt are conservative: Adam Sandler, Carl malone, and L.L. Cool J.

Some on this list that I am embarassed about: Jessica Simpson, Vince McMahon, and Mel Gibson.

Other notables, imo: Jerry Bruckheimer, Ben Stein, Johnny Ramone, Roger Staubach, and Alex Trebek.

The rest:
1. Cindy Crawford
2. Vince Vaughn
3. Rachel Hunter
4. Joan Rivers
5. Bo Derek
6. Susan Lucci
7. John Elway
8. Mary lou Retton
9. Stephen Baldwin
10. Drew Carey
11. Kelsey Grammer
12. Alice Cooper
13. Shannen Dougherty
14. Meatloaf

Bruce Willis calls Republican Party nominee Mitt Romney an "embarrassment" in a new interview with Esquire magazine and says he doesn't care which side wins in November.
"Yeah, Romney. He's just such a disappointment, an embarrassment," Willis told the magazine.

"Chin up, hair up. He's just one of those guys, one of those guys who says he's going to change everything and he'll get in there, and they'll smile at him and introduce themselves: 'We're Congress, we make sure nothing changes,'" Willis went on.

"He won't do it. He can't. Everybody wants to be Barack Obama. And what did he change?"
Willis, who openly supported George H.W. Bush against Bill Clinton in 1992 and President George W. Bush in 2000 said he doesn't know who will win in November, adding, "I don't really care."

In a 2006 interview, the "Die Hard" actor made it clear he was sick of both political parties.
"I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, want less government intrusion," he said at the time, before adding that both parties had ceased to be fiscally responsible.

"I hate government. I'm apolitical. Write that down. I'm not a Republican."

Read more: Bruce Willis calls Mitt Romney an 'embarrassment,' report says | Fox News

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