3 Things Obama Promised Putin

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
1.) You can buy our Uranium and take control of 20% of our strategic reserve.

2.) Tou can take The Crimea and extend your strategic influence there.

3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Russia arms nearly the entire Middle East. Russia sees The Middle East as an opportunity to expand it’s energy reserves and control of energy resources, such as Oil, Natural Gas and Uranium.

War also in The Middle East is profitable for Russia because of Arms Sales. For Russia then conflict, chaos and division in any Nation that would oppose Russian Aspirations inThe Middle East is a Strategic Advantge.

Consider the following Middle Eastern Nationa friendly to Russia that Obama gave aid and comfort to if not outright support to and at the same time, make a mental note of how Obama always opposed Israel in the 8 torturous years of his presidency

Russia has armed Iran, Iraq, as well as Syria, Ethiopia, and Libya.

Egypt has a diversified weapons
Procurement and buys it’s weapons From North Korea.

North Korea gets its weapons from China and Russia.

Obama during his presidency did the following:

He relaxed some rules on North Korea that allowed them to advance their Nuclear weapons and ICBM program. Bill Clinton also helped NOKO with their ICBM program.

Obama gave Billions of Dollars to Iran, and also signed a treaty with them to help them further develop Nuclear Weapons and their ICBMs. Iran and North Korea are partners in a joint effort to develop their nuclear capabilities and test their weapons in North Korea.

Bill Clinton gave The Chinese US missile guidance technology and Obama signed an agreement to allow China to share this with NOKO who now shares it with Iran.

Russia’s underhanded acquisition of Uranium One via Rosatom
Bribery Scandal which Involved Clinton allows Russia now to sell US Uranium to Iran paid for with US Dollars directly due to actions of The Obama Administration.

Iran and Russia arm The PLO amd Hamas and often are paid in American Dollars during The Obama Administration based on aide agreements and The Iran Nuke Deal.

Obama made an agreement with Russia that allowed Russia to provide military aid, arms and build military bases In Syria under the cover of helping Syria get rid of their chemical weapons.

Both Egypt and Libya were more or less cooperating with The US and it’s foreign policy goals and were benign towards Israel until Obama was elected and he and Hillary Clinton decided to fund and arm The Muslim Brotherhood to launch a COUP in Egypt and install a more Anti-Israel Government.

They then armed and funded Libyan Jihadists Al Queda to assassinate Qadaffi and install another Anti-Israel Government there and used Benghazi to funnel money and weapons to the terrorists in Libya.

Obama also attempted to support radical Jihadists in Ethiopia and Somalia while publicly making soft criticisms of the Gobernmenys there trying to consent the Jihadists.

Lastly against the advice of Teo Former Presidents and his Chief’s of Staff and The Iraqi Government he intentionally withdrew our troops there and publicly made known his intentions despite being told that doing so would allow Islamic Terrorists to resurgence rapidly in this are. Obama gave birth to ISIS.

And if that weren’t enough he signed a massive aid package to The PLO, and pushed UN Resolutions against Israel demanding that they vacate The Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza on his way out of office while also taking Criminal actions to hog tie the incoming Israel Friendly Administration.

If Israel did that and complied with that decree, they’d be annihilated by 200 Million Muslims, helped by Russian armaments of not The Russian Army itself because experts have determined that Israel cannot defend itself with Conventional Weapons if they lose those three strategically held areas.

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
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Flynn had to ask the Russians to stop Obama's acquisence to the un's antisemitic condemnation of Israel.
3.) You can build military bases in Syria so that you can preposition Armaments for an eventual show down with Israel.

Since when have the Ruskies wanted to invade Israel?
I don’t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasn’t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israel’s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didn’t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we weren’t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what “The Peace of Saladin” is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
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Qaddafi’s Assassination Benefitted AFRICOM and ISIL

Qaddafi’s Assassination Benefitted AFRICOM and ISIL

After Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi was brutally assassinated on October 20, 2011 by US-supported guerrillas, then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gloated about the murder by braying, «we came, we saw, he died».

What makes Clinton’s comments even more appalling is the fact that she was well aware from US intelligence agents on the ground in Sirte, the location of Qaddafi’s death, that the Libyan leader died as a result of being stabbed in the anus by a bayonet. Even more disgusting is that Mrs Clinton thought the gruesome death of Qaddafi was funny. She laughed with her familiar grating cackle after uttering her offensive comment about Qaddafi’s execution in an interview with CBS News.

Although any sane person would have found Mrs Clinton’s comments about the assassination of a foreign leader, who was much beloved by his people, totally disgusting, the death of Qaddafi heartened two organizations eyeing expansion in Africa: the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) and the embryonic Islamic caliphate, which, after Clinton oversaw the transfer for Libyan arms caches to jihadist groups in Syria, would eventually become the closely allied al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Without Qaddafi’s Libya acting as a bulwark against the spread of Salafism, Wahhabism, and jihadism in Africa, as well as a Muslim migrant invasion of Europe, the resulting invasion of West and Central Africa by Islamist terrorists gave AFRICOM a new raison d’être. The defeat of Qaddafi also gave a new impetus to Islamist terrorist groups to attempt similar overthrows of governments from the Central African Republic and Cameroon to Mauritania and Mali.

The September 11, 2012, attack by the jihadist Ansar al-Sharia terrorist group on the US Central Intelligence Agency station in Benghazi represented an arms deal gone bad for the Obama administration. The US intelligence cell in Benghazi was operating under the cover of a diplomatic mission. Yet this mission did nothing usually carried out by such diplomatic facilities. It issued no visas, provided no passport support for US citizens, and had no normal diplomatic personnel on its staff.

US envoy to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was acting more as an illicit arms smuggler than a diplomat, was killed by the terrorists because the CIA and Pentagon botched the deal to transfer weapons in the hands of Ansar al-Sharia to Turkish intermediaries. Stevens met with the facilitator of this weapons smuggling, Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin, shortly before the Ansar al-Sharia attack on the US compound and a nearby annex, which served as a CIA arms warehouse.

The Turks were shipping captured arms to Iskenderun, Turkey and then on to jihadist rebels in nearby Syria who were battling against the Bashar al-Assad government. The Libyan rebel group, the February 17 Brigade, which was contracted to guard the «US Consulate» in Benghazi, which was actually a CIA station, included Salafist sympathizers who owed ultimate allegiance to Ansar al-Sharia. Stevens, who was no hero but nothing more than an arms smuggler for the CIA, had been involved in other weapons transfers, including a $200 million shipment of weapons to Qatar that were destined for jihadist rebels in Iraq and Syria.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her close assistant, the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Huma Abedin, were part of a small cabal of State Department officials who communicated classified information about Libya and other Arab destabilization operations via Mrs Clinton’s private email server located at her home in Chappaqua, New York. Ansar al-Sharia was linked to the Libyan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The information transmitted via Clinton’s private system included Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) at the Top Secret level from CIA imagery intelligence satellites. The Department of Justice and FBI are currently investigating Clinton and her staff for a major security failure.

Ever since «Benghazi», which has become a rallying cry by those who oppose Clinton’s presidential hopes, AFRICOM and jihadists in Africa have maintained a virtual platonic relationship. Every time there has been a major terrorist attack in West Africa by jihadists, there has been a heavy presence of US Special Operations attached to AFRICOM and CIA personnel. These attacks have been used to justify a growing American, as well as French, British, and German, military and intelligence presence in Africa.

In November 2015, US and French special forces troops, including French «special police» paramilitary personnel, just happened to be on the scene of a terrorist attack on the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, the capital of Mali. After the US and French forces engaged the terrorists who took over the hotel and seized hostages, six Americans were reportedly among those freed.

Two Islamist groups, Al-Mourabitoun and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), claimed responsibility for the attack. The so-called terrorists managed to gain access to the hotel, which is located in a secure compound, by evading security forces stationed at the hotel's perimeter. The terrorists arrived within the hotel compound in a car bearing diplomatic plates. An American staying in the hotel died in the attack.

In January 2016, the same exact scenario played out in Ouagadougou. Islamist terrorists, evading perimeter security, stormed the Hotel Splendid and the Ukrainian-owned Restaurant Cappuccino across the street. Some twenty-three people were killed in the attacks on the two locations in the Burkinabe capital. US and French special forces personnel were not only present at the scene immediately after the attack but some were staying at the hotel.

In the cases of Bamako and Ouagadougou, each terrorist unit was reportedly composed of three to ten personnel. None of the terrorists survived the attack. A fourth terrorist in Ouagadougou was killed at the Hotel Yibi.

Ouagadougou is the location of a major US intelligence surveillance operation in West Africa code named CREEK SAND. An intelligence fusion center in Ouagadougou is code named AZTEC ARCHER.

Burkinabe military forces used the occasion of the attack to round up as suspects several members of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), a Tuareg separatist group seeking independence for their homeland in northern Mali. The MNLA is a sworn enemy of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates. After a military coup in Mali, Al-Qaeda and allied Islamist terrorist groups seized control of northern Mali with suspected French and American help, after the MNLA declared the region independent as the Republic of Azawad. Also arrested after the attack on the hotel were a Tuareg candidate for the presidency of Niger, Adal Rhoubed, and three other citizens of Niger. Rhoudeb was on a visit to Burkina Faso at the time of his arrest. The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has conducted, along with the Central Intelligence Agency, as clandestine war against African separatist groups in order to protect the interests of US oil, natural gas, mining, and other companies in Africa. Chief among AFRICOM's and the CIA's targets are the Tuaregs, many of whom received support in the past from Muammar Qaddafi's government in Libya.


The growing presence of AFRICOM and US and NATO military and intelligence units in Africa is justified by the presence of jihadist terrorists. However, the real targets for the US and NATO forces are not the jihadi terrorists, but legitimate secessionist and anti-globalist groups that pose a danger to American and Western economic interests in Africa, including oil companies and gold, diamond, and uranium mining firms. As is the case with Islamist terrorist groups worldwide, the ultimate beneficiaries of terrorism are the Western multinational companies and the US military-intelligence complex. A Clinton presidency will ensure that the vicious cycle of terrorism and profiteering continues unabated.

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Read the above article TWICE and you will see why Clinton and Obama committed Numerous Crimes to keep their slow trickle proxy war black budget arms sales going against Israel going and secret and why they were arming literally every terrorist group and state around Israel and why they

This is why They formed The Resistance, why they tried to frame President Trump and wanted him impeached before he was even sworn in to office.
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I don’t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasn’t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israel’s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didn’t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we weren’t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what “The Peace of Saladin” is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
BTW the supporting article I posted Is also why Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton Contracted with and Colluded with Vladimir Putin and solicited his help and expertise in Information Warfare to keep President Trump out of The White House.

This is why they had a plan B to implement an Insurance Policy in the event of the impossible that he’d win the election so they could tie his hands with a corrupt FBI and DOJ armed with Russian Propaganda, Illegal Surveillance, & an Illegal. NEVER Ending Constitutional Rights Violating Witch Hunt If Putin’s Efforts failed, or even go so far as to depose a duly elected President Innovent of all The False Charges hurled against him.
Anyone who reads me knows I don’t like The Bushes or Clintons and feel that they are part of The Deep State Establishment.

But Bush Kicked Russia’s Ass all over The Middle East sonhe hets some credit from me, and Russia is a major enemy of Israel and The US and they are who arm all these Radical Islamic Groups, That is until Obama was elected

Obama was a whore for Jihadists and Russia’s Aspirations.

Bengazi: Weapons Deal gone bad

Fast & Furious: Weapons Deal Exposed (The Weapons we’re actually for Islamic groups helping Mexican Drug Cartels with Heroin Trafficking)

Las Vegas Shooting: Another Obama Weapons Deal gone bad that was an ongoing operation left over from The Obama Administration. The weapons were to help drug traffickers in the US protect HAMAS Heroin shipments coming across the Southern border from Mexico.

I don’t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasn’t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israel’s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didn’t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we weren’t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what “The Peace of Saladin” is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
Only Obama pretended to listen, and then did Precisely The Opposite by colluding with Jihadists, Arming and Financing them, and then dismantling and weakening our military, and then destroying America’s Credibility every chance he had at the same time undermining our allies and giving Putin The Green Light!

He was a shameful back stabbing son of a bitch.

I don’t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasn’t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israel’s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didn’t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we weren’t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what “The Peace of Saladin” is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
Anyone who reads me knows I don’t like The Bushes or Clintons and feel that they are part of The Deep State Establishment.

But Bush Kicked Russia’s Ass all over The Middle East and Russia is a major enemy of Israel and The US and they are who arm all these Radical Islamic Groups, That is until Obama was elected

Obama was a whore for Jihadists and Russia’s Aspirations.

Bengazi Weapons Deal gone bad
Fast & Furious Weapons Deal Exposed (The Weapons we’re actually for Islamic groups helping Mexican Drug Cartels with Heroin Trafficking)

Las Vegas shooting was actually another Obama Weapons Deal gone bad that was an ongoing operation left over from The Obama Administration. The weapons were to help drug traffickers in the US protect their shipments coming across the Southern border from Mexico.

I don’t have problems sharing blame but Bush wasn’t giving arms and weapons to terrorists and illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot for that purpose and having terrorists stage COUPs In Egypt and Libya while at the same time giving Billions to Israel’s and The Largest sponsor of terrorism, and helping them to develop nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel with. But then again many Liberals love to hear Iranians yell Death to America and write Death to Israel on their ICBMs.

Bush didn’t play Catch and Release with Mass Murderers or stand Idly by why ISISIS beheaded, raped, murdered and sold 500,000 in to slavery or bulldozed them in to Mass Graves.

How come you never blame Thomas Jefferson for Islamic Radicals attacking our ships in The Mediterranean killing our merchant sailors on Merchant ships and taking hostages and demanding ransom for them and doing this so many times that Jefferson had to build a Navy and Create The Marines to go fight them in Tripoli because we had NO Military Vessels in The Mediterranean.

We were only seeking trade and they attacked us because we weren’t Muslim and it was their duty to wage Jihad against people who had no quarrel with them.

How about asking the dead corpse of Yasser Arafat what “The Peace of Saladin” is and why he wanted to offer that to Israel?

Obama not only surrounded Israel with more hostile enemies, he gave Israel’s enemies the weapons to annihilate them.
It was actually the Bush administration that set the course for "a new Middle East".
Obama is a piece of shit, no denying it. But we have to set the events in the proper context. Seymour Hersh was the first to spot the changing US strategy which he outlined in 2007.

And this from an early visit of the Obama administration to Riyadh.

3. (S) U.S. CREDIBILITY IS CRITICAL: The Bush Administration is now in the past, the King said. Both President Bushes were his friends, but the recent President Bush didn,t take his advice on dealing with issues in the region, and they found their problems "compounded." The King said, "we are ready to consult, provide guidance and to do whatever is necessary. We are people of the region and we know it well." Brennan responded that President Obama wants to listen, and asked what advice the King would offer to President Obama. Abdullah said his one piece of advice was that restoring U.S. credibility in the world was critically important. Brennan responded that this was an important issue for President Obama as well. Brennan said that under President Obama we will restore our credibility. He said the U.S. is a great country and we know what we have to do.
Cable: 09RIYADH447_a
What we see in the Middle East is a continuation of the Israeli agenda. Differing personalities in the White House offer different challenges and opportunities to achieving the agenda, but make no mistake, the agenda remains unchanged. We are now witnessing it play out with Trump.

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