The political stars are aligning for what could prove an explosive impact in the 2010 midterm election cycle.
The Cap and Tax boondoggle is flying in the face of an eleven year trend of lowered global temperatures - and yet the Democrats persist in attempting to make it policy at the expense of all Americans - most notably the lower income population. This policy is in direct violation of Obama's oft-repeated pledge not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 year.
Polling indicates only 30% of Americans now trust Obama with the economy - an issue that is seen as the most important by 84% of Americans.
Only 18% polled rate the Democrat dominated Congress as good or excellent - and a majority now trust the Republicans with the majority of issues facing American.
2010 could see the tossing away of Harry Reid by the voters, as well as Arlen Specter. And in New York State, Republicans are poised to take over the entire legislature. Even Michigan, with Detroit having lost a third of its population and suffering one of the worst economies in the nation, is looking to dismantle the long-standing liberlized version of governing that got them there.
Republican EBAY CEO Meg Whitman is poised to become California's next governor. Other viable Republican governor candidates include John Kasich of Ohio and Mark Neumann of Wisconsin.
In short, the American voter is giving strong signals of having grown both tired and disgusted of the flower-power leftists now controlling both national and state government.
2010 could very well be the start of "throwing the bums out"...
The American Spectator : 2010
The Cap and Tax boondoggle is flying in the face of an eleven year trend of lowered global temperatures - and yet the Democrats persist in attempting to make it policy at the expense of all Americans - most notably the lower income population. This policy is in direct violation of Obama's oft-repeated pledge not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 year.
Polling indicates only 30% of Americans now trust Obama with the economy - an issue that is seen as the most important by 84% of Americans.
Only 18% polled rate the Democrat dominated Congress as good or excellent - and a majority now trust the Republicans with the majority of issues facing American.
2010 could see the tossing away of Harry Reid by the voters, as well as Arlen Specter. And in New York State, Republicans are poised to take over the entire legislature. Even Michigan, with Detroit having lost a third of its population and suffering one of the worst economies in the nation, is looking to dismantle the long-standing liberlized version of governing that got them there.
Republican EBAY CEO Meg Whitman is poised to become California's next governor. Other viable Republican governor candidates include John Kasich of Ohio and Mark Neumann of Wisconsin.
In short, the American voter is giving strong signals of having grown both tired and disgusted of the flower-power leftists now controlling both national and state government.
2010 could very well be the start of "throwing the bums out"...
The American Spectator : 2010