2 Top Soros Funded Agents Arrested… Here’s What We Know


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
2 Top Soros Funded Agents Arrested… Here’s What We Know

2 Top Soros Funded Agents Arrested... Here's What We Know - Usa On
According to DavidHarrisJr.com, “two top enablers who are sponsored by George Soros have been arrested for helping illegal aliens commit the crime of crossing our borders against our laws. This has thrown a huge scare into other open border advocates, who consider it wrong for this country to enforce our laws. Pueblo Sin Fronteras leader Irieno Mujihca and Migrant Culture Collective’s Cristóbal Sánchez have been arrested for aiding and abetting illegal aliens invading the country. The open border advocates consider the United States to be immoral for trying to make sure immigrants enter the country legally.”…

Trump and his people know who the corrupt globalist, Soros-style agents are, who operate with protection of their cohorts in the deep state. Now he will go after them.
Not only will he push Mexico to start rooting them out, but this will create a strong public precedent for these same destructive political operatives to be taken out in Europe also.
This is where the FBI in the justice department have to step up and make sure these guys get convicted. They have been out there long enough we need names and bank account numbers and tie wraps. Hungary has the right approach to the decadent Soros.
These arrests have thrown a huge scare into other open border advocates, who consider it wrong for this country to enforce our laws.
Glad to see it finally happening. Would like to see why it took so long. Trump has been unleashed since the Mueller report concluded nothing. Barr has been on the job for only a short time. This aiding and abetting of criminal activity should not have been something we had to wait for the Mueller report to address. The deep state certainly seemed to have the good guys working with one or both hands tied behind their backs. Now that the momentum has shifted, lets pray we can undo the damage these traitors have inflicted on our country.
The Bumblers at the FBI, NSA, and other so-called Law Enforcement wont smell a conspiracy to violate our Immigration Laws, or as a National Security Threat. They wont arrest George Soros for questioning to determine if a crime has been committed. This is all a shadow play while something far more sinister is happening in Soros’ untouchable Billionaire, maybe trillionaire empire.
Funny how "coincidental" it was that Mexico cracked down on the Marxist organizers of this invasion of humanity
across our southern border just after Trump threatened them with punishing tariffs.
According to the leftist liars (a redundancy) all these concessions were made long ago but of course we all know
that's just bullshit designed to detract from Trump's deal making and Mexico's capitulation.

My only question is what took Trump so long?
Funny how "coincidental" it was that Mexico cracked down on the Marxist organizers of this invasion of humanity
across our southern border just after Trump threatened them with punishing tariffs.
According to the leftist liars (a redundancy) all these concessions were made long ago but of course we all know
that's just bullshit designed to detract from Trump's deal making and Mexico's capitulation.

My only question is what took Trump so long?
It seem all over the world I have seen the handy work of the Soros team. From passing laws in Europe to who needs to be put on certain ruling boards. In South America he has his Open borders org working and paying money to get people heading North. Soros also is funding local DA s office so he can get control of the local court system a good example what he tried to do in Fla with his friend Styre.
“Yes, I am absolutely convinced of it. George Soros gave $30 million to Obama’s campaign. Then he gave $27.1 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Both Obama and Clinton are tied directly into George Soros. Obama was put into office with millions of dollars that came out of nowhere. Yes, he’s part of this cabal. Yes, he’s part of this global syndicate, and in my opinion, the subversion of our government.
Funny how "coincidental" it was that Mexico cracked down on the Marxist organizers of this invasion of humanity
across our southern border just after Trump threatened them with punishing tariffs.
According to the leftist liars (a redundancy) all these concessions were made long ago but of course we all know
that's just bullshit designed to detract from Trump's deal making and Mexico's capitulation.

My only question is what took Trump so long?
You ever deposit an international check ?
OP's report does not give a chron. What the hell is the date and time? OP can't answer this question: Did the Soros arrests report come before or after the Moscow Times report, below?

There is a subtext from Moscow that links the chron for Soros-funded arrests. We will translate this report as an anti-Clinton sign, but only because Soros and Clinton live in the same county. What the report does not mention is the Soros link to Renaissance Capital.

10 Jun 2019 Moscow Times American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal
American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal - The Moscow Times
'....Renaissance Capital....'

Further exegesis is on the Mueller Gets Caught thread.
OP's report does not give a chron. What the hell is the date and time? OP can't answer this question: Did the Soros arrests report come before or after the Moscow Times report, below?

There is a subtext from Moscow that links the chron for Soros-funded arrests. We will translate this report as an anti-Clinton sign, but only because Soros and Clinton live in the same county. What the report does not mention is the Soros link to Renaissance Capital.

10 Jun 2019 Moscow Times American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal
American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal - The Moscow Times
'....Renaissance Capital....'

Further exegesis is on the Mueller Gets Caught thread.
You should read the Email when Soros give Hilly order for the appointment of two of his men to a board working on Europe immigration. I was shocked. But then I remembered this was Clinton.
OP's report does not give a chron. What the hell is the date and time? OP can't answer this question: Did the Soros arrests report come before or after the Moscow Times report, below?

There is a subtext from Moscow that links the chron for Soros-funded arrests. We will translate this report as an anti-Clinton sign, but only because Soros and Clinton live in the same county. What the report does not mention is the Soros link to Renaissance Capital.

10 Jun 2019 Moscow Times American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal
American Banker and Putin Ally Dealt in Access and Assets, Emails Reveal - The Moscow Times
'....Renaissance Capital....'

Further exegesis is on the Mueller Gets Caught thread.

Pueblos Sin Fronteras: Irineo Mújica Detained for Human Trafficking
Borderland Beat: Pueblos Sin Fronteras: Irineo Mújica Detained for Human Trafficking
Irineo Mújica Arzate, leader of the Pueblos Sin Fronteras Organization that organizes migrant caravans from Central America to the United States, was arrested at 2:30 pm on June 5 in Sonoyta, Sonora, bordering Lukeville, Arizona. Detained almost at the same time, activist Cristóbal Sánchez, outside his home in Xochimilco, Mexico City.
Funny how "coincidental" it was that Mexico cracked down on the Marxist organizers of this invasion of humanity
across our southern border just after Trump threatened them with punishing tariffs.
According to the leftist liars (a redundancy) all these concessions were made long ago but of course we all know
that's just bullshit designed to detract from Trump's deal making and Mexico's capitulation.

My only question is what took Trump so long?

He tried to get Congress to do something! He asked them to take action he even declared an Emergency. So our Lawmakers did nothing because there was no incentive to act. President Trump simply didn't leak his strategy and then "Trumped" them and got the Deal he wanted anyway, for Mexico to Stop the Flow and Bear the Burden of their in action and support of the Caravans. Mexico folded like an Umbrella at 5%. Must be tough economically there. :stir:
They should make an example out of them.

Funny how "coincidental" it was that Mexico cracked down on the Marxist organizers of this invasion of humanity
across our southern border just after Trump threatened them with punishing tariffs.
According to the leftist liars (a redundancy) all these concessions were made long ago but of course we all know
that's just bullshit designed to detract from Trump's deal making and Mexico's capitulation.

My only question is what took Trump so long?

Trump has been surrounded by Traitors
even in his own cabinet up till now.


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