2 cents on a few current (legislation) topics


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Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
The AZ law is not in the slightest bit racist or unConstitutional. There is not one single solitary VALID reason to presume it is, either. The allegedly "Reverend" Al Sharpton can suck it. Those who enter the U.S. without proper authorization have ALREADY broken the law. (Yes, Virginia, it is actually a criminal act.) Catching law-breakers is a perfectly proper police function. And until and unless the detractors can establish that the police are somehow violating anybody's actual civil rights in HOW they go about enforcing that AZ law, the caterwauling is meaningless.

By the way, AZ wouldn't have to do this if the Federal Government would take its own responsibilities seriously. But they don't. And now, with President Obama, it's gonna be even worse. The problem is: they want to get the illegals into the voting booths. The liberal Democrat base has to get expanded to have a chance to undo the damage they have already probably inflicted on themselves for November. And that's why President Obama and Pelousy and Reid are attending to immigration as their next big agenda. They are thoroughly transparent.

I APPLAUD the Senate REPUBLICANS for sticking together to PREVENT the current version of the Financial Regulation Bill from going any further. If the Senate Dims want Financial Regulation changes, good. So do I. But their methodology continues to be "here is THE bill, take it as we command it!" :cuckoo: And what they propose is largely wrong-headed, even if it does contain SOME good and useful items. So why not OPEN up the process, get some REAL and meaningful DEBATE going and work out something everyone can live with?
Well, what you think concerning the legality of the Arizona law will not have any affect on what the judges say. And that law will have an effect on the votes of the Americans that have Mexican background.

Yes, I would expect you and the Republicans to stand up and defend the thieves that nearly brought the world economic system down. And as long as the Banks and Wall Street keeps the bags of cash coming, the Repubs will be their staunchest defenders.

After 9-11, Bush could have closed the southern border with the full support of all Americans. He chose not to do that because it would have stopped a cheap source of labor with which to break labor unions. Most of the illegals came here after 9-11.
Well, what you think concerning the legality of the Arizona law will not have any affect on what the judges say. And that law will have an effect on the votes of the Americans that have Mexican background.

And that ^ paragraph will have no effect on the universe. So what? I note also (approvingly) that Texas is contemplating following Arizona's brilliant and fully Constitutional lead. Bravo.

Yes, I would expect you and the Republicans to stand up and defend the thieves that nearly brought the world economic system down. And as long as the Banks and Wall Street keeps the bags of cash coming, the Repubs will be their staunchest defenders.

Except, you liar, that's not what I said or what my approval of the Republican unity of yesterday supports. If you can only "make" your points (or what pass for points) by being dishonest, such as you are, why bother even posting at all Moldy Cock? As I correctly noted, douche bag, there is a place for some appropriate reform. Too bad the liberoidal Democratics don't have much of a handle on that.

After 9-11, Bush could have closed the southern border with the full support of all Americans. He chose not to do that because it would have stopped a cheap source of labor with which to break labor unions. Most of the illegals came here after 9-11.

What bullshit. Yes. President Bush failed to act decisively. But MOST opposition to acting decisively comes not from Republicans (allegedly because they seek 'cheap labor' -- which is largely bullshit propaganda by assholes like you), but from liberoidal Democratics because your crew want to buy cheap (albeit illegal) "votes. I support the construction of a hearty large, tall and deep wall. You stupid-ass liberoidals are the one (primarily) who oppose it. Fuckin' SHOVEL READY work! Let's all get behind it. You game, gamey?
The AZ law is not in the slightest bit racist or unConstitutional.

the first an american citizen mexican is taken to jail, held over night, fined, etc due to this law it will be declared unconstitutional as it should be
The AZ law is not in the slightest bit racist or unConstitutional.

the first an american citizen mexican is taken to jail, held over night, fined, etc due to this law it will be declared unconstitutional as it should be

Utter tripe.

Nobody under that law gets arrested for being a person who looks suspiciously Hispanic.

You lefty lunatics are all a flutter over nothing.

FIRST comes the reasonable suspicion or probable cause related to the stop -- unrelated to apparent national background. You know; like a car stop for running a red or failure to signal or matching the description of the perps from a robbery at the bank or the 7-11.

THEN comes the tangentially related inquiry into nationality and legal presence here in the United States.

There remains nothing in the slightest bit unConstitutional about the new AZ law.

This probably explains why you guys resort to baseless (but standard) liberal alarmism and propaganda rather than to the actual facts.
FIRST comes the reasonable suspicion or probable cause related to the stop -- unrelated to apparent national background. You know; like a car stop for running a red or failure to signal or matching the description of the perps from a robbery at the bank or the 7-11.

reasonable suspicion is always a bs excuse cops use to violate people's rights. and trust me this will be abused against a mexican american citizen and brought to the SC and overturned.
And will result in massive voting against just the label of Republican by those with Latino background.

Wishful thinking by you, Moldy. (If you actually believed that nonsense, you ought to be happy, in fact.) So you say it (too much) but is it valid?

Probably not.

You and other schmucks like you seem to believe that the people of Spanish decent here LEGALLY are "all for" the illegals coming here -- illegally. The reality is that quite a few LEGAL Mexicans and others of Spanish heritage who are here legally -- citizens who can legally vote in particular -- are not terribly supportive of those who "cut the line" and violate OUR laws.

Morons like you are unable to distinguish between support of the liberalization of immigration rules making it easier for outsiders to enter and remain in the U.S. legally, on the one hand, and opposition to the failure of the Federal Government to enforce the immigration laws and rules already in effect. You deliberately conflate the two very different concepts to generate a whole bunch of dishonest arguments and propaganda.

But idiots like you will never understand that your propaganda doesn't necessarily sell all that well with people who came here legally and complied with the laws, rules and regulations.
What bullshit. Yes. President Bush failed to act decisively. But MOST opposition to acting decisively comes not from Republicans (allegedly because they seek 'cheap labor' -- which is largely bullshit propaganda by assholes like you), but from liberoidal Democratics because your crew want to buy cheap (albeit illegal) "votes. I support the construction of a hearty large, tall and deep wall. You stupid-ass liberoidals are the one (primarily) who oppose it. Fuckin' SHOVEL READY work! Let's all get behind it. You game, gamey?

Interesting comparison

Does the reluctance to do anything about the Illegal migration of Mexicans have more to do with the Democrats wanting Hispanic votes or the Republicans wanting a source of cheap labor??

My instincts say follow the money
What bullshit. Yes. President Bush failed to act decisively. But MOST opposition to acting decisively comes not from Republicans (allegedly because they seek 'cheap labor' -- which is largely bullshit propaganda by assholes like you), but from liberoidal Democratics because your crew want to buy cheap (albeit illegal) "votes. I support the construction of a hearty large, tall and deep wall. You stupid-ass liberoidals are the one (primarily) who oppose it. Fuckin' SHOVEL READY work! Let's all get behind it. You game, gamey?

Interesting comparison

Does the reluctance to do anything about the Illegal migration of Mexicans have more to do with the Democrats wanting Hispanic votes or the Republicans wanting a source of cheap labor??

My instincts say follow the money

Because there is NO money or power with winning an election :rolleyes:
FIRST comes the reasonable suspicion or probable cause related to the stop -- unrelated to apparent national background. You know; like a car stop for running a red or failure to signal or matching the description of the perps from a robbery at the bank or the 7-11.

reasonable suspicion is always a bs excuse cops use to violate people's rights. and trust me this will be abused against a mexican american citizen and brought to the SC and overturned.

What a fucking typically stupid "liberal" thing to say.

If you cared to even TRY to be objective, you COULD have couched that a bit more intelligently.

Do cops often misrepresent the reason for a traffic stop, etc? Sure. I think that's a fair thing to say (even if it's also difficult to establish).

But to claim that "reasonable suspicion" is "ALWAYS" a "bs excuse" is so stupid, only a mindless drone libbie would say such a ridiculous thing.

None of us like getting pulled over while driving. But to say the reason for doing so is ALWAYS a bs excuse is absurd. Why, SOMETIMES, the officers actually use RADAR or laser. And SOMETIMES a guy driving a late model dark green Toyota with Arizona plates DOES actually meet the basic description of a guy who just robbed a convenience store.

And if I get pulled over (even if I was not really speeding) based on a cops good faith belief that I HAD just been speeding, then the traffic dispute has a place it can be aired out. They call it "Court." And if I happen to look vaguely "Hispanic" when the officer approaches and asks me to produce the license, registration and insurance card, I don't think the Constitution is getting violated if the cop thereby determines that my presence here in America is (likely) ILLEGAL.

And no. I don't "trust you." You are (or should be) WRONG. The SCOTUS should most definitely NOT overturn this perfectly valid AZ law. It's not all that clear that they will, either. I do agree a test case will end up there, sooner or later, though.
What bullshit. Yes. President Bush failed to act decisively. But MOST opposition to acting decisively comes not from Republicans (allegedly because they seek 'cheap labor' -- which is largely bullshit propaganda by assholes like you), but from liberoidal Democratics because your crew want to buy cheap (albeit illegal) "votes. I support the construction of a hearty large, tall and deep wall. You stupid-ass liberoidals are the one (primarily) who oppose it. Fuckin' SHOVEL READY work! Let's all get behind it. You game, gamey?

Interesting comparison

Does the reluctance to do anything about the Illegal migration of Mexicans have more to do with the Democrats wanting Hispanic votes or the Republicans wanting a source of cheap labor??

My instincts say follow the money

Republicans have not covered themselves in glory. Republican willingness (such as it is) to "accept" the status quo is likely related to the perceived benefits -- which would include the avoidance of appearing ethnically discriminatory (i.e., the Repubicons are afraid of the power of liberal propaganda) AND which would include some willingness to provide "big business" with a source of "cheap labor."

The Democratics support the status quo for the votes. They may not believe the bullshit they spew, but they sure as hell want to get extra electoral support.

By and large, though, it is the liberal Democratics who are pushing to terminate our immigration laws and open our borders. Ergo, your little hunch seems contrary to fact and reality. Follow the votes. Liberal Democrat politicians tend to.

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