16 Year Old Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for

You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen
Sounds like your ass is a little chapped that it's the kid and not tRump.

Need some ointment?

You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen
Sounds like your ass is a little chapped that it's the kid and not tRump.

Need some ointment?

View attachment 250280
Another Leftard cuck who likes children running their lives.

How can anyone compare getting kids to skip school with negotiations with one of history’s biggest tyrants who wants to nuke the world?
You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen
Sounds like your ass is a little chapped that it's the kid and not tRump.

Need some ointment?

View attachment 250280
Another Leftard cuck who likes children running their lives.

How can anyone compare getting kids to skip school with negotiations with one of history’s biggest tyrants who wants to nuke the world?
Which one actually accomplished something?
The kid ate too many Tide Pods if she believes that nonsense
^ eats zombie flesh every week

I shudder to think what you eat every Friday night working the gay district.

Keep trying
^ didn’t deny it

But go on bashing that 16 year old. Suits you.

Kind of reminds me of what you tards are doing to Nick Sandmann………

Except that is 100000000000000000000. times worse you dumb ass.....
That snowflake with the pity party? :rolleyes:

You Tards are the ones eating Butt Hurt Cake...…...…..
Trump will be trashing all 16 year olds on Twitter now.
Does it please you to have a 16 year old control your life?

If you want to know what it's like to have a 16 year old control your life, try raising a daughter. Otherwise, I didn't know Nobel Prize winners were entitled to control anyone's lives.
It’s an award for accomplishments- in this case leading you Leftard cucks by the nose.
You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen
Sounds like your ass is a little chapped that it's the kid and not tRump.

Need some ointment?

View attachment 250280
Another Leftard cuck who likes children running their lives.

How can anyone compare getting kids to skip school with negotiations with one of history’s biggest tyrants who wants to nuke the world?
Which one actually accomplished something?
Getting children to skip school is an accomplishment to you.

Typical dumbass leftist.
You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.

The kid is all right: Friday's worldwide climate protest sparked by Nobel-nominated teen
Sounds like your ass is a little chapped that it's the kid and not tRump.

Need some ointment?

View attachment 250280
Another Leftard cuck who likes children running their lives.

How can anyone compare getting kids to skip school with negotiations with one of history’s biggest tyrants who wants to nuke the world?
Which one actually accomplished something?
Getting children to skip school is an accomplishment to you.

Typical dumbass leftist.
At least she didn't give away the farm for no return.
You guessed it.
Gorebal Warming.

Parroting lies and convincing kids to skip school to save the planet is all you need to do these days.

You know who else used children to control the adult population? Khemur Rouge and Nazis.
That kid probably knows more about scientific research than you’ll ever know.
Plus, she will be around long after your body is eaten by maggots, so her generation should appreciate her efforts in dealing with futuristic issues.

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