13 Year Old Girl Beheaded In America

Those aren't Muslim names. They are crazy people for sure.

Members of a drug cartel backed by open borders left!
Oh for God’s sake Willow, no one backs the drug cartels or wants them here in this country.
Then why have you blocked all measures to stop them?
What measures targeting drug cartels have been blocked?
The wall. Dummie! The wall! sanctuary cities that you dummies support! Abolish ICE dummie! Any of this shit sound familiar? How about MS 13 has a spark of divinity! Not one mention of a beheaded 13 year old the left as always rushes in talking names, calling Americans racists and xenophopes. How about you lefties shove that shit up your collective asses and shed a tear for the 13 year old?
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Those aren't Muslim names. They are crazy people for sure.

Members of a drug cartel backed by open borders left!
Oh for God’s sake Willow, no one backs the drug cartels or wants them here in this country.
Then why have you blocked all measures to stop them?
What measures targeting drug cartels have been blocked?
The wall. Dummie! The wall! sanctuary cities that you dummies support! Abolish ICE dummie! Any of this shit sound familiar? How about MS 13 has a spark of divinity! Not one mention of a beheaded 13 year old the left as always rushes in talking names, calling Americans racists and xenophopes. How about you lefties shove that shit up your collective asses and she’d a tear for the 13 year old?
Of course liberals want this in the country. That's one of the main points of population replacement.
You should be thrown out of America,,,as you aRE AN UNDESIRABLE
Just Deplorable, ain't he! :21:
Yep! As if we give a shit what a kangaroo thinks!
They would like to deport those of us who actually make the country work, and replace us with more of the very people causing this surff
Yeah yeah yeah, go kill yourself a cat! Brush your teeth and take a bath, you are stinking up the place!
The Mexican Drug Cartel is part of the Democrat coalition because they want open borders also and they want to abolish ICE too.

In case no one has told you yet today, You're an idiot. If anyone involved wasn't a citizen, I guarantee you fox would have mentioned it.
Those aren't Muslim names. They are crazy people for sure.

Members of a drug cartel backed by open borders left!
Oh for God’s sake Willow, no one backs the drug cartels or wants them here in this country.
Then why have you blocked all measures to stop them?
What measures targeting drug cartels have been blocked?
The wall. Dummie! The wall! sanctuary cities that you dummies support! Abolish ICE dummie! Any of this shit sound familiar? How about MS 13 has a spark of divinity! Not one mention of a beheaded 13 year old the left as always rushes in talking names, calling Americans racists and xenophopes. How about you lefties shove that shit up your collective asses and she’d a tear for the 13 year old?

From the link, it looks like the murderers are American citizens. You know the link would have mentioned their nationality if they weren't
In case no one has told you yet today, You're an idiot. If anyone involved wasn't a citizen, I guarantee you fox would have mentioned it.
Meaningless. Was he an anchor baby? Was he a "Dreamer"? Legal or illegal, I'm betting he's first generation and should have been vetted.
From the link, it looks like the murderers are American citizens. You know the link would have mentioned their nationality if they weren't
He's MEXICAN first and foremost, and should not be here. Right now he showed me be six feet under.

Aguilar, who was Mendoza’s live-in boyfriend, said he thought he was being set up.

In case no one has told you yet today, You're an idiot. If anyone involved wasn't a citizen, I guarantee you fox would have mentioned it.
Meaningless. Was he an anchor baby? Was he a "Dreamer"? Legal or illegal, I'm betting he's first generation and should have been vetted.

So now you want to deport people born here? How unAmerican of you.
Members of a drug cartel backed by open borders left!
Oh for God’s sake Willow, no one backs the drug cartels or wants them here in this country.
Then why have you blocked all measures to stop them?
What measures targeting drug cartels have been blocked?
The wall. Dummie! The wall! sanctuary cities that you dummies support! Abolish ICE dummie! Any of this shit sound familiar? How about MS 13 has a spark of divinity! Not one mention of a beheaded 13 year old the left as always rushes in talking names, calling Americans racists and xenophopes. How about you lefties shove that shit up your collective asses and she’d a tear for the 13 year old?

From the link, it looks like the murderers are American citizens. You know the link would have mentioned their nationality if they weren't
It dosen’t matter what country they came from, what their fucking names are or wether or not they are illegal! The first fucking thought that should have entered your fucking head is the atrocity of any human beings decapitating a 13 year old child! Do you have to be an asshole every day of your life?

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