12 Reasons You Should Be Very Worried About Kamala Harris


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010

12 Reasons You Should Be Very Worried About Kamala Harris

This Vice President pick is probably one of the most important in history.


…For two key reasons…a high probability Joe Biden, at 77 years old, will mentally or physically not be able to serve four years and if he did serve out his four years then Kamala Harris will probably be the Presidential candidate for 2024.

Promotes Socialist Takeover of the Economy

Harris economic policies are Socialist. In the Senate, she had voted with Bernie Sanders 92% of the time.

Harris would reverse the #1 cause of the pre-pandemic economic boom: Change all President Trumps de-regulation and repurpose new job killing regulations.

Impose the $93 trillion-dollar Green New Deal that would crush jobs, wages, and innovation.

Ban fracking and offshore drilling, the technological advancement that has made the United States the #1 energy provider.

Healthcare Would be Slashed and Ruined for Millions

She wants to eliminate private health insurance

Supports Bernie Sanders’ socialist take on our medical systems, costing over $32 trillion dollars.

She wants to give free health Coverage to illegal aliens

Undermines Justice and the Rule of Law

She failed to keep California safe from crime, gangs, and homelessness.

She is a cosponsor of legislation calling for reparations for slavery, a totally unfair idea.
  • She wants to “defund the police” department.
. Most pro-abortion candidate ever.

Has promised all abortions will be paid through government funding, including partial birth abortion.

Wants to force Christians, nuns, people of faith, who oppose abortion to pay for it with insurance.

Kamala Harris opposes legal protection and care for babies who survive attempted abortion.
  • Misused her office of California Attorney General to unfairly prosecute pro-life video producers exposing the sale of body parts.
  • Wants the United States to pay for abortion worldwide.
She is the #1 Top Bigot Against Evangelical Christian and Catholics in the Senate.

Harris attacked a judge candidate for being a member of the Knights of Columbus – that his religion disqualified her from being a judge.
harris was one of the first to get booted from the primaries because she was so popular...........if he was so moderate as i keep on hearing,why would he pick a pretty far left person?......and yet biden picks her.....
This is how the left will sneak Socialism into America through Commie Kamala .

They NEVER intended Biden to lead.

And then YES...they WILL get your guns, regardless of the Internet Tuff Guy bravado.

12 Reasons You Should Be Very Worried About Kamala Harris

This Vice President pick is probably one of the most important in history.


…For two key reasons…a high probability Joe Biden, at 77 years old, will mentally or physically not be able to serve four years and if he did serve out his four years then Kamala Harris will probably be the Presidential candidate for 2024.

Promotes Socialist Takeover of the Economy

Harris economic policies are Socialist. In the Senate, she had voted with Bernie Sanders 92% of the time.

Harris would reverse the #1 cause of the pre-pandemic economic boom: Change all President Trumps de-regulation and repurpose new job killing regulations.

Impose the $93 trillion-dollar Green New Deal that would crush jobs, wages, and innovation.

Ban fracking and offshore drilling, the technological advancement that has made the United States the #1 energy provider.

Healthcare Would be Slashed and Ruined for Millions

She wants to eliminate private health insurance

Supports Bernie Sanders’ socialist take on our medical systems, costing over $32 trillion dollars.

She wants to give free health Coverage to illegal aliens

Undermines Justice and the Rule of Law

She failed to keep California safe from crime, gangs, and homelessness.

She is a cosponsor of legislation calling for reparations for slavery, a totally unfair idea.
  • She wants to “defund the police” department.
. Most pro-abortion candidate ever.

Has promised all abortions will be paid through government funding, including partial birth abortion.

Wants to force Christians, nuns, people of faith, who oppose abortion to pay for it with insurance.

Kamala Harris opposes legal protection and care for babies who survive attempted abortion.
  • Misused her office of California Attorney General to unfairly prosecute pro-life video producers exposing the sale of body parts.
  • Wants the United States to pay for abortion worldwide.
She is the #1 Top Bigot Against Evangelical Christian and Catholics in the Senate.

Harris attacked a judge candidate for being a member of the Knights of Columbus – that his religion disqualified her from being a judge.
All you need to know is that she was the pick of George Soros, bought and paid for.

12 Reasons You Should Be Very Worried About Kamala Harris

This Vice President pick is probably one of the most important in history.


…For two key reasons…a high probability Joe Biden, at 77 years old, will mentally or physically not be able to serve four years and if he did serve out his four years then Kamala Harris will probably be the Presidential candidate for 2024.

Promotes Socialist Takeover of the Economy

Harris economic policies are Socialist. In the Senate, she had voted with Bernie Sanders 92% of the time.

Harris would reverse the #1 cause of the pre-pandemic economic boom: Change all President Trumps de-regulation and repurpose new job killing regulations.

Impose the $93 trillion-dollar Green New Deal that would crush jobs, wages, and innovation.

Ban fracking and offshore drilling, the technological advancement that has made the United States the #1 energy provider.

Healthcare Would be Slashed and Ruined for Millions

She wants to eliminate private health insurance

Supports Bernie Sanders’ socialist take on our medical systems, costing over $32 trillion dollars.

She wants to give free health Coverage to illegal aliens

Undermines Justice and the Rule of Law

She failed to keep California safe from crime, gangs, and homelessness.

She is a cosponsor of legislation calling for reparations for slavery, a totally unfair idea.
  • She wants to “defund the police” department.
. Most pro-abortion candidate ever.

Has promised all abortions will be paid through government funding, including partial birth abortion.

Wants to force Christians, nuns, people of faith, who oppose abortion to pay for it with insurance.

Kamala Harris opposes legal protection and care for babies who survive attempted abortion.
  • Misused her office of California Attorney General to unfairly prosecute pro-life video producers exposing the sale of body parts.
  • Wants the United States to pay for abortion worldwide.
She is the #1 Top Bigot Against Evangelical Christian and Catholics in the Senate.

Harris attacked a judge candidate for being a member of the Knights of Columbus – that his religion disqualified her from being a judge.
Generals would love a know nothing they could control

12 Reasons You Should Be Very Worried About Kamala Harris

This Vice President pick is probably one of the most important in history.


…For two key reasons…a high probability Joe Biden, at 77 years old, will mentally or physically not be able to serve four years and if he did serve out his four years then Kamala Harris will probably be the Presidential candidate for 2024.

Promotes Socialist Takeover of the Economy

Harris economic policies are Socialist. In the Senate, she had voted with Bernie Sanders 92% of the time.

Harris would reverse the #1 cause of the pre-pandemic economic boom: Change all President Trumps de-regulation and repurpose new job killing regulations.

Impose the $93 trillion-dollar Green New Deal that would crush jobs, wages, and innovation.

Ban fracking and offshore drilling, the technological advancement that has made the United States the #1 energy provider.

Healthcare Would be Slashed and Ruined for Millions

She wants to eliminate private health insurance

Supports Bernie Sanders’ socialist take on our medical systems, costing over $32 trillion dollars.

She wants to give free health Coverage to illegal aliens

Undermines Justice and the Rule of Law

She failed to keep California safe from crime, gangs, and homelessness.

She is a cosponsor of legislation calling for reparations for slavery, a totally unfair idea.
  • She wants to “defund the police” department.
. Most pro-abortion candidate ever.

Has promised all abortions will be paid through government funding, including partial birth abortion.

Wants to force Christians, nuns, people of faith, who oppose abortion to pay for it with insurance.

Kamala Harris opposes legal protection and care for babies who survive attempted abortion.
  • Misused her office of California Attorney General to unfairly prosecute pro-life video producers exposing the sale of body parts.
  • Wants the United States to pay for abortion worldwide.
She is the #1 Top Bigot Against Evangelical Christian and Catholics in the Senate.

Harris attacked a judge candidate for being a member of the Knights of Columbus – that his religion disqualified her from being a judge.
Why is Trump allowing uncapped wells to leak methane?

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