Left Coast Isolationist
With this in mind, we present (and hopefully discredit) the 11 biggest myths of Iraq:
Americans have killed 100,000 Iraqi Civilians
Insurgents only want an end to the Occupation
Fighting Terrorism Simply Creates More Terrorists.
The War was About Oil
The War is based on a lie. Bush Lied about WMDs
The Insurgents are Freedom Fighters, in the Spirit of 1776
500,000 Iraqi Children Perished under American-supported UN Sanctions
Iraq is a Winner for U.S. Democrats
They are Insurgents, not Terrorists
Anti-War Activists are truly Motivated by the Human Cost of War
Iraq is a Disaster
With this in mind, we present (and hopefully discredit) the 11 biggest myths of Iraq:
Americans have killed 100,000 Iraqi Civilians
Insurgents only want an end to the Occupation
Fighting Terrorism Simply Creates More Terrorists.
The War was About Oil
The War is based on a lie. Bush Lied about WMDs
The Insurgents are Freedom Fighters, in the Spirit of 1776
500,000 Iraqi Children Perished under American-supported UN Sanctions
Iraq is a Winner for U.S. Democrats
They are Insurgents, not Terrorists
Anti-War Activists are truly Motivated by the Human Cost of War
Iraq is a Disaster