11 Miners Rescued In China After 2 Weeks Trapped Below Ground


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Eleven miners have been rescued in China after a harrowing two weeks trapped some 2,000 feet below ground.

The rescue marked a moment of celebration and relief in what has been an arduous and complex effort to bring the men to safety. One miner has already died and another 10 remain missing.

The first miner was rescued shortly after 11 a.m. local time on Sunday. Television footage showed rescuers clapping and cheering as the miner was brought to the surface wearing a blindfold to protect his eyes from the light. He was brought to the hospital for treatment, with his condition described as "extremely weak." Several other miners were seen walking on their own with the help of rescuers before being taken to the hospital.

Other reports sound like there are another 10 that may be still be alive and that the search continues.
Eleven miners have been rescued in China after a harrowing two weeks trapped some 2,000 feet below ground.

The rescue marked a moment of celebration and relief in what has been an arduous and complex effort to bring the men to safety. One miner has already died and another 10 remain missing.

The first miner was rescued shortly after 11 a.m. local time on Sunday. Television footage showed rescuers clapping and cheering as the miner was brought to the surface wearing a blindfold to protect his eyes from the light. He was brought to the hospital for treatment, with his condition described as "extremely weak." Several other miners were seen walking on their own with the help of rescuers before being taken to the hospital.

Other reports sound like there are another 10 that may be still be alive and that the search continues.

Mining is difficult enough. Imagine having to mine in a nation in which safety regulations are "friendly suggestions" or, "if you get the time, you might want to institute these rules".

Glad to here these lives have been saved. Let's hope some of the 10 remaining also live to see safety again.

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