100% Proof Emerges Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
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Brooklyn, NYC
Crooked Hillary and her crooked 'debates'. Just imagine the Little Sister of Merkel as POTUS.
Anything is criminal by demoncrats, anything!

100% Proof Emerges Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton - Open Debate Coalition Deleting Top Rated Questions From Americans Regarding Benghazi, Email Scandal

On Sunday, October 9th at 9 pm, the eyes of much of the nation will once again be on TV for round 2 of our very own 'Thrilla in Manilla', the presidential debates featuring Donald Trump vs 'War Criminal' Clinton.

While Trump tells reporters today he'll 'hit harder' next time around after many supporters claimed he handled 'the body countress' with kid gloves, we get absolute proof today that the next presidential debate is already being fixed in the war criminal's favor.

As this new story from The Atlantic tells us, the 2nd presidential debate will try something new and and ordinary Americans like you and I will be able to submit questions that Trump or Clinton might have to answer if they get enough 'up votes' from other 'ordinary Americans' like you and I. Only problem is, we already have 100% proof that the questions are being fixed in the favor of Clinton with questions that quickly became the highest voted being deleted by the website.

We shouldn't be surprised however. The Open Debate Coalition that is running this 'something new' was formed by globalists back in 2008 and their leadership board and many of those giving testimonials about the organization looks like a who's who of war criminals and the 'Hitlery Clinton fan club'.

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100% Proof Next Debate Already Being Fixed For Hillary Clinton

The press is clearly behind Clinton, and the debates will be a clear illustration of that. The topics that were covered and NOT covered by Holt - who I really thought wouldn't do that - make that pretty clear.

But I don't even know if that matters at this point. Things are so weird right now that this could end up helping Trump. The regular rules don't seem to apply to pretty much anything.
The difficult task for The Donald in that he kicked her ass at the first debate despite the orchestrated, days beforehand, preplanned response by the MSM. The key is to avoid appearing to bully an old, sick, Parkinson's patient. He should stay on the high road IMO but indeed explain more fully her pay to play schemes and other corrupt activities in a dumbed down fashion so the MSM can't pretend they did not understand him.
The difficult task for The Donald in that he kicked her ass at the first debate despite the orchestrated, days beforehand, preplanned response by the MSM. The key is to avoid appearing to bully an old, sick, Parkinson's patient. He should stay on the high road IMO but indeed explain more fully her pay to play schemes and other corrupt activities in a dumbed down fashion so the MSM can't pretend they did not understand him.

Anything Donald does is wrong for presstitutes.
MSM are cancer which swallows this former great country.
Makes you wonder what planet some of these folks are from.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.
Your guy didn’t study. Your guy lost.
no and yes and no.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.

He asked ridiculous questions about Obama's birth certificate when the debate was supposed to be about the future of the USA, he interrupted The Donald almost 50 times, and did not admonish Crooked Hillary in regards to babbling incoherently about an anal sex porn star from 1996. :p

Your guy didn’t study.

Study what? Hillary studied an anal sex porn star from 1996 and you crazies think she "won" because of it. :p

In all seriousness, it is scary low info folks are so easily mind fucked by Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's strap-on.
Makes you wonder what planet some of these folks are from.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.
Your guy didn’t study. Your guy lost.
Lester Holt gave Billary a free pass. She voted for the fucking Iraq War and got a free pass.
Makes you wonder what planet some of these folks are from.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.
Your guy didn’t study. Your guy lost.
Lester Holt gave Billary a free pass. She voted for the fucking Iraq War and got a free pass.

Something that she has regretted in the 13 years since.
The press is clearly behind Clinton, and the debates will be a clear illustration of that. The topics that were covered and NOT covered by Holt - who I really thought wouldn't do that - make that pretty clear.

But I don't even know if that matters at this point. Things are so weird right now that this could end up helping Trump. The regular rules don't seem to apply to pretty much anything.

Oh, noes, Mac... The Secret PC Police got to Lester Holt (A Republican) and made him ask Trump obvious questions that Trump wasn't prepared for (but should have been).

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy.
Lester Holt was no more biased than the Sun supposedly is being biased for coming up in the East.

He asked ridiculous questions about Obama’s birth certificate when the debate was supposed to be about the future of the USA, he interrupted The Donald almost 50 times, and did not admonish Crooked Hillary in regards to babbling incoherently about an anal sex porn star from 1996. :p
So he was supposed to ignore that Trump had maintained this charade for 6 years? Sorry, that doesn’t fly in the real world.

Your guy didn’t study.
Study what? Hillary studied an anal sex porn star from 1996 and you crazies think she "won" because of it. :p
In all seriousness, it is scary low info folks are so easily mind fucked by Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's strap-on.

You have a fixation with anal sex…I guess if she doesn’t have to look at you its easier for her to pretend you’re a man?
The press is clearly behind Clinton, and the debates will be a clear illustration of that. The topics that were covered and NOT covered by Holt - who I really thought wouldn't do that - make that pretty clear.

But I don't even know if that matters at this point. Things are so weird right now that this could end up helping Trump. The regular rules don't seem to apply to pretty much anything.

Oh, noes, Mac... The Secret PC Police got to Lester Holt (A Republican) and made him ask Trump obvious questions that Trump wasn't prepared for (but should have been).

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy.
Yes, Trump is his own worst enemy, and yes, Holt's performance was clearly biased.

I realize that those of you who live in a binary world won't understand that.
Yes, Trump is his own worst enemy, and yes, Holt's performance was clearly biased.

I realize that those of you who live in a binary world won't understand that.

I'm sorry, I thought reporters WERE supposed to ask serious questions.

The problem with this whole Trump Fiasco was the media was more interested in ratings than actually vetting Trump, who is the most manifestly unqualified person to run for the Presidency, ever.

Someone should have asked these things LONG before the debate.

He should have KNOWN someone was going to ask about the Birther stuff. He's been pushing that Birther shit for the last six years, only to sheepishly admit last week that, yes, yes, Obama really was born in the United States.

But Lester Holt (again- A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN) was "biased" because he actually asked about it.
So he was supposed to ignore that Trump had maintained this charade for 6 years? Sorry, that doesn’t fly in the real world.

Your "real world" is a delusional mess. The Donald forced Obama to reveal a long form (although obviously photoshopped) birth certificate after he insisted he could not. End of story. Unless you are a racist nitwit who thinks American blacks can be won over be pretending to claim anyone on Earth can run for President of the USA.

You have a fixation with anal sex…I guess if she doesn’t have to look at you its easier for her to pretend you’re a man?

Actually Candycorn since you asked, I am 8 1/2" and almost 7" in circumference (with Cialis) which is why I can't really wear even a Magnum XL comfortably. So none of my girlfriends ever requested anal. Go figure. :p So is this the level of discussion you nitwit democrats want to bring to try to stop The Trump Train. The choice is simple, climb on the train, or get schlonged.
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Yes, Trump is his own worst enemy, and yes, Holt's performance was clearly biased.

I realize that those of you who live in a binary world won't understand that.

I'm sorry, I thought reporters WERE supposed to ask serious questions.

The problem with this whole Trump Fiasco was the media was more interested in ratings than actually vetting Trump, who is the most manifestly unqualified person to run for the Presidency, ever.

Someone should have asked these things LONG before the debate.

He should have KNOWN someone was going to ask about the Birther stuff. He's been pushing that Birther shit for the last six years, only to sheepishly admit last week that, yes, yes, Obama really was born in the United States.

But Lester Holt (again- A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN) was "biased" because he actually asked about it.
Funny how he asked about Trump's controversial issues, but not so much about Hillary's.

Maybe you didn't notice that.
Yes, Trump is his own worst enemy, and yes, Holt's performance was clearly biased.

I realize that those of you who live in a binary world won't understand that.

I'm sorry, I thought reporters WERE supposed to ask serious questions.

The problem with this whole Trump Fiasco was the media was more interested in ratings than actually vetting Trump, who is the most manifestly unqualified person to run for the Presidency, ever.

Someone should have asked these things LONG before the debate.

He should have KNOWN someone was going to ask about the Birther stuff. He's been pushing that Birther shit for the last six years, only to sheepishly admit last week that, yes, yes, Obama really was born in the United States.

But Lester Holt (again- A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN) was "biased" because he actually asked about it.
Funny how he asked about Trump's controversial issues, but not so much about Hillary's.

Maybe you didn't notice that.

He brought up Trump U?
His bribe to the Florida AG?
The forming Trump Foundation scandal?
The litany of whoppers he’s told since announcing his run?

Yes, Trump is his own worst enemy, and yes, Holt's performance was clearly biased.

I realize that those of you who live in a binary world won't understand that.

I'm sorry, I thought reporters WERE supposed to ask serious questions.

The problem with this whole Trump Fiasco was the media was more interested in ratings than actually vetting Trump, who is the most manifestly unqualified person to run for the Presidency, ever.

Someone should have asked these things LONG before the debate.

He should have KNOWN someone was going to ask about the Birther stuff. He's been pushing that Birther shit for the last six years, only to sheepishly admit last week that, yes, yes, Obama really was born in the United States.

But Lester Holt (again- A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN) was "biased" because he actually asked about it.
Funny how he asked about Trump's controversial issues, but not so much about Hillary's.

Maybe you didn't notice that.

He brought up Trump U?
His bribe to the Florida AG?
The forming Trump Foundation scandal?
The litany of whoppers he’s told since announcing his run?

So you're pretending I meant ALL of Trump's controversial issues, as you deflect from my point about Hillary's.

This is why I don't burn a lot of time trying to communicate with hardcore partisan ideologues. What's the point?
Funny how he asked about Trump's controversial issues, but not so much about Hillary's.

Maybe you didn't notice that.

YOu mean the fake scandals that we've spend millions of dollars investigating and have come up with nothing? Those controversial issues?

Here's the real reason why Holt asking Trump about Birtherism was so devastating.

Birtherism is pure, unadulterated racism. Period, full stop. If a black man achieves something, he must have somehow cheated. You really don't get more racist than that.

So having an accomplished black man straight up ask him why he made such a blatant appeal to racism and continued to do so for years after being proven wrong, exposes his scandal to the gory light of day.

Not that Trump could have apologized... he'd be a couple of years too late for that. But he instead repeated Comment section conspiracy theories that Hillary was the one who started Birtherism (she didn't), so that made it okay if he did it.

Now, since i know you can't answer this point, you will no doubt go back and whine about what a meany-head I am for not appreciating how holier than fucking thou you are.
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