10 Reasons the Knights Templar Were History's Fiercest Fighters


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
i´d like to make a film about them one day ...

3. They refused to ever surrender
During the Crusades, some Christian forces were ragtag armies with minimal training. Not the Knights Templar. They were highly trained, and became known as fierce fighters. They acted as the advance force in a number of battles of the Crusades, including the Battle of Montgisard, when they helped greatly outnumbered Christian forces defeat an army led by the great Muslim commander Saladin. A part of that fierceness probably came from religious devotion, which allowed them to see breaking their vows as a fate worse than death. The Rule of the Knights Templar called for them to never retreat, surrender, or charge without being ordered to do so—excellent features for any army that needs to remain disciplined.


4. They were strategic thinkers as well as zealous fighters
While they were known for their piety and their readiness to fight for the spread of Christianity, the Knights Templar sometimes counseled their fellow Crusaders against rash action. European Christians reaching Jerusalem for the first time often wanted to do battle with Muslims as quickly as possible. The Templars, who had been in the area for years and had some friendly relationships with local Arabs, sometimes had to explain that picking a particular fight wasn’t a great idea. “It would not be unlikely that the Templars at times seemed insufferably know-it-all to those who had just arrived from the West,” according to Ann Gilmour-Bryson, a historian at the University of Melbourne. Of course, that didn’t make the Knights Templar any sort of pacifists. They just wanted to build up bigger armies so that they could effectively crush the Muslim forces.


Very cool. However, my vote is for the Swiss Landsknecht Doppelsöldner. But then again I am descended from them, so a bias exists. See: the fencing guild of the Brotherhood of St. Mark.
Very cool. However, my vote is for the Swiss Landsknecht Doppelsöldner. But then again I am descended from them, so a bias exists. See: the fencing guild of the Brotherhood of St. Mark.
My suspicion is that we are all related to each other, but that shouldnt make anyone biased.

I have relatives from various units in prior generations as well, but my pride in their loyalty and courage would be true no matter who they were.
i´d like to make a film about them one day ...
The Knights Templar served the church selflessly for centuries and when they needed the church to defend them the church was no longer there.

I suspect this liberated their minds so that they could take a less partial view of the reality they live in, and we have been blessed by their spiritual heirs since.
The fiercest knights in history were those who say "Ni!"


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