10 Democrat Senators, All Female + DNC chair call on Frankenstein to resign, & the list is growing

Ugly Al will be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness......

A sacrifice I can live with. End his career before the enivitable run for potus that further degrades our political process.

I can't stand Ugly Al, but this shit is going too far.

he can't stand you either.

Six Democratic senators call on Al Franken to resign after latest sexual misconduct allegation

Dem senators calling on Franken to resign today:


Omg they have a conscience.
Are the confederate boy and the C grabber being asked?
Do tell.
why would they? they didn't admit to anything.are you a naive one? just wondering if you know the difference of admitting a wrong doing and denying it.

I get it, next time I abuse a teen I'll just deny and everything is fine.
Not admitting means they didn't do it?
40 women are all lying and we believe the bragging c grabber and they guy who admitted them being in his car.
You think that's normal?
Yup I'm naive, believe the preponderance.
Stupid asking for proof, what do you want?
Of course we haven't seen the C grabbers golden shower tape yet
What will it take for you to admit these low life's are low life's?

You said
I get it, next time I abuse a teen I'll just deny and everything is fine.
Not admitting means they didn't do it?
SO...you admit to abusing teens. Nice to know.
We're up to 20 senators as of 2:30 PM --- commenters are saying today was a "tipping point." I think they are walking on dangerous, swampy ground: if the Dems think they can rant away with accusations against Roy Moore, who is now expected to win the Alabama special election if they just get rid of Sen. Franken and all the dubious House Dems, what will happen when they discover some more bad boys in the middle of an important vote? Unwise, IMO.
The only reason why these phony democratic female Senators are finally calling for Al Franken to resign is because they know Roy Moore will win. Nothing more than political posturing.
I've always believed it is ultimately a hail marry for Trump as well.

When all the cards are revealed on the table, and the opposition still has nothing that sticks to take Trump down, all they will be left with is innuendo.

If they can whip up enough media, public and cultural outrage with words like "accused," "alleged," "supposed," "claimed," etc. they will hope to pressure their ultimate rival to step down as they have a cultural/social excuse not to acknowledge his legitimacy.

If they can't find a reason to impeach, they will change the social norms of the nation so the nation will have a reason.
Since the election of Donald Trump:
Bob Corker won’t seek reelection.
Jeff Flake won’t seek reelection.
John Conyers “retires”.
Al Frankenstein resigns.
Luis Gutierrez won’t seek reelection.
Bob Goodlatte won’t seek reelection.
Tim Murphy won’t seek reelection.

Draining The Swamp.
Hundreds more to go...

He was practicing for a skit...
He just 'crossed a line'...
He just 'went too far'...
He apologized...
He will learn from his mistake...

These 10 Female Democrats are 'waging' A 'War On MEN'!

Franken Pervert Points:

Proven Felonies (1)----See picture on U. S. Military Aircraft, which means Federal Law applies. Federal law says it is a felony to sexually touch a person, even through clothes, when that person is unable to give consent, i. e. asleep, unconscious, drugged etc. (Proof, not 38 year old evidence free allegations by a vagrant woman just weeks before an election, dredged up by Bezos' Wapo Gestapo)

Alleged Forced Kisses (2)

Butt-Grabs (3)
----Alleged by his Supporters who wanted their picture taken with him--including one Butt-Grab while running for the Senate; and one while in the Senate.

Breast-Grabs (2)

Creepy Factor
---Look at the picture, not at the Sleeping Beauty, not at his hands, but at that sick sophomoric face---and realize the sicko is 55 years old.


In my opinion, Franken is ahead of Roy Moore on Proven Felonies 1 to 0; ahead on Butt-Grabs 3 to 1; ahead on Breast-Grabs 2 to 0, and on the Creepy Factor, actually manages to blow away Moose who WAS plenty Creepy 38 years ago, as it is clear he dated women a decade younger than him--he married one. See Picture---which is worth a thousand words.

The Alabama voters will have been made well aware of 38 year old unproven allegations when they vote. Minnesotans need a chance to vote again after learning how truly Sick and Fucked Up this Creep Franken truly is.

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Except, uh, in that photo? He's not actually touching her, is he?

That's a joke. I ill mannered one, and yes, disrespectful, but no touching.

He should step down. Just like Conyers did.

Of course Moore will win and Trump is still president.

One party has morals and standards and the other is ok with pedophiles and serial molesters.
Franken brought this upon himself, he's become a poster child for what's wrong with the Democratic party, liberal media, and Hollywood. Strategically Dem's are in disarray. They should be united in attacking Trump instead they are in total defensive mode dealing with dozens of sexual harassment bombshells.
Franken brought this upon himself, he's become a poster child for what's wrong with the Democratic party, liberal media, and Hollywood. Strategically Dem's are in disarray. They should be united in attacking Trump instead they are in total defensive mode dealing with dozens of sexual harassment bombshells.

It's almost as if you don't even live on this planet.
Franken brought this upon himself, he's become a poster child for what's wrong with the Democratic party, liberal media, and Hollywood. Strategically Dem's are in disarray. They should be united in attacking Trump instead they are in total defensive mode dealing with dozens of sexual harassment bombshells.

It's almost as if you don't even live on this planet.

Franken brought this upon himself, he's become a poster child for what's wrong with the Democratic party, liberal media, and Hollywood. Strategically Dem's are in disarray. They should be united in attacking Trump instead they are in total defensive mode dealing with dozens of sexual harassment bombshells.
Not much point in attacking Trump when his former staffers are telling the Grand Jury all they know about his criminal actions. You just let that ball of shit roll down hill while picking up speed.
Not much point in attacking Trump when his former staffers are telling the Grand Jury all they know about his criminal actions.
Like Flynn, huh? Just curious...do you work for ABC?

Franken brought this upon himself, he's become a poster child for what's wrong with the Democratic party, liberal media, and Hollywood. Strategically Dem's are in disarray. They should be united in attacking Trump instead they are in total defensive mode dealing with dozens of sexual harassment bombshells.

It's almost as if you don't even live on this planet.


You seem to have left out the sexual harassment issues that face republicans. Odd.

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