1.5 Years Into Biden's Term Democrats Can't Stop Talking About / Focusing On Trump

there is some fear & hate opposing Trump, but most of the opposition to Trump isnt that, its from the lack of accountability of his crimes, and his degradation of democracy and the constitution.

Most of the hate & fear comes from Trump's rallies.
What CRIMES are you hallucinating about????????
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are so PATHETIC!
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

He's being properly investigated for his crimes against our nation, that's all I care about. This is far too serious to be swept under the rug again.
He's being properly investigated for his crimes against our nation, that's all I care about. This is far too serious to be swept under the rug again.
Yet Biden is bought and paid for by Russia, Ukraine, and China. Even a blind man can see that.
Democrats hate Trump because he was successful at making America great again. He lowered taxes, sealed the border, brought American jobs home, strengthened the military, produced low unemployment, made the US energy independent, increased family income, reduced regulations and and didn't get us into a war. He managed the pandemic in a competent manner at the Federal level without destroying the country like the Democrats wanted.

The Democrats are pissed at Trump because their agenda is to make the US a woke Socialist shithole. That agenda is what the Democrat filth desires more than life itself. They hate Trump for not furthering that agenda.

Democrats are sick in the mind and full of typical Left Wing hate and greed. The scum of America.
Yet Biden is bought and paid for by Russia, Ukraine, and China. Even a blind man can see that.
If the Russians are buying and paying for Biden they are not getting their money's worth. He is orchestrating the NATO response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
If the Russians are buying and paying for Biden they are not getting their money's worth. He os orchestrating the NATO response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Trump had Putin almost bankrupt, under Biden he is able to finance his war and his currency is setting records. While ours is losing credibility, democrats are traitors and this proves it.
Co-Conspirator In Russian Collusion Scandal

Proven Criminal Acts / Involved In Hunter Scandals

Legitimacy In Question

Undeniable Impeachable Offenses - Violations of Oath of Office, Constitution, US Law Regarding failed Illegal Open Border

Destroyed US Energy Production

Begging Enemies Gor Resources We Have In Great Abundance
- Forced Nation-Destroying 'Transition' From Fossil Fuels To Alternative Energy Source That Does Not Exist

Doubled Gas Prices, Affecting Economy, Supply Chain, Food Production, etc...

Depleting National Emergency Reserves Of Gas & Diesel
- Sold China Oil from US Emergency War-Time Reserves

Failed COVID Policies / Mis-Management
- Shut Down Businesses, Caused Massive Unemployment, Destroyed businesses, etc...

Defended radical, assassination-inciting, insurrection-calling-for, USSC Justice-threatening Democrat politicians, and a law enforcement-refusing criminal US AG....

Protecting a crackhead, deadbeat dad, influence-peddling, incestuous, treasonous criminal son ... and himself from being connected and complicit in Hunter's crimes...

Literally the worst President in US history with the lowest approval ratings of any President ... after less than 2 years in office....

A dementia-ravaged insane, mentally incompetent POS who litetally has to have cue cards and teleprompters to tell him to walk, stand, speak, when to pause, who to call on to ask pre-approved questions, etc..

A walking, talking example of why the 25th Amendment is in the Constitution...

A world-wide laughing stock among world leaders, to include our enemies..

No wonder Democrats and co-conspiring proven fake news media are desperate to focus on Trump and avoid covering any and all things regarding the
current US President

After 1.5 years in office, it looks like only yoh cant stop talking about Trump.

Apparently you cant stop trolling on a daily basis.

You are in more need of a life than anyone I have ever encountered on the internet.

You are beyond any doubt cultist minion of the year.
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After 1.5 years in office, it looks like only yoh cant stop talking about Trump.
So how long have you been diagnosed with mental illness?

Every other thread on this board is by a snowflake ranting about Trump.

All the Democrats have done and are still doing is trying to 'get Trump'.

It seems you were trying to be 'clever' with your response but all it did / does is make you look like a reality-denying retard.
Democrats hate Trump because he was successful at making America great again. He lowered taxes, sealed the border, brought American jobs home, strengthened the military, produced low unemployment, made the US energy independent, increased family income, reduced regulations and and didn't get us into a war. He managed the pandemic in a competent manner at the Federal level without destroying the country like the Democrats wanted.

The Democrats are pissed at Trump because their agenda is to make the US a woke Socialist shithole. That agenda is what the Democrat filth desires more than life itself. They hate Trump for not furthering that agenda.

Democrats are sick in the mind and full of typical Left Wing hate and greed. The scum of America.
During Obama's last year in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 105%. After four years of Trump this had grown to 129%.

U.S. National Debt by Year

Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?

This is what happened to the unemployment rate under Trump:



How The World’s Opinion Of America Has Changed From Trump To Biden​

Jemima McEvoy
Forbes Staff, June 10, 2021


Other countries have a much more positive perception of the United States now that Joe Biden is in office, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Thursday which shows international opinion has rebounded significantly from the historic lows it hit under Donald Trump.


In 12 countries surveyed both this year and last, Pew found 75% of respondents expressed confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump in 2020.

Some 62% of respondents said they now have a favorable view of the U.S., a number that was at 34% by the end of Trump’s tenure.

The favorable ratings stem from a more positive perception of Biden’s leadership abilities and his policies, the polling shows.

During Obama's last year in office the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 105%. After four years of Trump this had grown to 129%.

U.S. National Debt by Year

Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?

This is what happened to the unemployment rate under Trump:

View attachment 674763


How The World’s Opinion Of America Has Changed From Trump To Biden​

Jemima McEvoy
Forbes Staff, June 10, 2021


Other countries have a much more positive perception of the United States now that Joe Biden is in office, according to a Pew Research Center poll released Thursday which shows international opinion has rebounded significantly from the historic lows it hit under Donald Trump.


In 12 countries surveyed both this year and last, Pew found 75% of respondents expressed confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump in 2020.

Some 62% of respondents said they now have a favorable view of the U.S., a number that was at 34% by the end of Trump’s tenure.

The favorable ratings stem from a more positive perception of Biden’s leadership abilities and his policies, the polling shows.

So you stupid Moon Bats have no problem with Democrat debt but you hate Republican debt?

Slick Willy could have stopped all debt by signing and endorsing the Balanced Budget item in the Contract for America but he didn't. He went along with all the other items in the Contract for America but didn't endorse the most important one.

If you really have convictions then join me in condemning ALL debt from any party. Don't be a partisan asshole that bitches about Republican debt while justifying the usually worthless Democrat debt. Democrat debt is usually nothing more than payoffs to the despicable Democrat special interest groups. We saw that big time with The Worthless Negro and with Potatohead,

This silly ass shit of "Johnny also did it" on works on kindergarten playgrounds. Grow up!
So you stupid Moon Bats have no problem with Democrat debt but you hate Republican debt?

Slick Willy could have stopped all debt by signing and endorsing the Balanced Budget item in the Contract for America but he didn't. He went along with all the other items in the Contract for America but didn't endorse the most important one.

If you really have convictions then join me in condemning ALL debt from any party. Don't be a partisan asshole that bitches about Republican debt while justifying the usually worthless Democrat debt. Democrat debt is usually nothing more than payoffs to the despicable Democrat special interest groups. We saw that big time with The Worthless Negro and with Potatohead,

This silly ass shit of "Johnny also did it" on works on kindergarten playgrounds. Grow up!
The national debt only became a problem with the Republican belief that it is always a good idea to cut taxes, and never a good idea to raise them.
The national debt only became a problem with the Republican belief that it is always a good idea to cut taxes, and never a good idea to raise them.

Yep. These economic illiterates havent figured out yet when you cut taxes, the government has to borrow money it didnt have to borrow in the first place, and pay back with interest.

And heres the kicker. The tax cuts didnt go to, ot help them n the slightest.

Ive always wondered what makes someone stupid enough to vote to make themselves and their family poorer, while making someone else that wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire richer.
The national debt only became a problem with the Republican belief that it is always a good idea to cut taxes, and never a good idea to raise them.

The national debt has always been a problem. That piece of shit The Worthless Negro added $10 trillion and all we got for it was increased poverty, decreased family income, millions of illegals and dismal economic growth. We are getting nothing for Joe Potatohead's debt. Slick Willy could have put an end to Federal debt but he didn't do it.

If you are concerned about debt then who did you vote for in 2008 and 2012? I voted for Ron Paul and not the RINOs or Democrats. Paul ran on a platform to reduce government spending by a trillion dollars a year, which would have meant no debt was needed.

You don't really give a shit about debt, do you? You just bitch about Republican debt while ignoring Democrat debt and that is being dishonest. You are a Moon Bat that supports bloated out of control big government, aren't you? Admit it. Did you vote for Joe Potatohead?

If you are really concerned about debt then join me in advocating doing away with all welfare, entitlements, grants, subsides, bailouts and reducing taxes and not spending any more money at the Federal level than is collected in revenue. Do you have the convictions to do that?

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