
  1. BackAgain

    Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

    https://apple.news/AweSa5pIsTP2MPyLxHy2PQw It was a tranny. It identified as a woman but was born a male. (It also died a male, but that’s another story.) Another one for the tranny hall of shame.
  2. J

    Texas House Oks bill to deport illegal entrant foreign migrants which is perfectly constitutional.

    See: https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/new-bill-would-allow-texas-to-deport-migrants/ It’s about frickin time! The unfortunate truth is, the American people have been led to believe that our federal government has been delegated an exclusive power to regulate immigration. What may come...
  3. J

    Biden’s lawsuit against Texas’ floating barrier fails to state an actionable harm.

    . Biden’s COMPLAINT to have Gov. Abbott remove a floating barrier erected to help protect the State of Texas from an ongoing invasion of illegal entrant foreign nationals, drugs, and human trafficking, fails to identify the “commerce” being affected by said barrier. The Rivers and Harbors Act...
  4. J

    Biden Administration to sue Texas for protecting its border from an ongoing invasion.

    . SEE: DOJ to sue Texas over floating border barrier; Abbott says 'see you in court This is absolutely mind boggling. The Biden Administration wants Texas to leave its front door unlocked to allow its home to be invaded by millions of foreign nationals.
  5. T

    Suspect In Texas Massacre Captured After Manhunt

    https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-shooting-suspect-captured-after-manhunt-rcna82214 Officials had been searching for Francisco Oropesa, 38, since Friday night when he allegedly shot his neighbors in Cleveland, Texas, after one asked him to stop firing rounds in his yard. Looks like...
  6. TheProgressivePatriot

    Judge: Employers Don't Have To Cover HIV Meds If They Oppose 'Homosexual Behavior'

    https://www.huffpost.com/entry/judge-employers-hiv-drugs-religious-rights_n_6318c376e4b0ed021dedcc8c This is outragious! Not everyone who contracts HIV is a homosexual. It can be the result of heterosexual sex as well, or a blood transfusion, or maybe from being attacked by someone with HIV. So...
  7. J

    Mexico to spend 1.5 billion to help fill the U.S. with the world's poverty stricken

    . See: Mexico agrees to provide $1.5 billion to help U.S. manage migrants on southern border . "Now, Mexico has agreed to pay for a host of projects through a joint multi-year effort along the two country’s borders, including “modernizing” ports of entry and enhancing screening processes of...
  8. Street Juice

    Our prisons are a mess

    Pure hell, but nothing like what the Bolsheviks put Russian Christians through And nothing compared to the horror the neo-Bolsheviks are trying to accomplish here in the US There needs to be a fund to get Derek Chauvin out of prison. Like so many others, a victim of racial hatred and the...
  9. toobfreak

    Governor West of Texas?

    Allen West was never, IMO, a charismatic politician or speaker, just a really good American Patriot with one hell of a head on his shoulders. Years ago, he got cheated out of his senate race by Barry Obumma. Now he's back and looking to take the seat from governor Greg Abbott. This could be...
  10. toobfreak

    Texas Shatters Voter Registration Record As Election Nears

    Texas has now added 1.5 MILLION more registered voters since last election as we near the Trump/Biden election 2020! Gee, could that be Hillary's "popular" edge disappearing down a rabbit hole in a single state? Are we to believe that 1.5 million people are all coming out of the woodwork...
  11. Chuz Life

    Magical times where Pro-Life and Anti-abortion efforts intersect

    This is one of them! Texas Allowed to Halt Abortions to Conserve Masks, Gloves (Bloomberg) -- Texas struck a blow against abortion rights when a federal appeals court ruled the state can ban most procedures as long as the governor’s emergency health decree to save medical supplies for...
  12. EvilEyeFleegle

    Construction of Texas Border Wall Stalls Over Fights With Landowners

    Seems a lot of Texas landowners don't want a wall..to date..not one foot of wall has been built in Texas: Construction of Texas Border Wall Stalls Over Fights With Landowners "Nearly three years into the Trump administration, almost no border wall has been built in Texas. Local property owners...
  13. EvilEyeFleegle

    Texas is hit with ransomware attack as at least 20 local governments come under 'coordinated' cyber

    Interesting..and this on top of the massive outage experienced by the Customs and Border Protection: Texas is hit with ransomware attack as at least 20 local governments come under 'coordinated' cyber assault "Texas has been hit with a wave of ransomware attacks targeting at least 20 local...
  14. 6915THESS

    Video: U.S. aircraft cloaked in secrecy in small Texas town raises concerns

    The small town of Onalaska, Texas, with a population of 1,764 at the 2010 census, has a secret where news station WFAA has found more than 1,000 registered aircraft claiming an Onalaska address. The problem? Those 1,000 aircraft show that they are registered to two Onalaska P.O. box addresses...
  15. RodISHI

    I didn't know this about Ted Cruz

    Our politicians all need to defend our nation rights as a sovereign nation this well. If I were in Texas he would have my vote. Interesting read on Beyer who was appointed by Clinton and is married to a British aristocrat wrote the dissenting opinion (and ugh, he still has a seat in the...
  16. Chuz Life

    Money well spent!

    The Texas Legislature's budget for the next two years includes $20 million more in funding for a controversial state program that seeks to discourage women from getting abortions in the state. Bravo for Texas! State gives Alternatives to Abortion program $20 million more in funding
  17. P@triot

    See the difference?

    In shit-hole progressive cities like Ferguson, MO and Berkeley, CA - left-wing thugs loot with impunity. In conservative states like Texas, that shit doesn't fly. Left-wing thugs are put in their place and looting doesn't occur. Thank God for our 2nd Amendment rights and real Americans. Texans...
  18. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Girlfriend of illegal immigrant claims illegal can't be arrested since they're not near the border

    She complained about the cop pulling them over for not having a front license plate on their car since they had one on their dashboard. Based on a quick search, it appears that Texas law requires that a front license plate be fixed to the front exterior of the vehicle as well as the back...
  19. MindWars

    Exclusive: Agents accuse Feds of covering up record border detainee numbers for 2016 election

    EXCLUSIVE: Agents Accuse Feds of Covering Up Record Border Detainee Numbers for 2016 Election A record number of illegal aliens have crossed the U.S.- Mexico border and are in U.S. Border Patrol custody in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV), according to the National Border Patrol Council...
  20. MindWars

    REPORT: Votes switched from Trump to HIllary in Texas

    Residents of at least two cities in Texas are complaining that they voted for Donald Trump only to see the voting machine switch their ballot to Hillary Clinton. Report: Votes Switched From Trump to Hillary in Texas So it begins, and if you don't like where the information comes from go look it...
  21. B

    Oil leaders: OPEC threatening U.S. economy and New Mexico’s lifeblood; Nation has lost 400,000 oil

    The complete article is here-> http://rdrnews.com/wordpress/blog/2016/10/08/oil-leaders-opec-threatening-u-s-economy-and-new-mexicos-lifeblood-nation-has-lost-400000-oil-and-gas-jobs-in-past-two-years/ CARLSBAD — Oil experts say America is under attack by Saudi Arabia and OPEC, but instead of...
  22. MindWars

    State investigating allegations of voter fraud in Tarrant

    State investigating allegations of voter fraud in Tarrant State investigating allegations of voter fraud in Tarrant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The majority of the public will not understand that by all these voting issues coming out be...
  23. B

    Oil-import quota clash By Kevin Robinson-Avila /Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer

    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Independent oil producers in New Mexico and West Texas are waging a David and Goliath battle to impose import quotas on oil from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. A new Panhandle Import Reduction Initiative, launched last April by prominent producers in the...
  24. B

    Oil producers want U.S. to restrict imports By Kevin Robinson-Avila / Albuquerque Journal Staff Writ

    “Why are we buying imports from the Middle-East when OPEC has launched an offensive to basically shut down our industry?” Dr. Daniel Fine said." The full article is here -> Oil producers want U.S. to restrict imports ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — New Mexico and West Texas oil producers are gearing up for...
  25. B

    Our View: Limiting oil imports would help to protect American producers Posted: April 28, 2016 - 6:2

    The full article is here-> Our View: Limiting oil imports would help to protect American producers By the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal "When the price of oil drops, so does the cost of gasoline. But while people are enjoying paying lower prices at gasoline pumps, plunges in oil prices can cause...
  26. American_Jihad

    Illegal Immigrant Criminals

    This where I'll post all this horrific crap... Suspected Illegal Immigrant Jailed for Horrific Hit-and-Run Previously deported perpetrator grinds woman into the pavement. April 8, 2016 David Paulin From her hospital bed in Austin, Texas, a young woman named Elizabeth English is putting...
  27. J

    Texas AG folds -- drops lawsuit to block Obama's resettling of Syrian refugees

    . See, Texas backs down from effort to block Syrian refugees December 05, 2015 ”Texas backed down Friday from efforts to block six Syrian refugees from resettling in Dallas after the Obama administration reiterated in federal court that the state had no authority to do so. The swift...
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