I really have to wonder what is wrong with these people! My guess is that they are very miserable and loveless in their personal lives to the point where they hate the idea that others have found happiness. Another possibility is that they are living in an alternative reality, a sort of...
I had a nice discussion on the article “Who dares to invite the elephant into the room?” with a smart ambassador from the country of smart people, I liked this question and I will answer it in this article:
What is the difference between the ordinary Muslim and the Islamist?
Both the ordinary...
NATION STATE: At The Apostolic Palace, The King Of Vatican City Calls For A One World Government More Powerful Than The United Nations • Now The End Begins
<- the link is just a sample. Should I remove it?
People say that one world government is bad.
I agree.
Imagine if Germany is one...
You have probably heard of Jordan B. Peterson, the YouTube star. He is presently engaged in a project of translating the bible to discursive thought. I have studied his ideas and find them exceedingly reductionistic. Read my review on below link.
Critique of Jordan B. Peterson's Neo-Hegelian...