
  1. Litwin

    You Have 19 Minutes to React If the "russians" Hack Your Network

    You Have 19 Minutes to React If the Russians Hack Your Network After Moscow's hackers breach one PC, that network's defenders have less than a half-hour to prevent wider data theft or destruction. "Nineteen minutes. That’s how long the average victim of a Russian state-sponsored hacking group...
  2. Litwin

    Strache, the head of Austria's right-wing populist FPO party, met with a purported "Russian" multi

    this is how putler´s kleptocracy works, its in Your country for sure , so are you ready to stop it once and forever? " Caught in the Trap Heinz-Christian Strache, the head of Austria's right-wing populist FPÖ party, met with a purported Russian multimillionaire on Ibiza in July 2017. She...
  3. Litwin

    French unit will be deployed in Estonia, 140 kilometres away from RF. How long RF can fight coldwar

    soon Finland and Sweden will follow, great move from the European power . how long RF can fight coldwar 2 ? "The French unit will be deployed in Estonia, just 140 kilometres away from "Russia". The deployment is Paris’ contribution to the increased NATO presence in the Baltic States and...
  4. Litwin

    Pictures: Putlerstan (Muscovite empire) vs Nazi Germany find 10 differences

    Pictures: Putlerstan (Muscovite empire) vs Nazi Germany find 10 differences
  5. Litwin

    European nation needs our solidarity - Putins Term Limit Stirs Fears of a Takeover in Belarus - Asia

    European nation needs our solidarity - Asiatic barbarians strike - Putins Term Limit Stirs Fears of a Takeover in Belarus. what is Putler´s plan or plans ? does he has any realistic goals ? Its clear for everyone that Belarus will never become a region of Muscovite empire "Putin’s Term...
  6. Litwin

    Madness of Stalinism in putlerstan Hellboy film in so - called "russia" replaces Sralin with Hitler

    Madness of Stalinism in putlerstan Hellboy film in "Russia" replaces Sralin with Hitler The latest remake of Hellboy hit Russian cinemas on 11 April. Directed by Neil Marshall, the film features a demon who switches satanic allegiance to protect humanity from evil. However, audiences in...
  7. Litwin

    Hellboy film in "Russia" replaces Stalin with Hitler - BBC News

    Putlerstan falls deeper and deeper in sralinism , whats next reopening for GULAG? Hellboy film in Russia replaces Stalin with Hitler - BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-47964774 3 days ago - The latest remake of Hellboy hit Russian cinemas on 11 April. Directed by...
  8. Litwin

    Belarus will demand from "Russia" compensation for the bad oil

    as many experts have predicted, stolen from Siberians oil is getting worst and worst ... when Muscovite empire will become the second Venezuela? "Belarus will discuss with the Russian state company “Transneft” mechanisms of compensation for supply of substandard oil, said the Chairman of...
  9. Litwin

    Richest 3% "Russians" Hold 90% of Country’s Financial Assets | The Moscow Times

    "4/12/19 The wealthiest 3 percent of Russians owned 89 percent of all financial assets in 2018, according to joint research by the Higher School of Economics and the state-run VEB Bank. This is the first time a comprehensive study of wealth inequality has been attempted in Russia, the Kommersant...
  10. Litwin

    USA Soldiers from 101st Airborne set to deploy to Ukraine

    Elements of the 278th ACR have been in Ukraine since just before Thanksgiving of 2018. They will be rotating out and elements of the 101st AD will rotate in. They will help train Ukrainian NCO's in various facets of combat. In return, the UA NCO's share what they have learned of "Russian"...
  11. Litwin

    Ukraine and Poland's History Wars Are a Gift For Putin

    Great article, can Ukraine and Poland get over this ? when ? Ukraine and Poland's History Wars Are a Gift For Putin – Foreign Policy https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/.../ukraine-and-polands-history-wars-are-a-gift-for-put... Jan 24, 2017 - On Dec. 2, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko...
  12. Litwin

    Despite Putin's swagger, Russia struggles to modernize its navy

    Helicopter production has also fallen behind due to those engines also being manufactured in Ukraine. The Su-57 stealth fighter jet is too costly for full production, .... MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin calls improving the Russian navy’s combat capabilities a priority. The...
  13. Litwin

    Lukašenka allowed to close for repairs pipelines with "Russian" oil

    Great news, oil its blood of evil juchi empire, i am sure USA will provide 100% support to this action @"If you want to put on the repair of pipelines and oil products pipelines that go through Belarus, place and repair. After all the good that we do for the Russian Federation, it returns us...
  14. Litwin

    Sudan´s dictator is out, who is next on the line Putler, Maduro, Assad or Trump?

    my congratulations !! Sudan´s dictator is out, who is next on the line Putler, Maduro, Assad or Trump? my top 4 1) Maduro 2) Grandpa Botox (pynia, Putler) 3) Assad 4) Trump what do you think ? Africa Live: Sudan waits as coup rumours grow
  15. Litwin

    : Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigns. Putler is the next on the line

    congratulation to Algerian people !! where is Bouteflika ? my guess he is Rostov city already. the massive uprising in Sakha and Ingushetiya are gonna kill Juchi empire, do you agree? Algeria's President Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigns - BBC News
  16. Litwin

    The Dutch government is Putler´s Bitc& , Role crime cartel Ozero money in Europe & USA

    The Dutch government is Putler´s Bitc& , Role crime cartel Ozero money in Europe & USA new i understand why The Dutch government is sOOOOO SOFT ON OZERO ... whats about your country? is it also has been penetrated by Ozero crime cartel ? " The CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the...
  17. Litwin

    Muscovite Illegal Stalinist settlers, Salem gang and Putlers Gestapo took hostage 23Crimean natives

    Muscovite Illegal Stalinist settlers, Salem gang and Putlers Gestapo took 23 Crimean natives hostages . we know very little whats going on in Crimea under Muscovite occupation, but one for sure its one of the most oppressive occupation today in the world . comments ? "The U.S. State...
  18. Litwin

    Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like in Syria ?

    Trump tells "Russia" to get its troops out of Venezuela. Will Putler humiliate Trump like he did with Trump in Syria ? Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela | Reuters
  19. Litwin

    Australia and Holland governments preparing to sell human flesh of MH17 victims to putler´s criminal

    are Australia and Holland governments preparing to sell human flesh of MH17 victims to putler´s criminal cartel OZERO ? "Talks" Over Downed MH17 with who , with crime cartel ??? guys whats going on ???? what kind of deal want Australia and Holland governments? its clear that Putler/Shaygu gave...
  20. Litwin

    Battisti: Italian ex-militant admits to murders. Will Putler give him (and other like him) asylum?

    Will Putler give to this commie terrorist (and other like him) asylum? Ex-leftist militant Cesare Battisti admits murders
  21. Litwin

    is Trump capable to challenge putler even in USA´s backyard? "Russia" sends more than 100 troops to

    question: is Trump capable to challenge grandpa putler ? even in USA´s backyard ? "Russia" sends more than 100 troops to Venezuela CARACAS – The Russian Defense Ministry has sent An-124 military transport aircraft, IL-62M jet airliner and more than 100 troops to Caracas, against the backdrop...
  22. Litwin

    "Russian" intelligence plotted terror attack in Kharkiv Ukraine subway ahead of elections - “ SBU

    like many have predicted , what else putler´s ozero criminal cartel is ready to do in order to d destabilize of the social and political situation in Ukraine on the eve of the presidential elections.? "Russian" intelligence plotted terror attack in Kharkiv subway ahead of elections – SBU A...
  23. Litwin

    Ozero has 2 scenarios for Grandpa Putler 1) war- occupation of Belarus 2) Kazakhstan´s scenario 3) K

    Ozero has 2 scenarios for Grandpa Putler 1) war- occupation of Belarus 2) Kazakhstan´s scenario. or 3) he will die like his main role model "russian" tyrant koba Dzhugashvili, along, in dirty lake of own excrements and urine ? Which scenario is more realistic? "within the ruling...
  24. Litwin

    attacks Putler Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev announced his resignation. What´ll do China?

    Will Putler attack Northern Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev has announced his resignation...is it a NEW WAR ? What´ll do China, will it protect Kazakhstan as it promised? "Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has announced his resignation, bringing an end to nearly 3 decades in charge of...
  25. Litwin

    Will Putler attack Northern Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev has announced his resignation...

    Will Putler attack Northern Kazakhstan? President Nazarbayev has announced his resignation...is it a NEW WAR ? whats gonna do China , Trump, EU? "Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev has announced his resignation, bringing an end to nearly 3 decades in charge of central Asia's largest...
  26. Litwin

    Putin’s next target is likely to be a non-NATO nation in the EU (Sweden, Finland)

    Putin’s next target is likely to be a non-NATO nation in the EU (Sweden, Finland) . ok, its not new information, we here all know it very well. The fact is that Muscovite empire is dying, it can not fight a long cold war with the West , putler MUST strike NEW or the gas -station empire will die...
  27. Litwin

    Here Are Some Of The Weirdest Ads "Russian" Trolls Used To Influence The 2016 Election

    have you seen those in your FB, TWEETER , etc? Amplifying US Conservatives Besides spreading memes, Russian troll accounts also amplified conservative voices in the US. In one post, the account Stop A.I. shared a podcast from conservative RT contributor Eric Draitser, targeting Facebook...
  28. Litwin

    Thread: China builds train tunnel linking Finland (Scandinavia) with Europe, bypassing Muscovy ("rus

    China builds train tunnel linking Finland (Scandinavia) with Europe, bypassing Muscovy ("russia") . bad news for putler and his bamboostan , but ogino trolls are still lying about Muscovy - Hans union LOL )) here ... "HELSINKI (Reuters) - A train tunnel linking Helsinki with Estonia’s capital...
  29. Litwin

    Belarusian KGB hunts down Putler´s GRU (Wagner) terrorists - solders

    Belarusian KGB hunts down Putlers GRU (Wagner) terrorists - solders . Great news from Belarus , soon we see many putler´s savage dogs in Belarusian prisons. not many of them return to free live , Belarusian prisons are not spa - salons "KGB is looking for Belarusian citizens fighting as part...
  30. Litwin

    Poroshenko: Ukraine will build long range missiles, as protection from Muscovite attacks

    "Speaking in the Cherkassy region yesterday at a campaign function, incumbent President Petro Poroshenko stated that with the trampling of the Budapest Memorandum and Russia no longer abiding in the INF (DRSMD) Treaty, "Ukraine now intends to develop high-precision missile weapons. We are no...
  31. Litwin

    Belarusian KGB hunts down Putlers GRU (Wagner) terrorists - solders

    Belarusian KGB hunts down Putlers GRU (Wagner) terrorists - solders . Great news from Belarus , soon we see many putler´s savage dogs in Belarusian prisons. not many of them return to free live , Belarusian prisons are not spa - salons "KGB is looking for Belarusian citizens fighting as part...
  32. Litwin

    Girl-Mowgli found in putlerstan´s capital moscow with ingrown into the skin with a cross. reality

    Girl-Mowgli found in putlerstan´s capital moscow with ingrown into the skin with a cross. reality of 3 world´s dying empire ... In Moscow saved the girl-Mowgli with ingrown into the skin with a cross | Russian news EN
  33. Litwin

    Muscovy ("russia") : a Picture or Video , Whats going on ?

    Muscovy ("russia") : a Picture or Video , Whats going on ? lets start with this picture, any ideas? look like a group of schizophrenics or ?
  34. Litwin

    How Vodka Shaped The Course Of Muscovite History, "water of life" as they call it, Putins Vodka

    some truth and facts about always drunk Finnic - Tatar part empire of khan juchi "n 1223, when a Mongol and Tartar expeditionary force annihilated a Russian army multiple times their size, they realized it was partly because the Muscovite had charged the battlefield drunk. The surprising ways...
  35. Litwin

    Why Chechen muslim war-lord Kadyrov killed Putler´s arch - enemy Boris Nemtsov ?

    Why Chechen muslim war-lord Kadyrov killed Putler´s arch - enemy Nemtsov ?
  36. Litwin

    In St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg (Muscovy), choir sang a song about the US atomic bombing

    Vova grandpa Botox putler (pynia) /his dying empire is more and more desperate . guys maybe its time to finish off this show? "February 23 in St. Isaac's Cathedral held a gala concert in honor of Defender of the "Fatherland" Day. The St. Petersburg Concert Choir performed a song about the US...
  37. Litwin

    BREAKING On the "Russian" television called five goals "Zircons" in the United States in the event o

    BREAKING On the "Russian" television called five goals "Zircons" in the United States in the event of a conflict. SO MY American brothers in arms , do you want still to make the deals with cooperative OZERO? or lets just fuc& ( split up) putler´s dying empire in 6 -9 month? "The TV channel...
  38. Litwin

    Estonia (NATO) we are preparing for war with Muscovites (Putlers ozero gang

    Estonia (NATO) , we are preparing for war with Muscovites (Putler´s ozero gang) . my advice to NATO introduce oil-gas sanctions (start with North Stream 2) today if you dont want to fight a massive war with dying mongol (form of governance ) empire !! Kaitseministeeriumi ametnik: Eesti...
  39. Litwin

    BREAKING Ukraine puts "Russian" agent suspected of MH17 downing on wanted list. What Holland will do

    BREAKING Ukraine puts "Russian" agent suspected of MH17 downing on wanted list. What Holland will do? Holland has a great past of commando operations , will Holland (and UK) help Ukraine to drug this terrorist from his hiding &hitt hole? "Ukraine’s SBU security service has put on its...
  40. Litwin

    Huge Vlasov ("Russian") flag unfurled at Salisbury Cathedral

    Huge Vlasov ("Russian") flag unfurled at Salisbury Cathedral. who did it? 1) the fascists 2) local idiots 3) GRU operation i vote for 1 and 3 , GRU in cooperation with the fascists. Huge Russian flag unfurled at Salisbury Cathedral

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