
  1. MindWars

    Greek police clash with demonstrators protesting Obama’s visit to Athens

    Leftist demonstrators protesting against US President Barack Obama’s visit to Athens have clashed with police, who used tear gas to disperse the crowd as people tried to break through cordons. Greek police clash with demonstrators protesting Obama’s visit to Athens (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) The world is...
  2. MindWars

    Obama white house already leaking detrimental statements on Trump

    Obama White House Already Leaking Detrimental Statements On Trump
  3. Fiero425

    Cory Booker Trying Save Our Souls!

    An uncle sent me this: "This was written by Corey Booker an hour or 2 ago & I found it inspirational." Early Morning Thoughts on Today, Nov. 9th. "This is not a time to curl up, give up or shut up. It is time to get up; to stand up, to speak words that heal, help, and recommit to the cause...
  4. L

    TRUMP THEATER same as Obama: will be "arrested" abd stripped

    TRUMP THEATER same as Obama: will be "arrested" abd stripped Trump same as Romney and McCain, but this time the script was not interrupted but completed BASICS Disarm the US citizens - the ONE and ONLY task that still must be completed in the US and EU, ever since systemic collapse in July...
  5. K

    Obama Is Accused of Implying Illegal Aliens Can Vote

    To my mind, that's really outraging. Dirty politicians will do everything to deprive us of building our destiny. President Obama is under fire after allegedly alluding that illegal aliens can vote in the general election. Just days prior to Election Day, Obama gave an interview to millennial...
  6. defcon4

    Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote without fear of being deported.

    How far this president will go? Openly encouraging illegals to vote blatantly pissing on our laws and the "sanctity" of democratic elections. So, there is no voter fraud you say? Voter fraud is being encouraged from the highest office of the country. The women calls illegal aliens "citizens"...
  7. L

    Obama staged arrest on live TV, hanged NOT eaten by hungry dogs: exposed 2013

    Jan 29, 2014, US congress, state of the Union address: Illuminati jokes: Stock-man walks out, Stock-market crashes: NOT the CORE joke TOTAL silence of the media about "One lone congressman standing to "Obama". The core of this double stock illuminati joke is NOT the mockery of a stock market...
  8. MindWars

    We just caught Barack Obama in the act.

    We just caught Barack Obama in the act. Remember when he said he found out about Hillary Clinton’s private email server from the news at the exact same time we the people did? He lied. He 100%, flat-out lied. Here’s proof. The email, dated 3/07/15, reads… WIKILEAKS GOT HIM. No shocking...
  9. MindWars

    ALARMING VIDEO: Russia gears up for war in Syria while US media, Hillary&Obama trash talk Trump

    ALARMING VIDEO: Russia Gears Up For War in Syria While U.S. Media, Hillary & Obama Trash Talk Trump While the media is obsessed with finding another faux groping victim of Donald Trump. Russia is gearing up for war in Syria and possibly, if Hillary Clinton is elected, a potential ramp up for...
  10. MindWars


    Russia and the United States have never been allies. One easily remembers how tense and long-lasting the Cold War was, and it left Russia very angry that they suffered such a demoralizing defeat as a world power. BREAKING: Putin Just Gave Obama 24 Hours Or His Ships Will Open Fire Well I guess...
  11. MindWars

    Obama Talks 'Martial Law' And 'Conspiracy Theory' As US Army Insider Warns Globalists Using Chaos

    According to former US President Ronald Reagan, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. "We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our...
  12. MindWars

    The Three False Flag Cyber Attacks Came From Obama, Not Russia-

    The hacking of American corporate websites (e.g. Netflix, Amazon, et al), is being sold to the American public as the work of Russian hackers working with the knowledge, support and permission of Putin. Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. I began to acquire the REAL story about...
  13. MindWars

    Vladimir Putin tells the US ‘If you want a war, you will get one – EVERYWHERE’

    Vladimir Putin will not back down as the war drums beat between Moscow and Washington, according to Russian military experts.The Kremlin and the White House are sitting in a tense standoff as the US accuse Russia of “war crimes” over atrocities in Syria. Relations have plunged to Cold War...
  14. MindWars

    WikiLeaks Emails prove Obama lied when he said he didn't know Hillary was using unsec.email server

    WIKILEAKS EMAILS PROVE OBAMA LIED WHEN HE SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW HILLARY WAS USING UNSECURE EMAIL SERVER "They know POTUS and HRC emailed" A new email released today as part of the Wikileaks dump strongly suggests that Obama knew Hillary was using a private, unsecure, non-government server and...
  15. MindWars

    Leaked email: Clinton campaign believed Obama committed voter fraud in 2008

    LEAKED EMAIL: Clinton Campaign Believed Obama Committed Voter Fraud In 2008 A new email released by WikiLeaks shows that the Clinton campaign believes that President Obama was guilty of committing voter fraud during his 2008 primary battle with Hillary Clinton. LEAKED EMAIL: Clinton Campaign...
  16. MindWars

    Wars and Rumors of wars abound.

    Wars and Rumors of Wars Abound As tensions between the US and Russia have reached their highest since the Cold War, Russia denounced American duplicity last week and asked its own citizens whether they are ready for a nuclear attack. The Russian government cautioned people to know where their...
  17. MindWars

    CENSORSHIP: Obama Looking To Remove “Conspiracy Theory” Websites From Internet

    President Barack Obama on Thursday decried America’s “wild, wild west” media environment for allowing conspiracy theorists a broad platform and destroying a common basis for debate. Recalling past days when three television channels delivered fact-based news that most people trusted, Obama said...
  18. MindWars

    Obama signs executive order preparing America for disaster

    There is a reason this is being done right before the elections. Doubters of reality information will deny it until it is proven other wise. Which can and will occur before they know it. Be it the paid off controlled MSM, the news paper, or their favorite news source. Sooner or later they...
  19. MindWars

    "The Most Important WikiLeak" - How Wall Street Built The Obama Cabinet

    Perhaps the most startling discovery of the WikiLeaks dumps so far didn't come from the most recent emails surrounding the various Hillary scandals, though there are many great ones, but from 2008 when John Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team. The email...
  20. MindWars

    WIKILEAKS HILLARY MICRO MANAGED ISIS More evidence Clinton created and still runs ISIS

    It’s a bold statement. But, Hillary and Obama created and manage ISIS. And they will do everything to distract the public’s awareness of this undeniable fact. A fact born of the globalists insatiable need to create an enemy and control both sides of endless wars and social engineering that add...
  21. MindWars

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton The most important revelation in the WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta’s emails has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. The messages go all the way back to 2008, when Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s...
  22. L

    Trump reveals Obama is ISIS founder: Most bombastic headllines ever

    Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS' "In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama," Trump said Wednesday during a raucous campaign rally outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida. "He is the founder of ISIS." He repeated the allegation three more times for emphasis. Trump also...
  23. R

    The Last Gasp of the Republican Party

    Here is an interesting article about the future of the Republican Party - Behold, The Last Gasp from the Republican Party – Digital Marketing at Willamette MBA. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think.
  24. Stayfly

    Corruption and Racial Injustice

    I am a postgrad student who is currently undertaking a researching how corruption affects African-Americans in the criminal justice system. During the course of my undergraduate degree i became intrested in social injustice directed at ethnic minorities and studying human rights has further...
  25. Ridgerunner

    Hope pbo tells moochell not to piss off the Secret Service details...

    Apparently bin Laden's son is not happy with the relationship with his family and the USA. Osama Bin Laden’s son threatens revenge against US
  26. G

    There is no radical Islam without Islam; however, there is no Islam without radical Islam.

    Hello, There is no Radical Islam without Islam; however, there is no Islam without Radical Islam. Accepting Islam means accepting terror, human rights abuses, homophobia and Sharia Law. Considering the number of problems we already have, why do we want to exacerbate our problems by allowing...
  27. Peony

    Terror Lives Here

    The 9-11 terrorists took flying lessons here in the US. The Boston Marathon terrorists lived here. The Orlando terrorist was born here. Terror is here. It’s not just in the Middle East anymore. It’s not just in Europe anymore. Islam terror is here. We were warned. We’ve witnessed it. jim...
  28. Bob Blaylock

    Why so many mass shootings under Obama?

    I was looking over this article, about the deadliest mass shootings in our nation's history. It lists the fourteen deadliest incidents, going back to 1966; and it stood out right away to me that nearly half of them have occurred during the time that Obama has been in office as President—six in...
  29. Compost

    Wince Inducing Trash Talk

    Some things have to come from the heart, not a teleprompter. In an attempt to push back against the surging Republican frontrunner (who's now in a dead heat nationally with Hillary Clinton), President Obama tried to bring the heat at a rally in Indiana Wednesday. What was supposed to be some...
  30. American_Jihad

    Obama's Refugees and Surging Deadly Diseases in America

    We should have impeached this &^*&^*(& in 2009... Obama's Refugees and Surging Deadly Diseases in America The lethal violation of the nation's most basic public health protocols. May 26, 2016 Matthew Vadum An outbreak of deadly infectious tuberculosis among refugees President Obama sent to...

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