Current lawsuits moving forward against Trump and his children?
Tracking Trump's Conflicts of Interest
I was looking at this website which documents Donald Trump’s different conflicts of interest.
His wrongdoing is so broad it could be divided up into at least a dozen different threads.
I think my favorite is the millions Trump is making from foreigners...
As I watched the Montana speech, I was surprised that Trump would make fun of the MeToo Movement.
Especially since he has been accused of sexually assaulting 19 different women.
Do Republicans think all those 19 women were lying?
Do Republicans think the MeToo movement is a joke?
Another hysterical, unhinged, whack job is on the loose taking the time and resources of the courts at the tax payers expense to promote hate and bigotry.
Man Sues Congressional Democrats Claiming Being Gay Is a Religion and LGBT Pride Flags Are 'Homosexual Denomination' Symbols
I am...