
  1. Litwin

    1579 the troops of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Stephen Báthory liberated the city of Połack (Polotsk) from the occupation of the Muscovite thugs

    Ivan the Terrible was a Muscovite Hitler, he butchered the Jews and the Uniats everywhere he could reach .... 1579 the troops of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Stephen Báthory liberated the city of Połack (Polotsk) from the occupation of the Muscovite troops of Ivan the Terrible.
  2. Litwin

    RT 'group of 300' Jews, freemasons and 'illluminati' had sunk the ship in 1912 to provoke an international crisis and install themselves as leaders

    SO the next step the pogroms ? 'group of 300' Jews, freemasons and 'illluminati' had sunk the ship in 1912 to provoke an international crisis and install themselves as leaders of a world government.
  3. Litwin

    Former Moscow rabbi wants all Jews to leave Putin's Muscovy | DW News

  4. Litwin

    Tragic diary of Moscow's 'Anne Frank' relives Stalinist horror. Nina Lugovskaya

    a Great Story for Hollywood! one for sure Moscow imperialists and Marxists MUST PAY ! Nina Lugovskaya was a Moscow teenager who lived under Stalin in the 1930's. Her diaries, which have recently been discovered in KGB files, are being likened to those of Anne Frank. There's a...
  5. Litwin

    Moscow Propaganda TV channel "Zvezda" showed the mercenaries that Putin wants to send to Ukraine . Will putin bring Iranian militias in Ukraine?

    Moscow Propaganda TV channel "Zvezda" showed the mercenaries that Putin wants to send to Ukraine . Will putin bring Iranian militias in Ukraine ?
  6. Litwin

    Is Putin ready to attack Israel? Moscow -Syria Hold Joint Air Patrol Along Golan Heights: Putin’s Warning to Israel, Backing To Assad

    Is Putin ready to attack Israel ? Moscow -Syria Hold Joint Air Patrol Along Golan Heights: Putin’s Warning to Israel, Backing To Assad Moscow crime gang making more and more foes...Is Putin ready to attack Israel?
  7. Litwin

    U.S. will Backing Ukrainian guerilla war against Moscow barbarian occupiers !

    U.S. will Backing Ukrainian guerilla war against Moscow barbarian occupiers ! Julia Davis on Twitter: "U.S. Considers Backing an Insurgency ... › JuliaDavisNews › status 21 hours ago — U.S. Considers Backing an Insurgency if Russia Invades Ukraine. Senior Biden...
  8. Litwin

    Why Muscovites always Hate the Jews ? Antisemitism in the Moscow, Involvement of the Moscow "Orthodox"- KGB Church

    1890s a Muscovite intelligence agent in Paris forged The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Published in 1903, it was widely translated and became a powerful propaganda weapon for anti-Semitic elements worldwide.... The anti-Jewish policies by the Muscovite ulus were supported by the...
  9. Litwin

    Moscow´s main ally and Iranian Satrap Assad attacked by Israeli Missiles! Latakia Port Vital Facilities Targeted

    Moscow´s main ally and Iranian Satrap Assad attacked by Israeli Missiles! Latakia Port Vital Facilities Targeted Moscow´s main ally and war criminal and Putin himself were humiliated, one for sure, Putin´s words , agreements cost NOTHING ! Great Job Israeli BROTHERS keep your attacks on...
  10. Street Juice

    Jerusalem belongs to Samaritans; Christian Zionists bamboozled again

    After Rome had had enough and razed Jerusalem in 70 AD, "For long periods during the next nineteen hundred years no Jews at all lived in Jerusalem (the Samaritans, a tiny remnant of whom have survived all the persecutions, are the only people who have lived continuously in Palestine since Old...
  11. Street Juice

    I'm halfway through the book, The Controversy of Zion, and it's blowing me away

    For more than a hundred generations, since that day when the New Covenant was enforced by Persian arms, and the people who had wept were compelled to sign it anew, a mass of human beings, changing in blood but closely or loosely held in the bonds of this Law, have carried its burden and...
  12. Street Juice

    ADL demands Fox fire Tucker for "white supremacy", gets exposed for rank, over-the-top hypocrisy, crickets, as usual, from other Jews

    From WSBTV: Clue #1: Instead of saying, "Tucker is wrong because <relevant actual argument>" the loathsome Greenblatt disputes the argument by calling it a name. Clue #2: Not only is Tucker's argument a bad, bad white supremacist theory, it appeals to bad bad people . Clue #3: The only...
  13. Litwin

    BREAKING: Sanctions urged against "Russian" ( Abramovich, Usmanov, etc. ) figures in English football

    BREAKING: Sanctions urged against "Russian" ( Abramovich, Usmanov, etc. ) figures in English football. great news , but why it took so long ? 2 thugs: " The UK government has been challenged by opposition MPs to impose sanctions on two billionaire oligarchs linked to English football...
  14. Litwin

    Putin´s buddy billionaire Arkashka Rotenberg says 'Putin Palace' is his. Baron the scene is yours!! what you want to do to your czar ?

    Putin´s buddy billionaire Arkashka Rotenberg says 'Putin Palace' is his. Baron the scene is yours!! what you want to do to your czar ? Top stories Russian billionaire Arkady Rotenberg says 'Putin Palace' is his BBC·57 mins ago Kremlin Insider Says He's Owner Of 'Putin Palace' At Center...
  15. Litwin

    The Black Hundreds imperialist in Muscovy ("russia") and the Pogroms of 1905

    The Black Hundreds imperialist in Muscovy ("russia") and the Pogroms of 1905 finally some truth (facts) about Kabylka (self proclaimed , The Rome people ) family , you will get a lot of views with this video for sure . Putin reintroduced " the Black Hundreds" under the name "Nashi" >...
  16. Litwin

    German Rocket Monkeys - The First Astronauts. I expect a massive shock in Putin´s Muscovy , they even today believe that USSR was the first everywhere

    German Rocket Monkeys - The First Astronauts . I expect a massive shock in Putin´s Muscovy , they even today believe that Marxist USSR was the first everywhere )) LOL Baron are you a USSR´s spaceman as well ?
  17. Litwin

    Putin´s oligarch, R. Abramovich (owner of Chelsea) , controls companies that have donated $100m to an Israeli settler organisation.

    Great News (not for "russian" babushkas with 9.132 rubles (120 dollars ) pensions ) , Look like Romka is ready to sell his Putin´s business empire and Move to homeland , which is in way better shape than Nigeria with snow Putin´s oligarch, R. Abramovich (owner of Chelsea) , controls...
  18. Litwin

    Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs

    Not just NZ, Australia, SA, Brazil, USA. colonialism: How did the indigenous peoples of the Middle East outside of the Arabian Peninsula become “Arabs?” great reading for all west haters " European countries have taken in more than they can handle, yet none of the rich Arabian Gulf...
  19. Litwin

    Great News for Muscovite Babushkas. Forbes richest Muscovite family: Putin´s friends Borka and Orkasha Rotenberg with 5,5 billion

    Great News for Muscovite Babushkas. Forbes richest Muscovite family: Putin´s friends Borka and Orkasha Rotenberg with 5,5 $ billion. Baron how it feels?
  20. Litwin

    A Soviet - Nazi Alliance . The Molotov - Ribbentrop (Koba - Hitlers) Pact

    A Soviet - Nazi Alliance . The Molotov- Ribbentrop (Koba - Hitlers) Pact . great that the Marxists and Muscovites can not hide the truth anymore , and everyone knows today who started WW2 [VIDEO]
  21. Litwin

    "Russian" pogroms of Africans in Dijon (France) . where is BLM?

    "Russian" pogroms of Africans in Dijon (France). where is BLM?
  22. Litwin

    Test for Pugabes regime. Stalins NKVD delivered Jews to Hitlers Gestapo cooperated even before Stalin - Hitler Pact

    Test for Pugabes regime. Stalins NKVD delivered Jews to Hitlers Gestapo cooperated even before Stalin - Hitler Pact. as we all know NKVD butchers are heroes in Muscovy today. will we Nuremberg N2 for NKVD sadists and commies/Marxism in general ? "“the NKVD handed over to the Gestapo refugees...
  23. Litwin

    Massacre of 25 civilians were killed in 1943 by 3 NKVD terrorist and 1 Jewish detachments.

    "War - Crime in Belarusian village massacre of Dražna 25 civilians were killed in 1943 by 3 NKVD terrorist and 1 Jewish detachments. "The tragedy of the Belarusian village of Drazhno: why did the Soviet partisans kill its inhabitants. We are all used to hearing about the atrocities of German...
  24. Litwin

    Rosenstrasse protest non-Jewish wives and relatives of arrested Jews in Nazi Germany. Jews release

    a great story for a Hollywood film, unfortunately it was impossible in Koba´s Marxist mordor Rosenstrasse protest - Wikipedia [VIDEO]
  25. Litwin

    For Syrian refugees in Greece, Israel is no longer the enemy

    I wonder if KGB/Putler is behind of this story ... so what do you think guys ? Greek refugee aid centers are mainly operated by Israelis; in Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of...
  26. Litwin

    survey among Europeans from 16 countries: “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own needs.”

    so guys what do you think do “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own needs.” ? 1 in 5 Europeans thinks a secret Jewish cabal runs the world, survey finds - Jewish Telegraphic Agency " The survey was presented by the Hungary-based Action and Protection League Monday at a conference...
  27. Litwin

    Why Americans don´t know from the schools creator of gas chambers NKVD officer Isai Davidovich Berg?

    Why Americans don´t know from the schools creator of gas chambers NKVD officer Isai Davidovich Berg? " Berg is credited with the creation of mobile gas chambers for an NKVD officer. The "gas chambers" traveled around Moscow, hiding a terrible burden - people sentenced to death. Isai...
  28. JGalt

    A Powerful, Thought-Provoking Image

    I have a lithograph of this print that I gave to the pastor of the Methodist church where my wife does the secretarial work. The pastor hung it on her wall, but I found a picture of it online. It's titled "The Wailing Wall", and was drawn by someone named Jacob Daniels. What think ye?
  29. Street Juice

    Is it just a coincidence that Hillary's servers and Epstein's servers are both in Ukraine?

    Ukraine is a country which suffered a coup d'etat organized by the Jewish dominated U.S. State Department in 2014, and now, surprise, surprise, the President of Ukraine is a Jewish comedian and the Prime Minister of Ukraine is also Jewish. Ukraine appears to be a major center of massive...
  30. Litwin

    Where and When this picture was taken ? What does it indicate ?

    Where and When this picture was taken ? What does it indicate ?
  31. Litwin

    "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General Patton

    General Patton was only partly right, both barbarian , totalitarian, cannibals ´d be hunted down, but west ´d take koba first (as the bigger and more dangerous butcher) . what do you think about Patton´s words? "I fear we fought the wrong enemy and i fear we will regret it" --- General...
  32. Litwin

    Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th

    Night of Executed Poets, Killed by Asiatic Marxists on the night of October 29th to 30th . I am 100% sure that very few know about Marxist Muscovite Asiatic way to celebrate Halloween @ October 29 is a black day of the Belarusian history. On this day in 1937 Stalin’s secret police, the NKVD...
  33. Litwin

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people — roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis

    Communist regimes killed some 100 million people — roughly 4 times the number killed by the Nazis. I just wonder what Stalinists´ whitewashers will say about this fact ... "The 20th century was "red" indeed — red with the blood of communism's victims. The death toll of communism, cited in "The...
  34. Litwin

    The worst Butcher of Belarusians, Devil himself Boris Berman

    why so few in the west know the name of this sadistic - butcher ? of cos Muscovite KGB (FSB) tries to whitewash his satanic name today his brother was a NKVD Devil too Matvei Berman - Wikipedia "Matvei Davidovich Berman (; April 10, 1898 – March 7, 1939) was a Soviet intelligence officer...
  35. Litwin

    The unorthodox path of a Jewish man in the ‘new’ Ukraine

    great news, Jews & Ukrainians will soon or L. kick Juchi Mongols asses from Europe , back to Moksha swamps , is bast case scenario for your satanic - hordes The unorthodox path of a Jewish man in the ‘new’ Ukraine
  36. Litwin

    Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Muscovites did the same

    Netanyahu : "Poles co-operated with the Germans" during the Holocaust. Why he never mentioned that Muscovites did the same? many say that mr. Netanyahu has great relation with crime cartel Ozero and Muscovite thugs Oligarchs . what do you think? Polish PM cancels trip amid Holocaust row Ozero...
  37. Litwin

    "Russian" oligarchs Usmanov, Abramovich , Fridman among the richest people in UK. Baron how it feel

    "Russian" oligarchs Usmanov, Abramovich , Fridman among the richest people in UK. Baron how it feels ? LOL work Vanya , work more ))) Alishers and Fridmans take care well about your women and pensions )))) LOL " There are three Russian oligarchs in the ranking of the richest tax...
  38. Litwin

    Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area

    I just wander which side take trump this time? not so easy choice FOR TRUMP ... @ Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area Israel slams Putin adviser for claim Ukraine to move Jews into ‘cleansed’ area
  39. Litwin

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" The Jews from Israel will replace "russians"

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" . the main thesis: The Jews from Israel will replace "russians" in Ukraine. as I predicted the pogrom are on the way in Muscovite empire "interests of Western "puppeteers". Perhaps the stake on Zelensky, made long before these...
  40. Litwin

    Muscovite "Russians" taught Hitler how to exterminate all Jews . Why Juchi empire hate the Jews so m

    Muscovite "Russians" taught Hitler how to exterminate all Jews . Why Juchi empire hate the Jews so much? my answer is ´cos Muscovites (their empire ) are Backward, Asiatic , uneducated losers were, and and always will be. do you agree? some facts , base of extermination : The Protocols of...

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