
  1. Suh Promise

    What Am doing to Tackle the Plastic pollution Problem

    According to the UN ranking plastic pollution is the fifth highest contributor of climate change, and affect every country of the world both rich and poor. My name is Ambe Promise Suh I am a student in the university of Calabar Nigeria studying Accounting with a very strong passion for...
  2. JGalt

    Anyone see any of those teen climate tards today?

    This was the day the looney-tunes climate tards were supposed to carry out a "global strike" to save the world against wind, rain, sleet, snow, and hail... "Students Take to the Streets for Day of Action on Climate Change... The protests are designed in part to pressure governments into doing...
  3. JGalt

    The world is going dark tonight

    Alright you leftist eco-wankers! Tonight is your chance to do something good for the earth and make yourselves feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Tonight is the yearly "Earth Hour." That's where you're supposed to turn off everything and sit in your cold, dark houses from 8:30 PM until 9:30 PM...
  4. TheProgressivePatriot

    Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ready For it?

    Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back. Check this out ! I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it or if I would partake. I have been sworn off of meat for a long time- for many reasons including love and respect for animals, concern for the environment , and...

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