child abuse

  1. AveryJarhman

    CDZ Is Police Misconduct and Child Abuse-Neglect Intertwined?

    (Brooklyn's Marcy Houses - undated photo) Hello. After spending twelve years in the 80s-90s providing police services to the Brooklyn community Shawn Jay Z Carter raps about using his semi-auto "Mack Milli' to dominate and cause fear to peaceful people for the purpose of protecting his gang's...
  2. AveryJarhman

    CDZ Hillary Calls for Justice for Laquan McDonald's Death: 'We Cannot Go On Like This'

    Hillary Calls for Justice for Laquan McDonald’s Death: ‘We Cannot Go On Like This’ Hillary Clinton stated *‘We Cannot Go On Like This’* I don't know whether to laugh or cry at Mrs. Hillary Clinton's WILFULL ignorance regarding America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood...
  3. AveryJarhman

    Hundreds join passionate, peaceful rally over Minneapolis police shooting

    Hundreds join passionate, peaceful rally over Minneapolis police shooting Yes, police and civilians who use *physical or deadly physical force* against another person must be scrutinized and held accountable when their actions are not justified. However, don't we need to take a deeper, more...
  4. AveryJarhman

    Video - Lil Herb on Violence in Chicago: Anyone Can Get a Gun For $20

    Listening to Herb I hear a young man who was deprived of a safe, fairly happy childhood by an immature teen girl or young woman who in all likelihood also deprived him of growing up alongside a responsible dad he could look up to and admire. I just read some of Herb's raps, thinking how sad it...
  5. Anonymous1977

    Christians, please comment on this article :)

    I've recently left the faith but would any Christian please comment on this news article: Alabama pastor accused of raping 15-year-old member of congregation -
  6. AveryJarhman

    Ban The Box

    After listening to a ThisAmericanLife podcast interview with Cornealious Michael "Mike" Anderson III's and his wife, learning how he transformed himself from a angry, disturbed young person into an average, peaceful, working family man, I believe most people who crossed the line and acquire...
  7. AveryJarhman

    Lebron James Wearing Shorter Shorts to Be a Better Role Model for Kids

    LeBron James is Wearing Shorter Shorts to Be a Better Role Model for Kids *"Growing up in Akron, he has seen the effects of poverty and a lack of education."* With all due respect to Mr. James and ALL my American neighbors, there is no lack of education in Akron. What does exist in Akron as...
  8. AveryJarhman

    Sheriff Clarke: Dem Debate ‘Plantation Politics,’ Emotional ‘Enslavement of Black People,

    Clarke: Dem Debate ‘Plantation Politics,’ Emotional ‘Enslavement of Black People,’ and ‘Whoring for Votes | David Clarke Jr. THE MILWAUKEE COUNTY SHERIFF As always Sheriff Clarke speaks the truth, Larry Elder shows his frustrations while making valid points and Juan Williams copes with the...
  9. AveryJarhman

    Obama Discusses Criminal Justice Reform - USA Today Sept 2015

    "As a society, we have to acknowledge that there is something wrong when we are locking up this many folks, with this kind of frequency, concentrated in a handful of communities in cities, and towns, and counties across this country." —President Obama Mr. Barack "Common Sense" Obama is not...
  10. AveryJarhman

    Louis Farrakhan Says Black Community Should Boycott Christmas

    Louis Farrakhan Says Black Community Should Boycott Christmas "Louis Farrakhan is calling on African Americans to boycott the Christmas season, saying it's been transformed into a crass commercial holiday that benefits "white business."" With all due respect to Minister Farrakhan, "white...
  11. AveryJarhman

    Baltimore Announces $6.4 Million Settlement in the Death of Freddie Gray

    Baltimore Announces $6.4 Million Settlement in the Death of Freddie Gray Sadly, Freddie Gray was born and raised in a anti-social Baltimore Street Culture that deprived him of experiencing and enjoying a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood. Like many childhood victims of our expanding...
  12. AveryJarhman

    Cause For Police Fear and Brutality?

    Causes For Police Fear & Brutality? In May of 2015 the NYTimes reports about a nationwide increase in "young" Americans of African descent committing suicide. Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers By SABRINA TAVERNISE – MAY 18, 2015...

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