bernie sanders

  1. American_Jihad

    Sanders’ Slanders Against Israel

    F**k the little commie Jew hater, typical libtart always loathing their race or ancestry, why not just kill yourselves we need the air/room... Sanders’ Slanders Against Israel Baseless charges that would make Palestinian propagandists proud. April 8, 2016 Joseph Klein Senator Bernie...
  2. P@triot

    Bernie Sanders Hauls In $44 Million in March Fund-Raising

    And of course, he will not only distribute this evenly among Hillary Clinton but also Ted Cruz, John Kasich, amd Donald Trump because that is what he truly believes in and he wouldn't want to be a greedy hypocritical dirt-bag. After all, he wants the entire election to be "fair" - right...
  3. American_Jihad

    It’s impossible to be authentic and left-wing

    The schmuck sanders will never be potus... How Bernie Sanders Sold His Soul to Be an Authentic Leftist It’s impossible to be authentic and left-wing. March 25, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Win or lose, the Sanders campaign has its story. Bernie Sanders is the authentic candidate; the...
  4. American_Jihad

    Bernie Sanders Meets with Leader of Designated Terrorist Group

    I don't know why the democrats love these head loopers that will eventually loop off their heads... Bernie Sanders Meets with Leader of Designated Terrorist Group CAIR’s Rasha Mubarak and her Jew-hating history. March 16, 2016 Joe Kaufman On March 10th, the Florida chapter of the Council...
  5. woz75

    Bernie Sanders is Performing Better than the Media Leads On

    Bernie Sanders Is Performing Stronger Than The Media Lets On Don't believe the media berners - this thing is can be won yet :)
  6. AveryJarhman

    Video - Bernie Sanders, American Society; Willful Ignorance

    Sadly, virtually NO ONE including Mr. Bernie Sanders wants to speak about our nation's number one health crisis, *Childhood Trauma, Abuse, Neglect & Maltreatment* that OPPRESSES & DEPRIVES American children like Tupac, Kendrick Lamar, Freddie Gray, Michael Singleton, Azealia Banks, Shawn Carter...
  7. F

    If popular dances were Presidential candidates

    The site won't let me do this as an embed. F-Comedy | Facebook
  8. American_Jihad

    The misguided leftist hatred of the free market

    The left and that utopian dream that everyone will be the same will never ever happen... Two Cheers for Capitalism The misguided leftist hatred of the free market. February 24, 2016 Bruce Thornton If you want a monument to the failure of American schools, just look around a Bernie...
  9. American_Jihad

    Bernie Sanders Touts Marxist Economists

    Sanders brother is the real socialist/commie... Bernie Sanders Touts Marxist Economists America's most prominent Marxist economist backs Bernie February 23, 2016 Daniel Greenfield In response to criticism of his financial proposals, the Bernie Sanders campaign posted a list of “economists...
  10. American_Jihad

    BernieCare and Sanders' Lies

    Poor democrats, the big choices you have for president, two losers. Your only hope is someone else stepping in to run... BernieCare and Sanders' Lies How Sanders' proposed replacement for Obamacare will bankrupt America much sooner. February 17, 2016 Matthew Vadum Socialist Bernie Sanders...
  11. American_Jihad

    Clinton, Sanders and Progressive Racism

    Ah, this should be fun... ... Clinton, Sanders and Progressive Racism Only historical ignorance could explain black affinity for progressivism. February 17, 2016 Walter Williams Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders seek to claim the "progressive" mantle. Both...
  12. G

    The Rise of Populism, and the Death of America’s Two-Party Political System

    NEW BLOG POST - Check it out!! "The duopoly of the United States’ two-party system is in jeopardy of exploding into alternative fragments—and we can thank Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders for lighting the fuses. The average American may not yet fully comprehend the impact that the rise of Donald...
  13. G

    Grandstand News - Unfiltered news for political junkies and sports fans

    Hi everyone, Just going around promoting my new blog! Feel free to check it out. Also, let me know what you think of my latest article: The Rise of Populism, and the Death of America's Two-Party Political System Thanks!!
  14. American_Jihad

    Dispelling a key myth of the primary season

    Socialism is theft... Election Fog Dispelling a key myth of the primary season. February 15, 2016 David Horowitz It is a conventional wisdom of the 2016 election to pair Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders as “outsiders” and “populists,” as though they were parallel rebels against a common...
  15. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...
  16. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...
  17. J

    Bernie Sanders Commander Brain Dead

    It isn't just Sanders, but government as a whole is virtually incompetent. Sanders is just the parody player. Sanders claims that he wants to help the low-income seniors by expanding Social Security. First, you find out that his understanding of low-income is flawed, but now we are finding...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Bernie Sanders: Kendrick Lamar & Police Must Be Held Accountable For Stopping Violent Felons..

    Bernie Sanders: Kendrick Lamar & Police Must Be Held Accountable For Stopping Violent Felons.. Does highly educated and life experienced presidential hopeful Mr. Bernie Sanders have a National plan for holding ACCOUNTABLE the significant population of "living wild" primary child caregivers who...
  19. American_Jihad


    One is a socialist liar the other socialist commie... WHAT IS AT STAKE FOR AMERICA IN BERNIE VS. HILLARY The revolution will either destroy America or the Left. January 28, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the same candidate. They’re both leftist radicals with...
  20. Dianna Jane

    Is Marco Rubio most Like Ronald Reagan?

    Next year could be the greatest America has ever seen. I believe the man who supports the same conservative values as President Ronald Reagan, is Senator Marco Rubio. In addition, Rubio is the only Conservative candidate who can beat Hillary Clinton. If either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz win the...
  21. American_Jihad

    This Is Bernie Sanders

    LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic... This Is Bernie Sanders A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party. January 7, 2016 Discover The Networks Throughout his...
  22. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. There’s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  23. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. There’s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  24. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. There’s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  25. American_Jihad

    Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy

    It was lame comedy... Saturday Night Leftist Lunacy Islam is our friend, gun owners and the rich are our enemies. December 21, 2015 Matthew Vadum American television viewers were subjected to the usual smorgasbord of left-wing dhimmitude, foreign-policy impotence, bleeding-heart lunacy...
  26. woz75

    Ex KISS Guitarist Vinnie Vincent Endorses Bernie Sanders for President

    Ex-KISS Guitarist Vinnie Vincent Endorses Bernie Sanders for President Looks like the Ankh Warrior feels the bern - quite a list of artists are backing Sanders - what's the appeal? They don't need free college lol

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