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  • GEt banned again? One of your last posts made pedophiles sound bad, so I guess so. Just got back from one myself. lol
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Dogmaphobe
    Just noticed this. Yep. White have me 5 weeks off after I pointed out that a poster was supporting pedophile when he went out of his way to deny that there is anything wrong with pinching the nipples of 8 year olds. He even doubled down on it by mocking any who would want to protect the children.
    you got the wrong name.It is not brett farve that does not belong in that group of who was the greatest quarterback ever,that would be tom brady.farve at least did not have the refs in his pockets all the time and did not cheat.when brady cant cheat,he cant win big games.its laughable to call brady the best ever in the fact he was a wuss and would never have lasted one season in the era montana played in.LOL
    Favre threw too many interceptions and was too loose with the ball for my taste. If it helps, though, I think Roman Gabriel had an amazing ability to stand in that pocket with guys draped all over him and still get the ball off. He was one though hombre for a QB.
    Yeah but again farve at least did not have to have the refs in his pockets and cheat to win,brady and belicheat have disgraced the sport beyond repair.the black Sox scandal looks like a choir boy compared to how they disgraced the sport.
    the mods closed my thread down debating IM2 saying it contained too much smack talk ???? yet they let that asshole racist say what he pleases ......
    It gets frustrating, doesn't it?
    maybe he was getting destroyed so badly they pulled the plug to stop the brutal ass whipping he received ! i wonder if you could start a thread in the flame zone congratulating me for kicking his ass and proving he is a racist .. if its not against the rules that is ....
    You cannot be serious? IM2 is brilliant! :auiqs.jpg:
    • Funny
    Reactions: yidnar
    Good posts in that thread. The way Coyote always jumps to the defense of Muslims is pretty suspicious, huh? I don't really know what to think about it. She uses an awful lot of dishonesty. The more I read her, the more untrusting of her I become! Oh, and I don't care if she reads this. Lol. :D
    • Thanks
    Reactions: Dogmaphobe
    Thanks, Chris.

    She just abused her power like she always does by banning me from the thread for telling the truth about what she has said.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: ChrisL
    Seriously? What reason did she give you?
    DP WORSE than ever

    Just got 2-day Temp for Polite exchange telling Gina vios in BN. She did NOT even understand that Huffpost, named AS non-MSM, in guidelines & 'Egyptians Streets' obviously not
    She complained she didn't know the BN rules/needed a look.
    REALLY? A few looks over the yrs would have sufficed. she only started 5 in 5 yrs

    Several Mods had posted IN the threads! (Helix, Goshin Your Star)
    Things at "that place" suck
    There is the perception of overactive-mod-syndrome among many.
    Bannings/suspensions/vios galore.
    One female mod (who wasn't even a good poster) seems to be on meth.
    Yeah, tell me about it! Gina infracted me three times in two days for absolutely nothing. I got a big one for simply reminding Montecresto that he had thanked a post calling for the extermination of Jews. He kept lying about it, Ecofarm and I kept telling the truth and we were both penalized for it.
    abu afak
    abu afak
    She gave me 3 infractions 15pts in one post.
    Two weren't even arguably true, one was.
    She even took 1 of the 3 back, and couldn't cite a rule for a 2nd 'vio': "Calling out a poster"
    NO such rule.
    I quoted Xfactor from a different string in a new OP so as not to derail a thread.
    She said that wasn't allowed. I pointed out its done ALL the time for that reason, etc
    So she could NOT show #2 either.
    That little taste of power is too much for some. It acts like a drug when they wield it.
    Welcome my old friend.
    I have posted here sporadically for a Long time. (2006)
    Hey -- good to see you! How are things at that place that shall remain nameless.
    Hah- a most excellent post- I'm lmao!
    "Don't leave your seats yet, folks. With that sacrifice fly driving home the runner from third now making the score Islam 2,956,347 to Christianity 1 with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, it's anybody's game. "
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