Zimmerman “impersonating” neighborhood watchman.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

He did not stop at impersonating a mere watchman, he had to elevate himself to a “captain.”
Zimmerman was impersonating a neighborhood watchman and had no right to follow and confront Trayvon resulting in his death. The media always refer to him as a Neighborhhood Watchman Captain which leads one to believe he had every right to be on watch and watching Trayvon and didn‘t. He was a “self proclaimed neighborhood watchman captain” and that is “impersonating” someone he is not. He did not belong to neighborhood watch organization.
Impersonating something you are not should be a crime if it is not. Especially if it leads to a crime being committed.

A 22-year-old man claiming to be a "neighborhood watchman" in the West Village was arrested early Sunday morning after he allegedly robbed and raped a 30-year-old woman who had lost her wallet (but not her ATM card ).
West Village Rape Suspect Pretended To Be "Neighborhood Watchman": Gothamist

He did not stop at impersonating a mere watchman, he had to elevate himself to a “captain.”
Zimmerman was impersonating a neighborhood watchman and had no right to follow and confront Trayvon resulting in his death. The media always refer to him as a Neighborhhood Watchman Captain which leads one to believe he had every right to be on watch and watching Trayvon and didn‘t. He was a “self proclaimed neighborhood watchman captain” and that is “impersonating” someone he is not. He did not belong to neighborhood watch organization.
Impersonating something you are not should be a crime if it is not. Especially if it leads to a crime being committed.

A 22-year-old man claiming to be a "neighborhood watchman" in the West Village was arrested early Sunday morning after he allegedly robbed and raped a 30-year-old woman who had lost her wallet (but not her ATM card ).
West Village Rape Suspect Pretended To Be "Neighborhood Watchman": Gothamist

"Neighborhood watchmen", no matter what their self imposed rank have no more authority that any other citizen. Where I come from the neighborhood watch people observe, call and direct the police and otherwise stay the hell out of the way!

Neighborhood Watch is just a name for a number of individuals who form a Watch for their community.
No one has to give you authority to form one.

It's strictly grass roots. The police can't rule you, the town council can't rule you, the county can't rule you, the state can't rule you and neither can the federal government.

If you abide by all civil laws you have every right to form a Neighborhood Watch. So how in hell could Zimmerman be "impersonating" a neighborhood watchman?

Too funny.

He did not stop at impersonating a mere watchman, he had to elevate himself to a “captain.”
Zimmerman was impersonating a neighborhood watchman and had no right to follow and confront Trayvon resulting in his death. The media always refer to him as a Neighborhhood Watchman Captain which leads one to believe he had every right to be on watch and watching Trayvon and didn‘t. He was a “self proclaimed neighborhood watchman captain” and that is “impersonating” someone he is not. He did not belong to neighborhood watch organization.[...]
Are you sure there is a neighborhood watch organization in that community?

I recall that point being raised when the shooting was first reported and the reporter said there is no formalized neighborhood watch, that Zimmerman did appoint himself as such, and that his neighbors approved of his doing so.

Has there been an official correction to that report?

He did not stop at impersonating a mere watchman, he had to elevate himself to a “captain.”
Zimmerman was impersonating a neighborhood watchman and had no right to follow and confront Trayvon resulting in his death. The media always refer to him as a Neighborhhood Watchman Captain which leads one to believe he had every right to be on watch and watching Trayvon and didn‘t. He was a “self proclaimed neighborhood watchman captain” and that is “impersonating” someone he is not. He did not belong to neighborhood watch organization.
Impersonating something you are not should be a crime if it is not. Especially if it leads to a crime being committed.

A 22-year-old man claiming to be a "neighborhood watchman" in the West Village was arrested early Sunday morning after he allegedly robbed and raped a 30-year-old woman who had lost her wallet (but not her ATM card ).
West Village Rape Suspect Pretended To Be "Neighborhood Watchman": Gothamist

No one needs permission from any agency or group to become a neighborhood watchperson. Zimmerman, by all accounts was engaged in activities of a neighborhood watchman when Martin confronted him (your suggestion that Zimmerman confronted Martin is contrary to all the evidence). Zimmerman merely followed Martin from a distance so he could tell police where to find him. He stopped following Martin, but Martin then came after him and clobbered him.

The only crime that was committed was when Martin approached Zimmerman and hit him upside the head knocking him to the ground. After decking Zimmerman, Martin continued his criminal conduct when he sat on Zimmerman and beat him repeatedly around the head. If Martin had let Zimmerman alone after he knocked him to the ground, the thug would still be alive. But Martin clearly wanted to do some serious harm to Zimmerman, so he kept pounding on him. We will never know what Martin would have done to Zimmerman if the defenseless Zimmerman had not shot him. I believe that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. At any rate, Zimmerman had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury, and that fear gave him the legal right to use deadly force to stop the attack.

Martin had no legal justification for his criminal conduct. Being followed from afar does not give you the right to attack the person following you. Martin died because he was a thug who couldn't control his temper. It is also possible that Martin was a racist (his Twitter name was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA) and he didn't like a White man observing him. Well, NO_LIMIT_NIGGA found out that there are serious consequences for those who cannot limit their anger and aggression.

The Zimmerman haters are so desperate that they ignore the facts. They even criticize the man for being a neighborhood watchman, some people calling him a cop wannabe. Actually, Zimmerman was patrolling his neighborhood, sacrificing his own time - without compensation - to protect those who lived in his area. This is a good thing and those who perform this service should be commended.

He did not stop at impersonating a mere watchman, he had to elevate himself to a “captain.”
Zimmerman was impersonating a neighborhood watchman and had no right to follow and confront Trayvon resulting in his death. The media always refer to him as a Neighborhhood Watchman Captain which leads one to believe he had every right to be on watch and watching Trayvon and didn‘t. He was a “self proclaimed neighborhood watchman captain” and that is “impersonating” someone he is not. He did not belong to neighborhood watch organization.
Impersonating something you are not should be a crime if it is not. Especially if it leads to a crime being committed.

A 22-year-old man claiming to be a "neighborhood watchman" in the West Village was arrested early Sunday morning after he allegedly robbed and raped a 30-year-old woman who had lost her wallet (but not her ATM card ).
West Village Rape Suspect Pretended To Be "Neighborhood Watchman": Gothamist

No one needs permission from any agency or group to become a neighborhood watchperson. Zimmerman, by all accounts was engaged in activities of a neighborhood watchman when Martin confronted him (your suggestion that Zimmerman confronted Martin is contrary to all the evidence). Zimmerman merely followed Martin from a distance so he could tell police where to find him. He stopped following Martin, but Martin then came after him and clobbered him.

The only crime that was committed was when Martin approached Zimmerman and hit him upside the head knocking him to the ground. After decking Zimmerman, Martin continued his criminal conduct when he sat on Zimmerman and beat him repeatedly around the head. If Martin had let Zimmerman alone after he knocked him to the ground, the thug would still be alive. But Martin clearly wanted to do some serious harm to Zimmerman, so he kept pounding on him. We will never know what Martin would have done to Zimmerman if the defenseless Zimmerman had not shot him. I believe that Martin would have killed Zimmerman. At any rate, Zimmerman had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury, and that fear gave him the legal right to use deadly force to stop the attack.

Martin had no legal justification for his criminal conduct. Being followed from afar does not give you the right to attack the person following you. Martin died because he was a thug who couldn't control his temper. It is also possible that Martin was a racist (his Twitter name was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA) and he didn't like a White man observing him. Well, NO_LIMIT_NIGGA found out that there are serious consequences for those who cannot limit their anger and aggression.

The Zimmerman haters are so desperate that they ignore the facts. They even criticize the man for being a neighborhood watchman, some people calling him a cop wannabe. Actually, Zimmerman was patrolling his neighborhood, sacrificing his own time - without compensation - to protect those who lived in his area. This is a good thing and those who perform this service should be commended.

You should write children's books, you certainly have the imagination for it.
Impersonating a neighborhood watchman... It just doesn't get any more ridiculous than that!
You should write children's books, you certainly have the imagination for it.
I'd say he makes a strong presentation. But if you disagree I would be interested in reading your rebuttal. Simply saying he, "should write children's books," is weightless and rather pointless.

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