Zelenskyy advises Russians leave Crimea while Kerch Bridge is somehow still functioning

1st post
It's not about feelings, it's about facts and the complete absence of facts to support your analysis of what is going on in Crimea.
All I know about Crimea comes from Crimeans both here and in Crimea. All you know about Crimea is what propaganda you have been told as facts.

If Ukrainians try and take Crimea, they will have a fight on their hands. It will be block by block, house by house.
All I know about Crimea comes from Crimeans both here and in Crimea. All you know about Crimea is what propaganda you have been told as facts.

If Ukrainians try and take Crimea, they will have a fight on their hands. It will be block by block, house by house.
The historical record does not support that conclusion.
Zelensky can advice all he wants.

Doesn't mean shit...nobody listens to him.

He is a defeated puppet, that's all.
Hi Skye; I don't think we know that yet and frankly as you know truth is the first casualty of war. I do know that maintaining a large army in a foreign country is hazardous and the conflicting reports of what is happening there are just that; confusing. I do want Russia stopped and a Free Ukraine without corruption. With Biden calling the shots really I just don't know what sort of clusterF we are going to end up with.

Troll Toomuchbooze forgetting how he told us about the invasion of Crimea a few hours ago and previously how the Nazis captured a flattened village with no occupants on their way to goodness knows where. You are a Prince of Clowns Boozy but I wish you well in your quest to find your first truth and report a Nazi advance of over ten centimetres .Amateur .
5th post
Do you really believe all the western democracies would be investing so heavily in Ukraine if their militaries didn't think Ukraine could win? The Russian military today is only a faint echo of what the USSR once was, and the only thing keeping the AFU from driving the Russians back toward the border right now are those minefields that have to be cleared.
Maybe listen to something other than the MSM. Start with Tucker’s interview of Col Douglas Macgregor
Agreed! Instead of sending DC kids to siphon money from Ukrainian companies, send them to fight for Ukraine. Send the 87,000 IRS agents, send the USDA armed agents, send the Leadership of the Intel agencies

$lava Ukraine!
That would be Karma in action . And based on the US track record the fighting would not last long .And send Toomuchbooze and JohnVD for good measure .
That would be Karma in action . And based on the US track record the fighting would not last long .And send Toomuchbooze and JohnVD for good measure .
But but but but but the CIA assured us the Russian military was completely degraded and would run before engaging our Ukrainian proxies! The swore a personal oath to Larry Fink that he would own Donbass by summer 2022 and Russia would be flooded with Illegal Aliens and ‘Fugees by September 2022!!
Tell me what you believe to be the situation on the ground

Ukraine breaks through first line of Russian defense – U.S. Joint Chiefs chair Gen. Milley​

The offensive is bloody and slow, but constant progress is observed, Milley stated. Ukrainian troops advance 400-500 meters daily, and sometimes up to a kilometer.

"They crossed the main first line of defense," he said.

“This defensive line, which the Russians spent many months preparing, is minefields, dragon's teeth, and anti-tank trenches.”

Read also: With Ukraine’s 2023 counteroffensive ongoing, West starts to think about 2024 spring offensive

The Ukrainians still have great combat power, and this is not the end, Milley stressed.

"It is still too early to judge the success or failure of the attack (…) It is clear that so far partial success has been achieved," Milley stated.


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