Zelensky No Longer interested in Nato Diplomacy

Sounds like you think that if you kiss the ass of tyrants then you think maybe they will stop killing you.
After the Iraq experience, there's no doubt that Iran wants insurance against a US attack. That can be a nuclear deal, Iran finally becoming a nuclear armed nation, or a defensive arrangement similar to Israel/America.

I think that world wide nuclear proliferation is less likely than the world's non-nuclear nations falling under the protective wings of one of the superpowers.

America has had it's 40 wars of aggression and we should be able to see a line being drawn by Russia with the Ukraine.

Syria is safe from an invasion at least. Hopefully the Ukraine will become a neutral.
Putin overestimated the strength of his Army and had to pull back
Whatever your choice, it doesn't speak well for your vision of Russia taking the entire Ukraine.

Is Russia a weak third world country with nuclear weapons or is it a superpower in an alliance with China, and together they are the world's greatest force with the greatest amount of the world's natural resources?
First off, Zelensky is solid on the Crimea being returned to the Ukraine, and that puts any sort of peace completely out of reach!
95% of Crimea's population is ethnic Russians and speak the Russian language. They had been pleading with Putin for a long time to annex them into the Russian Federation, which he finally did after they voted to succeed from Ukraine..
Zelensky needs to face the reality that Crimea is part of Russia now and that ain't gonna change.
95% of Crimea's population is ethnic Russians and speak the Russian language. They had been pleading with Putin for a long time to annex them into the Russian Federation, which he finally did after they voted to succeed from Ukraine..
Zelensky needs to face the reality that Crimea is part of Russia now and that ain't gonna change.
Yes, it's convenient for Russia that the people of the Crimea made their choice in favour of Russia.

But regardless, either way Russia was not going to give up the Crimea for obvious reasons that I'm tired of explaining.

Was the US fomented fight for Crimea a bridge too far and a stretegic loss?

Or was it more likely that the US fully understood that Russia could never give up the Crimea?

Can you leave your bias out of it and answer the question?
Kyiv was a secondary objective and judged not worth the time and effort to occupy. So the Russian army redeployed its forces to the Donbas region which was always their primary objective.
Kyiv was a primary objective

Putin looked to topple Zelensky with a lightning stroke that toppled his Government and highlighted a cowardly Zelensky hiding in the west for safety.

Unfortunately, Zelensky refused to run and rallied the people around him. The Russian invasion faltered and his forces were indefensible

So Putin ran away
Whatever your choice, it doesn't speak well for your vision of Russia taking the entire Ukraine.

Is Russia a weak third world country with nuclear weapons

That is defo how it has been coming over.
or is it a superpower in an alliance with China, and together they are the world's greatest force with the greatest amount of the world's natural resources?
Superpowers have had their day. What is going on in Ukraine is not helping a dying world and anyone who believes we can continue with wars all the time and superpowers and dirtying up the world with gas and oil has their head in the sand.
Putin had no intention of getting bogged down in protracted urban warfare in the sprawling city of Kyiv.
Kyiv was just a feign to draw the Ukrainian insurgents away from the Donbas region and the southern area close to Crimea.
Putin's plan has work perfectly, and now the Russian army has started to implement Phase 2 .... :thup:
China totally disagrees with you. ... :cool:
Not sure that's true. China sees Russia as subordinate to it. The real rivalry is between the US and China....but and I don't get why no one mentions this, if they carry on as they are, the world has no chance. We already have no chance of stopping climate disaster. It just depends on how bad we want to make it. We were supposed to be getting everything moving this year and then this stupid war started.
Putin had no intention of getting bogged down in protracted urban warfare in the sprawling city of Kyiv.
Kyiv was just a feign to draw the Ukrainian insurgents away from the Donbas region and the southern area close to Crimea.
Putin's plan has work perfectly, and now the Russian army has started to implement Phase 2 .... :thup:

Putin had no expectations of being bogged down in protracted urban warfare in Kyiv. He was expecting to be given flowers of gratitude as he took out Zelensky and shot him. What to me was the biggest surprise was the way the people of Ukraine were prepared to fight - this is people who in 2014 had no army to fight with and had to rely on ex football hooligans and white nationalists who became so good at fighting everyone now wants to join their regiment and is accepted as well. We need to wait to see how the second bit works. It is a race against time for both. Russia will apparently want to kill as many civilians as possible - that being the new general's key ability. However it ends it has finished Russia or Putin's Russia at least.
Putin had no intention of getting bogged down in protracted urban warfare in the sprawling city of Kyiv.
Kyiv was just a feign to draw the Ukrainian insurgents away from the Donbas region and the southern area close to Crimea.
Putin's plan has work perfectly, and now the Russian army has started to implement Phase 2 .... :thup:

Putin thought he could easily take Kyiv
He found out it was a death trap and ran away

What do you mean you are not going to surrender?
Putin thought he could easily take Kyiv
He found out it was a death trap and ran away
If the capitol city Kyiv had fallen quickly.
That would have been a surprise bonus.
But either way, Kyiv was just a distraction.
To draw in the insurgents and kill them.
Putin's masterful plan worked perfectly.
Phase 2 of the special military operation has now kicked in.
And the eastern Donbas region will now be overwhelmed by the Russian army.
If the capitol city Kyiv had fallen quickly.
That would have been a surprise bonus.
But either way, Kyiv was just a distraction.
To draw in the insurgents and kill them.
Putin's masterful plan worked perfectly.
Phase 2 of the special military operation has now kicked in.
And the eastern Donbas region will now be overwhelmed by the Russian army.

It was part of Putin’s master plan…to quickly topple the Ukraine Government and replace it with a puppet regime.
He failed miserably

Phase 2 is to save his ass with a salvaged victory
Well at least your admitting Putin's army is going to be victorious in the Ukraine special military operation. ... :thup:

Depends how you define victory

Will the occupied territory comply with Russian occupation or will they continue partisan attacks against Russian troops

Will 30,000+ deaths, a destroyed economy and international sanctions be worth a small territory?

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