Zelensky labels Nato Summit´s Declaration ABSURD

Fuck off now, I have no time for your trolling.
How can anyone take anything you post seriously, now that you've been caught telling such a stupid lie? Were you really stupid enough to believe you wouldn't be caught or were you just so desperate to find something positive for Russia that you didn't care if you were caught telling such a stupid lie?
How can anyone take anything you post seriously, now that you've been caught telling such a stupid lie? Were you really stupid enough to believe you wouldn't be caught or were you just so desperate to find something positive for Russia that you didn't care if you were caught telling such a stupid lie?
I said I have no time for your trolling, liar.
If that were true, you wouldn't have posted this message. So why are you lying about not having time?
I am not lying. We know you are not a normal user but a government troll. We can debate but by now I want a share of your salary when being confronted with your stupid lies and attacks. Or I have no time.
I am not lying. We know you are not a normal user but a government troll. We can debate but by now I want a share of your salary when being confronted with your stupid lies and attacks. Or I have no time.
Of course you were lying. You claimed the NATO joint statement contained "massive criticism of Ukrainian statehood" and it clearly does not. I was just asking you what was wrong with you to tell such a stupid lie? And now, of course, why you are lying about not having time to dicuss it since you clearly are discussing it.
Of course you were lying. You claimed the NATO joint statement contained "massive criticism of Ukrainian statehood" and it clearly does not. I was just asking you what was wrong with you to tell such a stupid lie? And now, of course, why you are lying about not having time to dicuss it since you clearly are discussing it.
Why do they want Ukraine to improve "respect for human rights", ect, then? Why isn´t that criticism?
Movie coming soon....

No country can announce that another one will join Nato because all member states have to agree to the newcomer. So while a country cannot invite another, it can indeed block another.
The sole chairman and boss of NATO is the USA. NATO itself has a so called NATO council. Therefore e.g. the USA can invite to NATO whomever they want. An official invite by the NATO council to become a full NATO member, however must be ratified by the respective NATO members (aka NATO council and the respective NATO members parliaments or governments, and the invited party.
Furthermore according to NATO MAP statutes - the moment a country applies to be a full member (see Sweden) it is during the ratification process already protected by NATO. Therefore NATO decided in Vilnius to cancel the MAP procedure for Ukraine - since at present according to the NATO MAP procedure - Ukraine could not apply for a full membership.

Now they can.

Aside from that, believe me - The USA possesses all the means necessary to push the NATO council to do, whatever they want to be done.
Ukrainian President Zelensky has reacted to the joint declaration of the seven Nato members that attended the Nato summit in Vilnius. He called it absurd.

I assume this has several reasons:

- The declaration has been agreed on by the seven states prior to the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation
- The declaration includes no Nato membership for Ukraine (as per demand of the US and Germany)
- The declaration massively criticizes the Ukrainian statehood
- The declaration includes Ukrainian actions (related to point three) without consulting Ukraine (see point one)

Sources: Ukrainian (if you don´t like it, simply change the rules, everyone here is able to click on the translate popup)

Declaration in full:

Selensky´s reaction:

Nazi, tell your Russian brainwashers to stop their stupid, senseless and criminal war in the Ukraine by leaving the Ukraine with all of their soldiers. A good idea from Putin could it be to give them 6 month holidays on the own costs. No no - really on the own costs of Putin and not with the money of the Russian tax payers.
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This is not the declaration from July 12. I ask you to read before you start judging. The July 12 declaration contains:

"For its part, Ukraine undertakes:

(b) Continue to implement reforms in law enforcement, judiciary, anti-corruption, corporate governance, economy, security sector and public administration that underscore its commitment to democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and media freedom, and put its economy on a sustainable path of development;"

The text clearly claims that there are lacks of respect for human rights, media freedom, ect. In addition, the text claims that Ukraine agrees to this claims and will improve the situation but Ukraine was neither involved in creating the declaration nor did Ukraine agree to it. Ukraine has nothing to do with this declaration. The text is even absurd according to Selensky.
That is exactly the reason as to why NATO decided at Vilnius to drop the NATO MAP process requirements towards Ukraine - since it would take Ukraine somewhere from 3-5 years to fulfill the process in order to apply being a FULL NATO member.
Movie coming soon....


Are you really sure political nonsense propaganda has only to be stupid enough? If he has to fight in this area then we will send him some of our flags to hide him from your eyes.

Yours sincerely
an unknown NATO member

... The US and Germany insisted on this because they fear a further escalation of the conflict. ...

More simple: Still Europe and America do not like to wipe Russia from this planet because we like it to kill all Russians ... ah sorry: a Freudian slip: because we do not like to kill all Russians. ... on the other side what would lose the world really when ... ... ... okay okay okay - forget this all: Let us all be brave and nice children of god. And you, Nazi who tries to represent Russia here, by leaving the Ukraine with all Russian armies and to stop it to be a threat for the world peace (Do not forget to destroy the murderous "system Putin") - and we by training our soldiers in knitting warm socks for our tanks and bubble hats for our rockets.

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The real question is: How many tons absurdity exist in Putins brain and what is the real duty of real Russian patriots now? You are always only able to lose with Putin and his criminal gang.
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Who cares about NATO~

Zelensky the Comedian Puppet has other....more important business to attend to!!;)


Good grief - are Russians stupid!

Hopefully it will not be as bad as it already is.
Karl Valentin
Optimist: A person who does not take things as tragically as they are.
Karl Valentin

You have to give spring credit for that: Poets sing about it every year, but it still comes back.
Karl Valentin
All things have three sides: a positive, a negative and a funny.
Karl Valentin
The future was also better in the past.
Karl Valentin
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I know since long years that you are a Nazi because you made this very clear to me in long senseless "conversations" - so your new mimicry now not works with me.
Extra! Extra! Zelensky threatened that if Ukraine is not taken into NATO, it will join ISIS!

ISIS? ... Hmmm ... A good idea. Do you really think Ramsan Kadyrow and his corrupt murderous Chechenian fake jihadists will help the Ukraine to come free? How much money does he need?

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