Youth think Bush wants to reinstate the draft


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

The National Annenberg Election Survey found that 51 percent of adults age 18 to 29 believe Bush wants to reinstate the draft. Eight percent said Kerry supports bring back the draft, and 7 percent said both want to. A fourth of those polled said neither candidate favors the idea.

You know there are times like this that im ashamed to be in this age category. i mean anyone who paid any attention to the draft issue knows its the Democrats who tried to draft legislation for the draft. the drafter of the draft bill himself, Charles Rangel(sp?), voted against his own bill. Its obvious that this is a political ploy. Maybe we need a 527 advertising that will go something like this:

"This October Democrats lead by Charles Rangel introduced a bill to reinstate the draft. Luckily this bill was overwhelmingly opposed by Republicans in the house. The only people who voted in favor of the draft were Democrats. Can you trust these politicians with your life?"

The beauty of such an ad is would be completely honest.

Also a significant quote from the article was as follows:

Three in 10 adults think Bush wants to reinstate the draft, and 7 percent of all adults think both Bush and Kerry feel that way.

3 out of 10 huh? Well that sounds about the percentage of registered Democrats so is that really surprising? They think Bush it Hitler. they would piss their pants if they ever had to face a real hitler. very sad how many people are deceived on this issue.
As you said, the current legislation has been created by Dems, solely for the purpose of getting Kerry elected.

So far I have seen no evidence of Bush wanting to reinstate the draft, perhaps if the Bush admin were wanting to send troops to Iran, then it might be a possibility, but for now it simply isn't true.

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