Your timing is exquisite, Mr. Norquist


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Norquist meets privately with GOP to reinforce anti-tax pledge -

And some Republicans have grown weary of the pledge -- saying they want more options in handling the nation's tough budgetary matters.

Even before Norquist, the feisty president of Americans for Tax Reform, set foot on the Hill on Thursday, a top Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, offered a prebuttal to the visit.

"All of you should know that the most powerful man in Washington will be visiting Congress this coming Thursday, and it's not Bryce Harper," Reid said earlier in the week, invoking the Washington Nationals' new star slugger, a fellow Nevadan.

"It's Grover Norquist," Reid said. "Grover Norquist is the only Republican leader who can truthfully say he has the entire Republican Party in the palm of his hand. ... So if you want to know what the Republican position is on any of the enormous economic challenges facing this country, don't waste your time asking Governor Romney, Speaker Boehner or Senator McConnell. Just ask Grover."

Reid was referring to the GOP leaders -- Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, House Speaker John A. Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.

Norquist's meeting with a gathering of House Republicans was private.

Private, huh? I wonder why.
you should think about not licking the ass of a guy who wants our government dead
Whatever. The Obama administration is crumbling before our very eyes.........
I think Darth Norquist feels his power waning. Now he's got the GOP bigwigs together while he attempts to use the force to choke each of them back into submission.
Most Republican Congressmen could not pick Gorver Norquist out of a police lineup but I guess this is better than discussing Obama's eating a dog, telling his publisher he was born in Kenya or getting to the bottom of why he's helping Holder cover up F&F
Give up on posting your own thoughts and opinions Boop?

One question though. Did it bother you when dems bribed each other with OUR MONEY behind closed doors during the healthcare debacle?
Obama is on the ropes with scandals ranging from illegal gun running and manslaughter to releasing classified documents not to mention the economy in illegal immigration and the left is worried about what Grover Norquist is saying? Get real lefties.
taxes are too high. im sick of politicains wanting to raise taxes because they are addicted to spending the hard earned money of others
Norquist meets privately with GOP to reinforce anti-tax pledge -

And some Republicans have grown weary of the pledge -- saying they want more options in handling the nation's tough budgetary matters.

Even before Norquist, the feisty president of Americans for Tax Reform, set foot on the Hill on Thursday, a top Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, offered a prebuttal to the visit.

"All of you should know that the most powerful man in Washington will be visiting Congress this coming Thursday, and it's not Bryce Harper," Reid said earlier in the week, invoking the Washington Nationals' new star slugger, a fellow Nevadan.

"It's Grover Norquist," Reid said. "Grover Norquist is the only Republican leader who can truthfully say he has the entire Republican Party in the palm of his hand. ... So if you want to know what the Republican position is on any of the enormous economic challenges facing this country, don't waste your time asking Governor Romney, Speaker Boehner or Senator McConnell. Just ask Grover."

Reid was referring to the GOP leaders -- Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, House Speaker John A. Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.

Norquist's meeting with a gathering of House Republicans was private.

Private, huh? I wonder why.

Where should they have had it? On the National Mall?
Norquist meets privately with GOP to reinforce anti-tax pledge -

And some Republicans have grown weary of the pledge -- saying they want more options in handling the nation's tough budgetary matters.

Even before Norquist, the feisty president of Americans for Tax Reform, set foot on the Hill on Thursday, a top Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, offered a prebuttal to the visit.

"All of you should know that the most powerful man in Washington will be visiting Congress this coming Thursday, and it's not Bryce Harper," Reid said earlier in the week, invoking the Washington Nationals' new star slugger, a fellow Nevadan.

"It's Grover Norquist," Reid said. "Grover Norquist is the only Republican leader who can truthfully say he has the entire Republican Party in the palm of his hand. ... So if you want to know what the Republican position is on any of the enormous economic challenges facing this country, don't waste your time asking Governor Romney, Speaker Boehner or Senator McConnell. Just ask Grover."

Reid was referring to the GOP leaders -- Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, House Speaker John A. Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.

Norquist's meeting with a gathering of House Republicans was private.

Private, huh? I wonder why.

How many times did you Bitch when Pelosi and Reed Held Private meetings about Major Policy issues?

Norquist meets privately with GOP to reinforce anti-tax pledge -

And some Republicans have grown weary of the pledge -- saying they want more options in handling the nation's tough budgetary matters.

Even before Norquist, the feisty president of Americans for Tax Reform, set foot on the Hill on Thursday, a top Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, offered a prebuttal to the visit.

"All of you should know that the most powerful man in Washington will be visiting Congress this coming Thursday, and it's not Bryce Harper," Reid said earlier in the week, invoking the Washington Nationals' new star slugger, a fellow Nevadan.

"It's Grover Norquist," Reid said. "Grover Norquist is the only Republican leader who can truthfully say he has the entire Republican Party in the palm of his hand. ... So if you want to know what the Republican position is on any of the enormous economic challenges facing this country, don't waste your time asking Governor Romney, Speaker Boehner or Senator McConnell. Just ask Grover."

Reid was referring to the GOP leaders -- Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, House Speaker John A. Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.

Norquist's meeting with a gathering of House Republicans was private.
Private, huh? I wonder why.

The GOP members didn't want any pictures taken of them kissing Grover's ring. Or perhaps it wasn't his ring.
Norquist meets privately with GOP to reinforce anti-tax pledge -

And some Republicans have grown weary of the pledge -- saying they want more options in handling the nation's tough budgetary matters.

Even before Norquist, the feisty president of Americans for Tax Reform, set foot on the Hill on Thursday, a top Democrat, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, offered a prebuttal to the visit.

"All of you should know that the most powerful man in Washington will be visiting Congress this coming Thursday, and it's not Bryce Harper," Reid said earlier in the week, invoking the Washington Nationals' new star slugger, a fellow Nevadan.

"It's Grover Norquist," Reid said. "Grover Norquist is the only Republican leader who can truthfully say he has the entire Republican Party in the palm of his hand. ... So if you want to know what the Republican position is on any of the enormous economic challenges facing this country, don't waste your time asking Governor Romney, Speaker Boehner or Senator McConnell. Just ask Grover."

Reid was referring to the GOP leaders -- Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, House Speaker John A. Boehner and Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader.

Norquist's meeting with a gathering of House Republicans was private.
Private, huh? I wonder why.

The GOP members didn't want any pictures taken of them kissing Grover's ring. Or perhaps it wasn't his ring.

Ring/ass, tomato/tomahto.
Really? Were rocks involved?

Remember when all the Republican candidates said they wouldn't even raise taxes $1 even if it meant that there would be $10 in spending cuts? Yeeeeaaaaah. That was because they signed Grover's pledge.
Really? Were rocks involved?

Remember when all the Republican candidates said they wouldn't even raise taxes $1 even if it meant that there would be $10 in spending cuts? Yeeeeaaaaah. That was because they signed Grover's pledge.

What would've happened had they broke their pledge? I know HW Bush broke his no new taxes and got canned.

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