Your axe to grind...politically speaking?

Immigration. Neither party will do anything to fix it. The one party that CLAIMS they want to fix it is always working on ways to incite MORE illegals.
My second is lack of accountability in govt. If we fixed that, everything would probably work itself out...
Hmmm maybe lack of accountability is my first! lol
Forced collectivism. People who think that someone else's rights are worthy of being sacrificed at the alter of their subjective opinion of the collective good at the point of a gun. It's beyond rampant on both the red and the blue teams and is basically the nexus of what ails us as a nation.
#1 international axe to grind: nation building
The lives lost, the cost, and in Iraq the resulting persecution of Christians makes this my biggest axe to grind.

#2 domestic axe to grind: fiscal irresponsibility
Service of the debt will eat away at the federal budget in ever increasing chunks. Not that going into debt is always bad, investing is good and provides positive returns. But both Democrats and Republicans politicians simply see our tax dollars and the federal credit card as a money tap to be diverted to their own preferred agenda.

Overall have to say I don't need to see much from Trump to be satisfied after the back-to-back administrations of Bush/Obama.
American voters who don't think about policy or facts just personality... And GOP lies of course.

The GOP (= Grand Old Party) got a nasty haircut from the libtard P.R. slaves they hired to get "their" message across.

The website is down at the moment, and even when it was up it redirected to

"GOP" is mostly a deliberate mainstream media slur, and going "commercial," i.e., ".com" with it does not improve the image.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?

My axe to grind is that too many people can no longer separate politics and the rest of their life. Everything they do is done through the lenses of one party or the other. When they read a news story they think "how can I use this to my political advantage"
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
Negroes, Jews, Sp*cs, the poor, fags, ragheads...

Oh, wait. That would by your problem list.
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
Negroes, Jews, Sp*cs, the poor, fags, ragheads...

Oh, wait. That would by your problem list.

As opposed to yours, which includes.
The wealthy
We all have that one thing that really, really bothers you all well know, for me it’s illegal aliens and all the negative filth they manifest.....So what’s your ‘thing’, what’s that one thing that eats away at you....and why?
Negroes, Jews, Sp*cs, the poor, fags, ragheads...

Oh, wait. That would by your problem list.

The difference between myself, you, and all your twisted buddies is I hate the right people. I hate all filthy bottom feeders and taxpayer liabilities while you and backward thinking whacks hate only the most productive, stand up REAL Americans.
The wealthy

You're starting to put your finger on something there, but it is far nastier than most people are willing to admit.

Wealthy (hetero)sexuals = too much pimping, procuring, soliciting, pandering, and outright prostitution.

Caucasian white-only Christians? They say all Christians must carry a cross, but the corners of theirs are bent into a swastika.

卐 <- This is permitted on the forum, but Greek letters are not. How quaint.
Govt retirement pensions.

Phony Leftist double standards. (ex: SJ riotsrat Trump rally, poor white lady pummdled with eggs at close range. People sucker punched, yet Acosta claims he is "threatened").
How the hell can you have a political axe to grind in a time of peace and prosperity unless you are a psychotic nut case?

Peace and prosperity? Just like 1930s Germany? Clueless or ignorant, or outright Nazism? That is just naked aggression, open rebellion and insurrection against the United States of America.

Exactly what we fought so hard against in the Civil War and again especially in the Second World War. Do you think people were happy about all that "peace and prosperity" you stole from them? No. You are asking for a hostile military response, and that is what you will get from words like that.
The absolute control the Jewish race has over the minds,bodies and souls of Americans...plain and simple. You name it in the media,banking,politics,they own it or control it.

I don't know if you mean this, or by your username "Odium" you intend to be sarcastic, but here goes:

You German Nazis, Italian Fascists, Austrian-Hungarian swingers, and Japanese Shogun Kamikazes, silverware thieves, professional tooth-pullers, medical quacks, and head-shrink psychiatrists, you have angered much more people than the Jewish race alone.

For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? [1 Corinthians 14:8]

The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles. I have commanded my sanctified ones, I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger, even them that rejoice in my highness. The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle. [Isaiah 13:1-4]

And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. [Revelation 9:16]

And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. [Revelation 16:16]

... and great Babylon came in remembrance before God ... [Revelation 16:19]

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