Younger Americans are having less sex


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I find this very interesting.

Why? Is it internet porn? Is it because abortion isn't an option like it used to be? I noticed this with my younger nephew. Him and his friends are not getting laid and they are 18 year olds. Some of them have girlfriends but most do not.

In the past 25% of kids were not having sex. Today it's closer to 50%.
Whatever the reason, I think it's great. Fewer unwanted children. Fewer people in a world already overpopulated.

Even married people are having less sex.

people in their 20s - are more likely to have been celibate in adulthood and that they are on track to have fewer lifetime sexual partners than either Boomers or Gen Xers have had.

You would think dating apps make it easier but For some people, they obviously work really well. Very quickly, they've become the leading way to meet partners. But for others, they can be really demoralizing and a huge time suck.

It seems like in a fairly short period of time, we've just become a bit less comfortable sort of striking up conversations in real life.

A really robust body of research shows that health and happiness tend to lead to a good sex life or a happy sex life and the reverse as well. And I think that if something is going on in our culture that is making intimacy - both physical intimacy and, really, I would say, more importantly, emotional intimacy - more fraught and more elusive, that should be deeply troubling to us.
I find this very interesting.

Why? Is it internet porn? Is it because abortion isn't an option like it used to be? I noticed this with my younger nephew. Him and his friends are not getting laid and they are 18 year olds. Some of them have girlfriends but most do not.

In the past 25% of kids were not having sex. Today it's closer to 50%.
Whatever the reason, I think it's great. Fewer unwanted children. Fewer people in a world already overpopulated.

Even married people are having less sex.

people in their 20s - are more likely to have been celibate in adulthood and that they are on track to have fewer lifetime sexual partners than either Boomers or Gen Xers have had.

You would think dating apps make it easier but For some people, they obviously work really well. Very quickly, they've become the leading way to meet partners. But for others, they can be really demoralizing and a huge time suck.

It seems like in a fairly short period of time, we've just become a bit less comfortable sort of striking up conversations in real life.

A really robust body of research shows that health and happiness tend to lead to a good sex life or a happy sex life and the reverse as well. And I think that if something is going on in our culture that is making intimacy - both physical intimacy and, really, I would say, more importantly, emotional intimacy - more fraught and more elusive, that should be deeply troubling to us.

Nope, you can't stop kids from having sex, you need to give them all rubbers in school cuz they are all like animals. It's only natural after all.

Woops, sorry, that was the 1990's talking points from the Left.

Now the Left sterilizes them once the schools confuse them on what sex they are.
I find this very interesting.

Why? Is it internet porn? Is it because abortion isn't an option like it used to be? I noticed this with my younger nephew. Him and his friends are not getting laid and they are 18 year olds. Some of them have girlfriends but most do not.

In the past 25% of kids were not having sex. Today it's closer to 50%.
Whatever the reason, I think it's great. Fewer unwanted children. Fewer people in a world already overpopulated.

Even married people are having less sex.

people in their 20s - are more likely to have been celibate in adulthood and that they are on track to have fewer lifetime sexual partners than either Boomers or Gen Xers have had.

You would think dating apps make it easier but For some people, they obviously work really well. Very quickly, they've become the leading way to meet partners. But for others, they can be really demoralizing and a huge time suck.

It seems like in a fairly short period of time, we've just become a bit less comfortable sort of striking up conversations in real life.

A really robust body of research shows that health and happiness tend to lead to a good sex life or a happy sex life and the reverse as well. And I think that if something is going on in our culture that is making intimacy - both physical intimacy and, really, I would say, more importantly, emotional intimacy - more fraught and more elusive, that should be deeply troubling to us.

More likely fewer young men having sex, than younger women. With the new dating apps they can shop the local area with an app, like it was a Sears catalogue, and just pick best looking buck they want to fuck that day. As a result roughly 60ish percent of the women, are banging probably around the same 10 percent of the guys.
Nope, you can't stop kids from having sex, you need to give them all rubbers in school cuz they are all like animals. It's only natural after all.

Woops, sorry, that was the 1990's talking points from the Left.

Now the Left sterilizes them once the schools confuse them on what sex they are.
Seriously, this generation is weird. But it may be a good thing. If we are overpopulated, this may be mother natures way of fixing the problem. Or maybe it's something in the food or vaccines we give them. Or maybe young people are becoming more like me. I never wanted to have kids. A lot of my friends who got married and had kids wanted to have kids. They wanted to get married and start a family. Spend a lot on a wedding.

Maybe college and homes being so expensive has made a lot of them not want to be parents.

This may cause problems with our economy and not enough tax payers. Growing pains only instead they'd be called Shrinking pains.
Indeed. A man can waste his life's fortune chasing women. However if a man chases wealth, and success; there will plenty of women to pick from just waiting at the finish line...
Yea but also a young man can waste his youth chasing only money and then when he gets older all the good ones are taken. Today I'm in my 50's. 20 year olds look at what I have and they wish they were me. I see the women they get and I wish I was them.

Think about this. When we were young, 25% of 18 year olds were virgins. Today that number is almost 50%.

For the record I was 17 my first time.
Yea but also a young man can waste his youth chasing only money and then when he gets older all the good ones are taken. Today I'm in my 50's. 20 year olds look at what I have and they wish they were me. I see the women they get and I wish I was them.

Think about this. When we were young, 25% of 18 year olds were virgins. Today that number is almost 50%.

For the record I was 17 my first time.
New ones hit the market every day. As for them being "good ones"... Well... Given the current attitude towards sex amongst today's young girls, you'd be lucky to find one at 18 with a body count she could count on one hand...
Not quite. Fewer WHITE children. Meanwhile, blacks, latinos and illegals are popping kids out left and right.
In general poor people will continue to have more kids than middle class people do that's true. And since there are so many poor blacks and hispanics, that makes sense.

I've even seen that fewer blacks and latino's are having kids. They have more than us but this study isn't just about white Americans. It's ALL Americans.

African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely to report having sex. Ten percent of blacks and Hispanics responded that they had sexual relations every night or almost every night in the one hour before going to sleep. Four percent of whites answered the same, compared to 1 percent of Asians.
New ones hit the market every day. As for them being "good ones"... Well... Given the current attitude towards sex amongst today's young girls, you'd be lucky to find one at 18 with a body count she could count on one hand...
That might not be as true post pandemic as it was pre.
I find it sad that teenagers seem to be dating less and are more likely to hook up than to go steady. One of the greatest pleasures in my life filled with pleasures was to be eighteen and have a best friend I enjoyed French kissing etc.
I find it sad that teenagers seem to be dating less and are more likely to hook up than to go steady. One of the greatest pleasures in my life filled with pleasures was to be eighteen and have a best friend I enjoyed French kissing etc.
The report found that people looking online to date are more serious about finding someone long term than people who meet in person. The people who meet in person are more likely to want to just "hook up".

I remember when I was young it was the guys who just wanted to hook up and the girls wanted to find husbands. Today the women just want to hook up too.
Indeed. A man can waste his life's fortune chasing women. However if a man chases wealth, and success; there will plenty of women to pick from just waiting at the finish line...
Young women have become so obsessed with social media that I wouldn't even know how to deal with that self absorbed shit.
Seriously, this generation is weird. But it may be a good thing. If we are overpopulated, this may be mother natures way of fixing the problem. Or maybe it's something in the food or vaccines we give them. Or maybe young people are becoming more like me. I never wanted to have kids. A lot of my friends who got married and had kids wanted to have kids. They wanted to get married and start a family. Spend a lot on a wedding.

Maybe college and homes being so expensive has made a lot of them not want to be parents.

This may cause problems with our economy and not enough tax payers. Growing pains only instead they'd be called Shrinking pains.
Seriously, all governments around the world are trying to limit population levels as what they are doing is working.

Wakey, wakey.
I find this very interesting.

Why? Is it internet porn? Is it because abortion isn't an option like it used to be? I noticed this with my younger nephew. Him and his friends are not getting laid and they are 18 year olds. Some of them have girlfriends but most do not.

In the past 25% of kids were not having sex. Today it's closer to 50%.
Whatever the reason, I think it's great. Fewer unwanted children. Fewer people in a world already overpopulated.

Even married people are having less sex.

people in their 20s - are more likely to have been celibate in adulthood and that they are on track to have fewer lifetime sexual partners than either Boomers or Gen Xers have had.

You would think dating apps make it easier but For some people, they obviously work really well. Very quickly, they've become the leading way to meet partners. But for others, they can be really demoralizing and a huge time suck.

It seems like in a fairly short period of time, we've just become a bit less comfortable sort of striking up conversations in real life.

A really robust body of research shows that health and happiness tend to lead to a good sex life or a happy sex life and the reverse as well. And I think that if something is going on in our culture that is making intimacy - both physical intimacy and, really, I would say, more importantly, emotional intimacy - more fraught and more elusive, that should be deeply troubling to us.

What do you expect? You people are telling straight young men if they're not willing to fuck a guy dressed as a woman, they're transphobic bigots.
Young women have become so obsessed with social media that I wouldn't even know how to deal with that self absorbed shit.

I have two hot cousins who are constantly doing selfies. It's so unattractive. Makes them look like they are fakes. No lives but they are constantly posing in front of things like they are living exciting lives.
What do you expect? You people are telling straight young men if they're not willing to fuck a guy dressed as a woman, they're transphobic bigots.
And like Gretta who thinks she has no future because of climate change are all on depressants and not interested in life whatsoever.

Also, just look at the economy. Kids understand how bad it is.

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