Young Voters: How Will You Respond To Massive Govt Expansion


Oct 4, 2008
Tucson, Az
Barack Obama ran a great campaign and will soon take the reins. He has promised commitments that will cost in the trillions over time and the Democratic Congress will almost certainly push for additional spending, to gain favor within their districts. That happens with both parties-traditionally, more with Democrats.

The Government Accountability Office latest report tells us we are already committed to long-term debt of $55 trillion. It consists of the $10 trillion already owed, plus $44 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and $1 trillion miscellaneous.

The report says also that the longer we wait to start remedying this problem, the harder it will be and that in the absence of serious action, eventually, a combination of a very large increase in taxes and very large reductions in benefits is inevitable.

Congress will never take action that limits its power or interferes with their reelection. which comes up every two years in the House.

Special interest groups are now so powerful, they also will not be neglected by either party. There are only a handful of congress people with the integrity to put America first-definitely not enough to bring about the needed change.

I suggest that 25-35 year olds must start to become members of congress, running on a promise to reduce federal spending as a percent of GDP over 10 years by promising to fight for “limiting federal spending increases to the rate of economic growth.”

In my opinion, this and other commitments to adult type decision-making, regarding spending and benefits will win elections in most districts.

Total spending is now 36% of GDP, 23% of which will be federal, under the soon to be passed budget, more than the cost of food, clothing, shelter and some transportation.

We should target getting federal spending down to 17% of GDP in a decade or as close to it as possible.

Because of withholding, many Americans don’t even think of 36 cents of every dollar as their own money. That money is being taken to pay this huge portion of their earnings before they are able to satisfy one penny of their own daily expenses.

Pulling this much out of the private sector also reduces the size of the pie.

Today’s young voters and young entrants to the workforce cannot depend on the “other guy.”

If you would like to read a full plan on bringing this about, my personal information bio, will lead you to my site and a detailed plan called PURGE CONGRESS.
I’m guessing the forum rules do not allow me to post a direct link, although I’ve not found any so far.

If someone can advise me on this I’d appreciate it.
How did we react to the Department Of Homeland Security growing the way it did? Depends on if it does a good job or just becomes another beurocracy.
Young Voters: How Will You Respond To Massive Govt Expansion?

Young voter: It's great as long as someone else is paying for it!
Amazing how you ignore the growth of government under mr neocon.

You're response seems defensive, more for the sake of flinging out something critical.

This was about the future and has a suggested solution.

However I agree 100% that Bush and the Republican Congress, went way overboard, to say the least, actually violating my suggested solution in the most egregious way.

After the tax cuts the economy averaged about 3% growth and Pres. Bush and the Republicans gave us spending increases averaging 7% and doubled the National Debt.

My post also avoids insults, such as "Mr. Neocon."
Amazing how you ignore the growth of government under mr neocon.

You're response seems defensive, more for the sake of flinging out something critical.

This was about the future and has a suggested solution.

However I agree 100% that Bush and the Republican Congress, went way overboard, to say the least, actually violating my suggested solution in the most egregious way.

After the tax cuts the economy averaged about 3% growth and Pres. Bush and the Republicans gave us spending increases averaging 7% and doubled the National Debt.

My post also avoids insults, such as "Mr. Neocon."
I don't think most young voters look at government as the enemy...that's why the whole Obama is a socialist argument fell flat.
This will be the perfect opportunity for them to see that the government IS the enemy.

:lol: I find it pretty funny how anti-government some of you are. What do you suppose this world would be like without government? Government is responsible for enforcement of our laws, regulation of our healthcare, food supply, drug safety, etc.

I guess some people would like to go back to the wild wild west where everyone had a six shooter on their hip and people died from simple infections due to poor medical care and unsanitary conditions and people still used horse and buggy for transportation. :cuckoo:
Obama will grow government so much, the history books will refer to him as George W. Bush the Second (or Third if you make George H. W. Bush the First).
:lol: I find it pretty funny how anti-government some of you are. What do you suppose this world would be like without government? Government is responsible for enforcement of our laws, regulation of our healthcare, food supply, drug safety, etc.

I guess some people would like to go back to the wild wild west where everyone had a six shooter on their hip and people died from simple infections due to poor medical care and unsanitary conditions and people still used horse and buggy for transportation. :cuckoo:

The form of government is fine. We just need representatives with enough integrity to practice it. It has been corrupted.

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