Young Rappers Arrested In Iran


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Nov 8 2010

POLICE in Iran are reportedly cracking down on the latest source of annoyance - teenage rappers.

According to reports, officers are determined to deal with underground groups of rappers in the capital, Tehran.

"Those who have been arrested are among those who have veered away from proper behavior," Tehran Police Chief Hussain Sajedinia told ILNA news agency.

Young rappers arrested in Iran - Daily Express
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.

Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.

Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:

From a truly fundamental american standpoint Iran isn't any of our concern, but that means little to anyone anymore.

In any event nobody with any education would mistake iranians for medieval people.
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.

Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:

From a truly fundamental american standpoint Iran isn't any of our concern, but that means little to anyone anymore.

In any event nobody with any education would mistake iranians for medieval people.

You know less than zero about the subject matter, psycho loser.

Iranian dominance over Persian Gulf oil has repercusisons for the US. So, too, Iran's adherence to Islamic Ithna Ashariyyah that calls for the destruction of the world which they believe will result in their mahdi [messiah]

Iran supports Hizballah responsible for the deaths of 300 Marines in Beirut. Iran supports Hamas which, along with Iran, envisions a global Islamic caliphate through jihad.

Why waste bandwidth with your ignorant and idioitic posts. You only get bitch slapped.
Actually, it was you who just got slapped and predictably, like 90% of the other so called "adults" on this site you simply retaliate with irrational, childish insults. Very impressive.

You can pray for the day U.S. bombers start laying waste to Iran, but IF it ever happens it won't be any time soon so why not do yourself a favor and stop with the John Bolton impersonation and actually READ what people who shape U.S. foreign policy have to say on this matter instead of reacting like a sheep to the whims of some, obviously, prestigious writer at the award winning "daily express".
Actually, it was you who just got slapped

Actually, only in your delusional, psychotic mind, Charles Manson. Take your schizophrenia medication. :cuckoo:

Since you're brain-addled, here, again, is why Iran is a threat...

Furthermore, a survey among Arabs found Iran as the #1 threat. But, you know better, dumbass?

Financial Times--
A survey by YouGov, commissioned by Qatar’s Doha Debates and published last week, found that on the Arab side 80 per cent of those surveyed do not believe Iran’s assurances that it is not trying to develop nuclear weapons.

The poll, which surveyed more than 1,000 people in 18 Arab countries last month, found that most see Iran as a bigger threat to security than Israel, with a third believing Iran is just as likely as Israel to target Arab countries.
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Original story Young rappers arrested in Iran -
Which mentions the use of illegal drugs, ie alcohol,

allah doesn't have rhythm, jiihadi. :lol:

Why I left Islam
By Waleed Al-Husseini

Islam is an authoritarian religion that does not respect the individuals’ freedom of choice, which is easily noticeable from its barbaric verdicts such as stoning the adulterous, pushing the homosexuals off a cliff and killing the apostates for daring to express a different viewpoint. Then there is the plight of other religions’ followers in the Muslim State. Islam urges its followers to fight the infidels until they convert or agree to pay a tax known as "Jizya" per capita in total submission.The sacred texts in Islam also encourage blatant war and conquest of new territories to spread the religion of Muhammad, instead of using peaceful means to convey the message, relying only on a rational argumentative scheme; something that Islam, like any other religion for that matter, evidently lacks. It is simply a terrible insult to human values and a proof of unprecedented dementia.

I was flabbergasted when I learnt the commandments of Islam regarding the alliance and disavowal and the aberrant division of the world into believers and unbelievers, with all the outrageous provisions this implies for the "Dhimmis" and the” Jizya "! A man also has the right to correct his wife by beating her and / or deserting the marital bed if she refuses to submit to his will. She has no choice when it comes to satisfying his sexual desire whenever he feels like it, with no regard whatsoever of her feelings and desires.

I am not a feminist and I am not one of those who defend women passionately against the countless forms of injustice they have suffered for centuries because of religion, but I have a mother, a sister and a lover and I cannot stand for them to be humiliated and stigmatized in this bone-chilling way, because they are my dearest and I love them too much to treat them with this flawed and nauseating manner which debunks undoubtedly the claim that Islam is a religion of equality and freedom!

All forms of artistic expressions are banned in Islam: music, singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, acting, but also literature, poetry, philosophy and the use of logic!

Muhammad was no different than barbaric thugs who slaughtered, robbed and raped women, there are many proofs in the Sunnah, I invite you to do your homework before accusing me of lying for the sole purpose of damaging the image of the prophet of Islam. He was a sex maniac, and went around all the laws he has enacted to appease his voracious desire. He has torn humanity and imprisoned the nation with backward and outdated Bedouin laws. He accomplished no miracle that could prove his prophecy; all he had was a book showing strong similarities with the poetry of his contemporaries, full of scientific errors and philosophical dilemmas.
Why I left Islam
Nov 8 2010

POLICE in Iran are reportedly cracking down on the latest source of annoyance - teenage rappers.

According to reports, officers are determined to deal with underground groups of rappers in the capital, Tehran.

"Those who have been arrested are among those who have veered away from proper behavior," Tehran Police Chief Hussain Sajedinia told ILNA news agency.

Young rappers arrested in Iran - Daily Express

How FUCKED UP.......
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Ima rapper, singer, writer, etc. I like to drink, smoke, etc. These are all things that are obviously covered under PERSONAL LIBERTY, freedom, etc.

It just hit home again how truly evil, and oppressive/repressive that excuse for a "government" is.

Ima rapper, singer, writer, etc. I like to drink, smoke, etc. These are all things that are obviously covered under PERSONAL LIBERTY, freedom, etc.

It just hit home again how truly evil, and oppressive/repressive that excuse for a "government" is.

There are no "liberties" in Iran, even certain hair cuts are not allowed there anymore.

Iran launches crackdown on Western hairstyles, Culture Ministry bans mullet, ponytails, long hair
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.

Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:

From a truly fundamental american standpoint Iran isn't any of our concern, but that means little to anyone anymore.

In any event nobody with any education would mistake iranians for medieval people.

That's only because you're fundamentally an empty suit. Iran is a US-designated state sponsor of terrorism that arms, funds and trains Hizaballah which murdered 300 Marines in Beirut and which has sleeper cells throughout the US. Furthermore, Iran is a threat to the supply of oil originating from the Persian Gulf.

Iran is also run by irrational religious fanatics who subscribe to Shiite Ithna Ashariyya theology that calls for world destruction.

You're so clueless, it's not even funny. But, we still laugh at you:lol:
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Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:

From a truly fundamental american standpoint Iran isn't any of our concern, but that means little to anyone anymore.

In any event nobody with any education would mistake iranians for medieval people.

That's only because you're fundamentally an empty suit. Iran is a US-designated state sponsor of terrorism that arms, funds and trains Hizaballah which murdered 300 Marines in Beirut and which has sleeper cells throughout the US. Furthermore, Iran is a threat to the supply of oil originating from the Persian Gulf.

Iran is also run by irrational religious fanatics who subscribe to Shiite Ithna Ashariyya theology that calls for world destruction.

You're so clueless, it's not even funny. But, we still laugh at you:lol:

You are really caught up with that barracks explosion 25 years ago aren't you? Did you lose a relative? What makes this event so important to you? Why is it more important than say, the soviets shooting down that Korean airliner with prominent americans onboard? There must be something that explains your myopic preoccupation with hating muslims with the passion that you put into it. Furthermore, why isn't your silly ass in the military wasting these brown vermin which you so despise? Oh wait, you're too fat and old, my bad.
Perhaps if George Soros et al didn't inundate their children with despicable ghetto trash culture they wouldn't be so angry? This is no different than attempts by Tokyo Rose or any of her predecessors in as many wars. We all do the same thing.

Perhaps if the Mooslims in Iran transitioned out of the Middle Ages and gave up their backward culture, Iran could be welcomed into the civilized world.:clap2:

Yeah. Songs about hitting that ass are really progressive.:eusa_angel:

Iran needs to join us in our push into the future.(irony intended)

I can imagine what music will be like in 10 years.:cool:

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