Young Men Living With Parents

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Almost 20% of young men are living at home - Business Insider

Because parents make home too pleasurable....
reminds me of a line in "The Breakfast Club"......

Allison: My home life is unsatisfying...
Brian: So you're saying you'd subject yourself to the violent dangers of the Chicago streets because your home life is unsatisfying?
Allison: I don't have to run away and live in the street; I can run away and, go to the ocean, I can go to the country, I can go to the mountains. I can go to Israel, Africa, Afghanistan...
Brian: wanna get in on this? Allison here says, she wants to run away, because her home life is unsatisfying.
Andrew: Well everyone's home lives are unsatisfying. If it wasn't, people would live with there parents forever.
Partly young men cannot afford to live on their own. Partly young men are too infantile to live on their own.
Anyone can afford a room that has any kind of job.
Why does it matter? I don't see it as a bad thing. So e $15 an hour crap job isn't going to be snuff to live on and pay the rent.
Boys do not want to grow up, since it's so much easier to stay at home and play video games all day.
pajama boys can even stay on their parents insurance till 25 - 26 under obamacare I think . Why grow up ??
Staying on parents insurance is a godsend for many you g folk. If a guy can't afford to live on what he makes and can't afford college what do you want him to do? Live on the street? Better off at his parents house than the street. Why is this such a bad thing?
Staying on parents insurance is a godsend for many you g folk. If a guy can't afford to live on what he makes and can't afford college what do you want him to do? Live on the street? Better off at his parents house than the street. Why is this such a bad thing?

I think it's a good thing. If your kids are comfortable living with you at makes absolute sense that they do so.

We've got three adult children. The oldest moved out at 25. The middle boy is now 23 and in college. Our left home for the big city at 19.

In many cultures.....including this one until the 1950's.....people tend to live with parents until marriage.
not saying its bad , I think its funny . Young adult male living at his parents house and on their insurance till 25 is funny to me . Heck at 20 I had a kid , a small house , a couple motorcycles , a car , a good job and a good situation with my parents 'init' .
I think its smart to wait until your early 30s to get married and mid 30s to have kids nowadays. Build up funds and get your toys before having kids so you cansfford them. Of course many couples are choosing not to have kids which is a brave decision.
Great thread. It's brought out all of the great positive thinkers.

That's the way it used to be in America. The good old days may be returning.
Well, things change. Times change. The economy changes. The cost of living changes. Wages and job availability changes. A college degree doesn't guarantee employment. It's a sign of the backward moving economy and society in general. Sometime people just flat give up trying. Parents are willing to help to a certain extent. At least it's better than being homeless and living on the streets. And, the darkest days are still ahead of us. We haven't seen anything yet.
Hells bells, my parents wished I still lived at home. After I was graduated from university I lived with parents for a couple months so I could help them downsize into a smaller home. Once they were settled I moved my silly ass right to the city. Love you Mom and Dad but the idea of living with you again makes me want to search for the nearest rafter to hang myself from. lol
Well i see a lot of young married couples, both working, who have chosen not to have kids. They want their careers and vacations and new cars, etc instead. If they both agree then this is a sound good decision.
thing is that I had all that Stuff on one paycheck . Wife could work if she liked but it wasn't needed and that was the case in the usa until somewhere in the 80s I'm guessing . My Dad and Mom raised 5 kids on Dads paycheck .
now most young married with kids are working to buy diapers and pay rent , college loans . It looks to me like their lives and lifestyle kinda suck .

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