Young GOP Congressman schools Andrea Mitchell on Obamacare!

The GOP keeps making serious stratetic and tactical blunders. After making the 2012 election about ObamaCare and being handed their ass with the voters reaffirming Obama and ObamaCare, they then held their breath until they turned blue. They voted 40 times to defund ObamaCare in the House, wasting god knows how much taxpayer money in the process knowing full well it would never get past the Senate or Obama after already failing to get past the voters of America.

Not getting their way, they then threw a full temper tantrum and shut down the government, demanding once again that ObamaCare be defunded.

Now we see a subtle backpedaling by the GOP. They sent out a no-name young sacrifical lamb to tell Mrs. Greenspan they just want the tax penalties delayed for a year.

That probably would have been negotiable if they hadn't overreached to begin with.

No..The left wing media got their pitch points from the White House. Those orders were to MAKE the election about Obamacare and social entitlements.
And that was precisely what happened.
WHite House campaign operatives shaped Obama's campaign as an "us against them" contest.
It went from the 1% to "all republicans are wealth and evil."
And of course, "free shit if you vote for me"...
Obamacare is nothing but a campaign promise used to solidify the democrat's foot hold inside the beltway.
Lol... did you see her facial expression change when he told her he was in obamacare. Priceless!

He's not in ObamaCare the way most people who earn an income the size of a Congressman's income are. He's receiving a special exemption in the form of a giant taxpayer funded subsidy for his insurance. He's shielded from getting the full ObamaCare experience.

First your side says members of Congress are not exempt from Obamacare.
Now you say they aren't but...
Once again, you're trying to argue both sides of the issue.
Nice try. That dog doesn't hunt.
The GOP keeps making serious stratetic and tactical blunders. After making the 2012 election about ObamaCare and being handed their ass with the voters reaffirming Obama and ObamaCare, they then held their breath until they turned blue. They voted 40 times to defund ObamaCare in the House, wasting god knows how much taxpayer money in the process knowing full well it would never get past the Senate or Obama after already failing to get past the voters of America.

Not getting their way, they then threw a full temper tantrum and shut down the government, demanding once again that ObamaCare be defunded.

Now we see a subtle backpedaling by the GOP. They sent out a no-name young sacrifical lamb to tell Mrs. Greenspan they just want the tax penalties delayed for a year.

That probably would have been negotiable if they hadn't overreached to begin with.

You continue to be one of the biggest liars on USMB. After Obamacare passed, the Democrats received the biggest political ass-kicking in U.S. history during the 2010 mid-terms. They went from a super majority in the House to the minority and lost a ton of seats in the Senate as well. And lets not even get into governorships, mayors, etc.

The only "blunder" is your remarkable lies....:eusa_whistle:
The GOP keeps making serious stratetic and tactical blunders. After making the 2012 election about ObamaCare and being handed their ass with the voters reaffirming Obama and ObamaCare, they then held their breath until they turned blue. They voted 40 times to defund ObamaCare in the House, wasting god knows how much taxpayer money in the process knowing full well it would never get past the Senate or Obama after already failing to get past the voters of America.

Not getting their way, they then threw a full temper tantrum and shut down the government, demanding once again that ObamaCare be defunded.

Now we see a subtle backpedaling by the GOP. They sent out a no-name young sacrifical lamb to tell Mrs. Greenspan they just want the tax penalties delayed for a year.

That probably would have been negotiable if they hadn't overreached to begin with.

No..The left wing media got their pitch points from the White House. Those orders were to MAKE the election about Obamacare and social entitlements.

Romney made it about ObamaCare. While trying to pretend he had nothing to do with RomneyCare. :lol:

The voters answered and re-elected Obama. The Republicans lost two Senate seats and lost eight seats in the House.
The GOP keeps making serious stratetic and tactical blunders. After making the 2012 election about ObamaCare and being handed their ass with the voters reaffirming Obama and ObamaCare, they then held their breath until they turned blue. They voted 40 times to defund ObamaCare in the House, wasting god knows how much taxpayer money in the process knowing full well it would never get past the Senate or Obama after already failing to get past the voters of America.

Not getting their way, they then threw a full temper tantrum and shut down the government, demanding once again that ObamaCare be defunded.

Now we see a subtle backpedaling by the GOP. They sent out a no-name young sacrifical lamb to tell Mrs. Greenspan they just want the tax penalties delayed for a year.

That probably would have been negotiable if they hadn't overreached to begin with.

No..The left wing media got their pitch points from the White House. Those orders were to MAKE the election about Obamacare and social entitlements.

Romney made it about ObamaCare. While trying to pretend he had nothing to do with RomneyCare. :lol:

The voters answered and re-elected Obama. The Republicans lost two Senate seats and lost eight seats in the House.

No...The media made it about Obamacare. That started when Romney reacted to Obama constantly talking about "$2500 per year" "If you want to keep your doctor/insurance, you can"..
Romney was in opposition so the main stream media which is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the democrat party, threw out MassCare.
Pretty simple.
Spare me the revisionist history.
I get a strong hunch he is SO going to regret that. :lmao:

What ever for?
IS it your contention that Mitchell is some kind of no-touch tv journalist royalty?
She's on one of the least viewed cable nets for Christ's sake. Her career is nearly over. In fact she's probably overstayed her welcome.
You people are so full of yourselves.
I get a strong hunch he is SO going to regret that. :lmao:

What ever for?
IS it your contention that Mitchell is some kind of no-touch tv journalist royalty?
She's on one of the least viewed cable nets for Christ's sake. Her career is nearly over. In fact she's probably overstayed her welcome.
You people are so full of yourselves.

They are so offside they now just expect the media party to put this peasant who dare speak out and inject truth into the conversation in his place.

Disgusting is what it is

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