Young Black Americans not sold on Biden


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The Article addresses "Swing Voters" usually in the Mid-West who may swing from one party to the other between elections.
Then it says:

"Meanwhile, by contrast, pundits often portray Black Americans as an undifferentiated mass – loyal Democrat-supporting foot soldiers who will execute their mission for The Team on Tuesday as long as some preacher provides the right marching orders on Sunday."


Only 47% of those Black Americans under 30 years old that we surveyed plan to vote for the presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden.


In our poll, 31% of Black Americans under 30 say they probably won’t vote in this election.


I don't know about polls. But I think in this poll, Blacks are saying they are tired of being taken for granted by the Democratic Party; and Young Blacks are also saying they know a senile old fool when they see one.

The Article addresses "Swing Voters" usually in the Mid-West who may swing from one party to the other between elections.
Then it says:

"Meanwhile, by contrast, pundits often portray Black Americans as an undifferentiated mass – loyal Democrat-supporting foot soldiers who will execute their mission for The Team on Tuesday as long as some preacher provides the right marching orders on Sunday."


Only 47% of those Black Americans under 30 years old that we surveyed plan to vote for the presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden.


In our poll, 31% of Black Americans under 30 say they probably won’t vote in this election.


I don't know about polls. But I think in this poll, Blacks are saying they are tired of being taken for granted by the Democratic Party; and Young Blacks are also saying they know a senile old fool when they see one.


Creepy Joe is a racist, to him Blacks are ONLY there for votes and nothing else, he has a long list of saying things where he's putting Blacks down, his most recent yesterday with the Blacks vs Hispanics thing where he said there is more diversity in the Hispanic Community than in the Black Community, what a demented, Senile racist POS Creepy Joe is.
The one and only time I remember young negro's voting was for Obama, and they only did that because he was black. ... :cool:

Half Black though, his mother was White so he wasn't even Black Black and in 8 years he did ZERO to help young Blacks rise out of the Democrat Ghetto but did EVERYTHING to reinforce things so they STAYED in the Democrat Ghetto.

American Blacks need to wake up and smell the coffee and join The Dark Side already.
Joe just insulted blacks again hours ago. He said unlike the black community, the Hispanic community is quite diverse...wait for it...while speaking to a group of blacks. :auiqs.jpg:There you have it black community, Joe thinks all blacks are the same. :auiqs.jpg:

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