You'll never guess which states have most jobless

You'll never guess which states have most jobless

The Blue states that Obama won have a 8.61 unemployment while the red states McCain won has a 7.17 unemployment rate. That is 1.5% less. Note that the 3 lowest so called Obama blue states VA (6.8), IW (5.2) and NM (5.9) are usually red states.

Funny how liberals love to bash TX and UT, which are 2 conservative State and always rank 1 and 2 as the most business friendly states. Yet TX at 6.7 is only beat by 2 blue states (IW and NM), which really aren't blue states and no blue states beat UT.

I see a correlation here! The most business friendly states have the most employed people! I don't think this is a coincidence!


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Bobby Jindal who is becoming the Republican darling, has LS with a very impressive 5.8 unemployment, one of the lowest in the country. That is esp amazing with all the problems LS has endured!
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You'll never guess which states have most jobless

The Blue states that Obama won have a 8.61 unemployment while the red states McCain won has a 7.17 unemployment rate. That is 1.5% less. Note that the 3 lowest so called Obama blue states VA (6.8), IW (5.2) and NM (5.9) are usually red states.

Funny how liberals love to bash TX and UT, which are 2 conservative State and always rank 1 and 2 as the most business friendly states. Yet TX at 6.7 is only beat by 2 blue states (IW and NM), which really aren't blue states and no blue states beat UT.

I see a correlation here! The most business friendly states have the most employed people! I don't think this is a coincidence!

Lots of things factor into this.

We all know that the red states are fighting the blue states for all our jobs. And of course the corporations are in bed with the Republicans. So no duh! But it isn't like things are good in the red states. This proves the people in red states just don't get what is going on. They are benefitting from our losses, and they don't realize they are next.

If all you red idiots realized how many right wingers up here said, "it won't happen to my job. customers don't want to hear that hillbilly accent" or, "people won't buy from someone calling from India." Want to bet? You guys don't care if things come from mexico or china, so why would you care? All you care about is price, until you can't afford anything other than FREE.

Less people in the red states?

Red states giving tax breaks to lure companies down?

Not like the red states are big metropolis'.

Can we come down and find work?

How much do people in red states make? I'd go where there is cheap labor too.

Didn't Oregon have the most bank closings? Why?

Doesn't Arizona have the most foreclosures? Why?

Don't red states take more federal tax dollars than they pay? And Blue states pay more than they get?
Bobby Jindal who is becoming the Republican darling, has LS with a very impressive 5.8 unemployment, one of the lowest in the country. That is esp amazing with all the problems LS has endured!

No it is not. They ran all the poor out.

And anyone who comes back has no problem finding CONSTRUCTION jobs.

No brainer.

This is like when you bragged about Palin and how she was running Alaska. Pretty easy when gas was $4 a gallon.

How's she doing now? Not so good?
So again, what is their fair share?????? You are saying that if they make $20 million a year they are not paying their fair share.... What if they pay 90% in taxes and still make $20 million???? Are they still not paying their fair share???? What is that number? Is it what ever it takes to keep their pay at $2 million a year? Why is it you or the government that should tell these people how much they should make? Also, how is raising taxes on American coporations going to entice corporations to move their operations here?

Look, indexing (income bracketing) has been going on since 1917. You need to stop pretending this is all some new elaborate tax plan belonging strictly to Obama. It fluctuates among the majority party, with Reagan lowering the highest percentage, Clinton bringing it back up, Bush lowering it again, and now Obama trying to raise it back to where it was during the Clinton administration.

Deal with it.

So, again I ask what is their fair share????

What they were paying under Clinton?
So again, what is their fair share?????? You are saying that if they make $20 million a year they are not paying their fair share.... What if they pay 90% in taxes and still make $20 million???? Are they still not paying their fair share???? What is that number? Is it what ever it takes to keep their pay at $2 million a year? Why is it you or the government that should tell these people how much they should make? Also, how is raising taxes on American coporations going to entice corporations to move their operations here?

The government decides how much to tax. Bush decided to not tax them enough.

No one tells them how much to make. The more the better. Same for us. The more I make, the more taxes I pay. Pay me more so I can pay more taxes!!!

And no, I'm not saying that. YOU are saying that.

Entice? Sometimes you use a carrot and sometimes a stick. Sometimes you entice, sometimes you tariff.

So you are saying corporations not paying enough taxes is why we we have such a high deficit today???? Then why was everything fine until 2006? Weren't tax lowered when Bush first took office?

I guess it has nothing to do with how much our government has spent the past 10 years... :cuckoo:

Stop the spending and you don't have to tax more... It sounds as if you would rather keep the spending where it is (even though we have no idea where the money is going) then reduce spending and keep more of your income... That just sounds crazy to me to trust the government to spend your money.

Share of National Income Going To Wages and Salaries at Record Low in 2006
Share of Income Going to Corporate Profits at Record High


Share of National Income Going To Wages and Salaries at Record Low in 2006 — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Allowing them to not pay their fair share of taxes so they can maximize profits, that they don't share with their employees but instead give to their CEO's.
The fact you obcess on this indicates you want communism, not capitalism.

The USA had a great economy based on capitalism, it should not be looking to Zimbawe as a business model.

The ONLY way you will see jobs created and people make money is to set up business freindly evrinoments.

BTW, the left's idea of 'fair share' is steal everything that isn't nailed down and pass it to the least productive people.

THAT is why it doesn't work BTW.
You'll never guess which states have most jobless

The Blue states that Obama won have a 8.61 unemployment while the red states McCain won has a 7.17 unemployment rate. That is 1.5% less. Note that the 3 lowest so called Obama blue states VA (6.8), IW (5.2) and NM (5.9) are usually red states.

Funny how liberals love to bash TX and UT, which are 2 conservative State and always rank 1 and 2 as the most business friendly states. Yet TX at 6.7 is only beat by 2 blue states (IW and NM), which really aren't blue states and no blue states beat UT.

I see a correlation here! The most business friendly states have the most employed people! I don't think this is a coincidence!

No one dislikes Obama more than I do. But this information is meaningless.
Oh...I'd say that the Repub policies of the last eight years got exactly what they intended... the squeezing out of the middle class and the shifting of even more wealth to the top 1% of wageearners.
The Gop did not control the last eight years, the last three have been controlled by coincedence, that is when the economy self destructed.

You should know better then to try partisan politics with me, it was the DEMs who started meddling in the banking business that got this ball rolling, and they kept it going by the constant attempts to ruin anything chimpy was up to, even to the point of not doing their jobs (for example Barney Frank's failure with Fannie May).

I notice the new mantra of the left is that the current problem was caused by Reagan (only an idiot would sugest it) and other GoP presidents and that the left had NOTHING to do with it, when in fact the problems only started about 10 years ago (when Bubba was Potus).

You aern't going to sell the bad economy as 'the right' getting it wrong for years, in fact, the economy is one thing those idiot GoPers ever do correctly (when watched).

Bitter experience shows us it's THE LEFT that burn economies to the ground and cause these problems by massive over spending (FDR, LJB, Carter) and then it usually takes combinations (reagan and the Dems) to fix it.

So let's jettison this bullshit that 'the right' caused all this, or that 'the left' caused all this, and start facing the truith that BOTH of them caused it.

And the way to fix it is to restore industry through balance (which means no more uber unions ruining companies) not this jihad against people with money, which will never work as they will just take their money and leave (as happened in the 50s).

I also suggest that the left lose the phrase 'fair share' as they are not honest with it.
Allowing them to not pay their fair share of taxes so they can maximize profits, that they don't share with their employees but instead give to their CEO's.
The fact you obcess on this indicates you want communism, not capitalism.

The USA had a great economy based on capitalism, it should not be looking to Zimbawe as a business model.

The ONLY way you will see jobs created and people make money is to set up business freindly evrinoments.

BTW, the left's idea of 'fair share' is steal everything that isn't nailed down and pass it to the least productive people.

THAT is why it doesn't work BTW.

The only way YOU think we can create jobs is to pay poverty wages.

So we have to be wage competitive with Columbia, China, India and Mexico?

You are out of our fucking mind. I hope you don't mind the pay cut stupid.

The US had a great economy, and we made it more free market and less deregulated and that's what made it crumble.

Sure the corporations made a fortune in 2005 and 2006 because Americans were still spending. Now we aren't spending. How's your capitalism now idiot?

The only way to get back to where we were is to get people back to work. And not low paying service jobs. They don't buy homes and cars.

Yes, we need a little protectionism/isolationism.

Not 100%, but we need some, just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY HAS!!!!

Get it thru your thick skulls!!! And we alreayd have socialism in this country.

And the rich will stay rich. Your way just makes us poor.

The Middle class was created by liberals. Free markets didn't do it. Completely free markets are killing our way of life.

Must not have hurt you ENOUGH yet. I say enough because it has affected everyone, whether you know it or not.

But you may have just got a job at Toyota and bought a home for cheap. Maybe those people are benefitting, but they aren't going to save our economy. Not on $15 an hour.

And all those Toyota factory rats down south are lazy fucks!!! Just like us union factory workers are. Eventually, they'll lose their jobs to mexico or china too. I can't wait.

I want another civil war. Or, please secede from the union.
Allowing them to not pay their fair share of taxes so they can maximize profits, that they don't share with their employees but instead give to their CEO's.
The fact you obcess on this indicates you want communism, not capitalism.

The USA had a great economy based on capitalism, it should not be looking to Zimbawe as a business model.

The ONLY way you will see jobs created and people make money is to set up business freindly evrinoments.

BTW, the left's idea of 'fair share' is steal everything that isn't nailed down and pass it to the least productive people.

THAT is why it doesn't work BTW.

I'm going to drill the point home until people wake up. If you want to call it "obsess", then fine.

But you should know that I found that article when trying to find something to prove one of you guys wrong.

So you guys keep "obsessing" over your hatred for America and the North, and I'm going to obsess on the fact that you are fucking wrong/liars.

Sorry I keep being obsessive about proving you wrong.

Sorry if my links expose you for being full of shit.

YOu and joe the plumber can go fuck yourselves.
In the next breath, silly bimbo is going to say that red states are full of bigots. which is interesting considering the top states in the US for neo Nazis are California, Michigan, and Illinois. Hmmm all BLUE states.
Bobby Jindal who is becoming the Republican darling, has LS with a very impressive 5.8 unemployment, one of the lowest in the country. That is esp amazing with all the problems LS has endured!

No it is not. They ran all the poor out.
I guess you have not been to NO lately!

And anyone who comes back has no problem finding CONSTRUCTION jobs.

No brainer.
Come on now! You have a BS excuse for everything!

This is like when you bragged about Palin and how she was running Alaska. Pretty easy when gas was $4 a gallon.

How's she doing now? Not so good?
Yep gas dropped yet AK still doesn't have an income, sales and one of the lowest corporate taxes in America! In fact residents still get $1,300 from the left over surplus and $1,800 from the Oil revenues! Not the worst place to be unemployed. With all the obstacles of being in a ice box, that is dark for a large part of the year and is separated from mainland America by all of Canada, I say having only a 8.5% unemployment is pretty good!
What manufacturing jobs are there in California and Oregon?

DITTO-- I was just listening to a report--California is the highest tax state in the union--New York comes in a close second. People & Businesse's are leaving these states in groves. Ohio is the 5th highest state tax--& they wonder why they were just passed up by a corporation that would have hired thousands. This corporation set up business in S. Carolina.

DID YOU KNOW: That New Hampshire has no state income tax or sales tax? But their schools are better than most of the nation & grade averages of the students are higher than the national average.

How come companies haven't been in New Hampshire for the past century then?

There is/was a reason why NY and Cali had the highest taxes.

You'll see if the jobs ever come to New Hampshire.

And again, if New Hampshire is getting the jobs, we are cool with that. Its the jobs going to mexico and china that bother us.

And you'll never be able to compete, so sooner or later, they'll be leaving your state too.

PS. Who knows if what you are saying is true. Its not apples to apples. We don't know what your sales taxes are, state taxes, what you get for those taxes, gas taxes, etc. We don't know.

I would love for someone to have all the dirt on New Hampshire and tell us why it isn't all that you say it is.

I'm not going to research it. Who cares. It isn't like New Hampshire matters. Never been there, and probably 99% of the country has never been there.

I've never even met anyone from New Hampshire. How big is it? Do you have any major cities? That makes a difference. How cheap are things?

My cousin is going to buy the house he's living in in Texas for $20,000.

Hey, more power to people in Texas for being able to live so cheap. No wonder they only make $15 an hour at best.

Remember, apples to apples. You can't compare New Hampshire to California.

BUT, New Hampshire seems like a nice place too, seriously. Appaliachin mountains, you touch the atlantic, by maine, conneticut & vermont. Must be nice.

Is that a blue state? Because I didn't think there were any Republicans in the north east anymore.

New Hamspire snapshot

unemployment 6.6% (not seasonably adjusted)

Average listing price for homes ranges from $509,000 to 164,000 (depending on county).

Average family income (one earner) $55,766
If it's true that the blue states have higher unemployment, then let's do this:

Make a law that says the Federal government has to redistribute 100% of the taxes the blue states pay in..........back to the blue states.

Might make things tough on the sponges (aka, the red states).

If it weren't for New York and California, the red states would find the nipples running dry.

Red states are on the teat, my friends. They get more than they give. They is po.
I see one big major problem! People are moving out of these states and moving to where? Red States? Great! Now these same idiot voter's that voted these idiots into power to control a state will now at their new State (red) will vote in more idiots.
I'll just have to take a stab at this one and say the blue states have higher unemployment...

I know this because I visit WND everyday to get fair, balanced, fresh, newsworthy, news!
I'll just have to take a stab at this one and say the blue states have higher unemployment...

I know this because I visit WND everyday to get fair, balanced, fresh, newsworthy, news!
Oh go watch American Idol and vote for your gay guy. :lol::lol:

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