You think Trump called the Clintons, Obama, Holder and other bombing targets?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
That's what class would have done.

You think that's what Trump did?
I feel so sorry for you dean. You have a heart of hate.
Has it been reported that he didn't? Dunno. But it has become clear to me that it is inconsequential that a lot of the comments you get from POTUS apologists are irrational and full of malice. Because no matter what amount of fact, logic or even brazen human empathy shown to them, they dig their graves even deeper full of Orange Fecal Matter.
Could have been Obama's pal Bill Ayers
A lot in Billy’s and his old lady’s backgrounds when it comes to terrorist bombings, and Ayers is still unrepentant and bemoans they didn’t do enough of it so, yeah, logical suspects that deserve to be run in and interrogated. Be worth it just to hear the phony outrage from the lefty stooges over it.
How quick the topic of Kav and the caravan ended.
Now short term memory deantard gives us unlimited threads on pipe bombs.

The ringing in your head rdean is Trump calling you again.

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