You think Putin cares if "the nations around the world condemn Russia"??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Just days after the world came to Russia for the Olympic games, it would invite the condemnation of nations around the world," Obama said. "And indeed, the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."

Heckler: Obama wants 'nuclear war with Russia' | TheHill

I think all Putin has to do is remember this statement from Obama...
"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET Obama's brother lives in this $12 hut!
$Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 3.58.58 PM.png

So Putin puts as much confidence in Obama's statements as he looks at the reality of Obama's brother..
Obama talks the talk but sure as hell doesn't walk the walk!
Putin is going to keep the port, probably Sebastapol, and possibly all of Crimea. Of course he is.
Probably not, but he does have a small following of American conservatives that praise him at evry oppurtunity.
Your take on geopolitics is pretty screwed-up. Is Obama a coward or a warmonger? Have the pundits not had time to supply you the correct opinion yet?
Obabble is clueless...he is a campaigning community organizer...smiling and charming those he benefits, with other folks money.
Probably not, but he does have a small following of American conservatives that praise him at evry oppurtunity.

Not sure I believe someone who can't spell in 18 words "every" and "opportunity".
If you can't spell these simple words why should I believe your gross hyperbolic "praise him at evry oppurtunity" statement?

Also I was simply showing how little credibility Obama has with a very simple illustration.. i.e. if he brags about being his brother's keeper and
his brother lives an a $12 a year hut... how can anyone expect Obama capabilities in dealing with Putin?

I mean seriously why contend with such a gross hypocrisy when as a millionaire Obama could shut this criticism up quickly!
But as I said.. we have president that talks the talk but sure as hell can't walk the walk!!!
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What does Putin have to lose by invading the Ukraine? Nothing. The Euros will undermine any sanctions regime. And anything the US does will push other countries to the Russian orbit, since they know a winner when they see one.
Putin is like siberian wolves. He smells the weakest in the herd. Obama is weak. Putin knows it. He will continue on his merry way and not give a thought of what anyone else thinks or does.

We. Are. Fucked.
I think Obama should fly over to Russia and show Putin his Nobel Peace Price. That will fight Putin's goat.
Nations around the world won't condemn President Putin. The US will just retreat further into the background.
Those admiring Putin here in the USA are very similar to Lindbergh's love affair with Hitler in 1939 and 1940 and 1941
You think Putin cares if "the nations around the world condemn Russia"??
Condemn WHAT???? his opposition to international banker that the Zionist media calls "THE NEW LEADER OF UKRAINE"????

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