You think Donald (Mafia Don) Trump is freaking out now? Isn't it obvious what's gonna happen next?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It's not the Democrats.

It's Mafia Don's own past which is catching up to him.

He is going to get it from at least three directions at once.

1. New York - doesn't fall under federal jurisdiction. He has his criminal organization, the "Trump Foundation" that's not been allowed to dissolve. Because it's under criminal investigation. Multiple Lawsuits. Who knows what else?

2. The Mueller investigation - final report being written, 'nuff said.

3. The Democrats have subpoena power. It's not that anyone has to go look for anything. Just off the top of my head you have.
...... a. Ethics violations - so many I don't even need to keep track.
...... b. Emoluments Clause - constitutional mandate
...... c. Trump Cabinet Ethics violations - Shake a cabinet member and out falls a violation.
...... d. His kids
...... e, And so many possibilities from campaign violations to lying to both the FBI and Congress

See what I mean? We are about to watch an extreme, extreme narcissist go completely bonkers, the scientific term is having a "meltdown".


Trump is going to be isolated in a way he never has been before in his life.
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....

You understand this is a political discussion board, don't you?
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is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....
Oh, you care about my life. I'm shocked. And I thought you were an a.....e.
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....

You understand this is a political discussion board, don't you?

Yes, he does, and somehow it seems he even claims he's adamant about it.

Unwittingly, he raises an interesting point, though. Imagine a single week, just one, without anyone reading - let alone retweeting - the Trumpy's tweets, no one reporting or otherwise talking about his latest inanities, nobody so much as mentioning the Trumpy. For one week...

Would, with out the spectacle centered on president Spectacle, the Trumpy even exist? What if, for one week, the press and the media found time to report on climate change, the fate of American workers, or the actual policies - like the deregulatory vandalism in the economic, financial, and environmental policies?
I'm not quite sure what the point of R-Derp's latest post is, Kiddies! To alert us that the left still hates Trump and will do everything they or bring him down? Well, thank you for that!!! (eye roll)
Corsi lied to The Mules!!! He said, "Good Morning" when in fact Mueller just found out Whitey Bulger was interested in talking to the FBI about a young girl that he abducted and gave to The Mules, so it wasn't a good morning at all!
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....

You understand this is a political discussion board, don't you?
yea, i also understand there are many more things happening on this planet than fucking donald you agree?....
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....
Oh, you care about my life. I'm shocked. And I thought you were an a.....e.
many here wonder what the fuck makes someone get so obsessed with a single subject matter that they bring it up no matter what the topic is,and every thread the same old type of shit.....for 1 guy to get you so bent out of shape....geezus,this country has survived everything thrown at us...we will survive trump....and if you guys cant beat him next election....thats on you guys...again....
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....

You understand this is a political discussion board, don't you?

Yes, he does, and somehow it seems he even claims he's adamant about it.

Unwittingly, he raises an interesting point, though. Imagine a single week, just one, without anyone reading - let alone retweeting - the Trumpy's tweets, no one reporting or otherwise talking about his latest inanities, nobody so much as mentioning the Trumpy. For one week...

Would, with out the spectacle centered on president Spectacle, the Trumpy even exist? What if, for one week, the press and the media found time to report on climate change, the fate of American workers, or the actual policies - like the deregulatory vandalism in the economic, financial, and environmental policies?
if dean reported on just one different topic,without bringing up trump or republicans....if that ever happens,... then the next thing that needs to happen is jones actually replying to a question about the crap he throws up and runs......
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....
Are you saying we should not be concerned about the so-called president of the United States?
24 hours a day? matter what else is happening?.....when you are having sex?.....when you are at someones house watching the super bowl?......
is your whole life occupied by trump? you have thoughts about something other than trump?...can you have a conversation with someone and not bring up trump?....
Are you saying we should not be concerned about the so-called president of the United States?
That's exactly what they are saying.

if that ostrich was you know what you would be seeing at the other end of that hole?.......


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