You sieze 16 tons and what do you get...


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I guess you have to be old enough to remember the old Tennessee Ernie Ford hit but the second line goes...another day older and deeper in debt. The DEA siezed about 16 tons of Marijuana in a Nation wide crackdown today allegedly in retaliation for the killing of an ICE officer. On the surface it looks like a good idea but you have to ask yourself ...what would have happened to the pot if the ICE agent wasn't killed? Would the DEA have let the dope go into the system?
I guess you have to be old enough to remember the old Tennessee Ernie Ford hit but the second line goes...another day older and deeper in debt. The DEA siezed about 16 tons of Marijuana in a Nation wide crackdown today allegedly in retaliation for the killing of an ICE officer. On the surface it looks like a good idea but you have to ask yourself ...what would have happened to the pot if the ICE agent wasn't killed? Would the DEA have let the dope go into the system?

Don't know but it looks bad for them.

DEA: We only do our job when someone pisses us off.
"You sieze 16 tons and what do you get... "

A really good buzz?

How do we know it wasn't 17 tons, and some got lost in the system?
I guess you have to be old enough to remember the old Tennessee Ernie Ford hit but the second line goes...another day older and deeper in debt. The DEA siezed about 16 tons of Marijuana in a Nation wide crackdown today allegedly in retaliation for the killing of an ICE officer. On the surface it looks like a good idea but you have to ask yourself ...what would have happened to the pot if the ICE agent wasn't killed? Would the DEA have let the dope go into the system?

The war on drugs is doing so good that they expect to seize somewhere between 76% and 107% of the cocaine made in the world this year, depending on whose numbers you believe.

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