You have the right to be offended.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
This is the one right everyone hates, but it is probably the most important right we, as humans, have. I saw a blurb about an upcoming story about a man who, apparently, intentionally ran over a box of kittens. This offended me. A lot. If I had been there, and had a gun, I might have shot the creep, and not lost a moments sleep over it later. Guess what though, I didn't run off to PETA with a donation, nor did I demand a boycott of anything this man had ever been associated with.

I was offended, but I didn't demand someone else make it better.

I support a lot of things, including the rights of individuals to do whatever they want without their neighbor interfering with them. By neighbor I mean everyone, including the government. Government should be about being good neighbors, which means that we all have the right to be offended. It does not mean we get to tell our neighbor how to live his life, or how to use his property.

I know somebody read that last sentence and just thought 'I bet he doesn't want a slaughterhouse to move in right next door.' Guess what, you are right, I don't. The funny thing is, that never happens. People that run slaughterhouses tend to be good neighbors, and put them places where no one is around to be disturbed by the noise, and stench. That might be because they don't want to live next to one either.

The problem comes later when people want see the nice view the slaughterhouse has because it was built away from all the neighbors and decide they want to move in. These people are the ones that tend to be bad neighbors, and they demand the slaughterhouse close up shop and move because it offends them that people eat animals, and killing animals is always cruel.

You have the right to be offended.

You do not have the right not to be offended.
Our Founders we wise beyond belief and knew whenever laws are more subjective (ie. feeling-based) than objective, it breeds tyranny. Too bad some just can't grasp that.
Reps on that simple truth.
Our Founders we wise beyond belief and knew whenever laws are more subjective (ie. feeling-based) than objective, it breeds tyranny. Too bad some just can't grasp that.

Which is why we must set aside our personal feelings when it comes to application of the law.
This is the one right everyone hates, but it is probably the most important right we, as humans, have. I saw a blurb about an upcoming story about a man who, apparently, intentionally ran over a box of kittens. This offended me. A lot. If I had been there, and had a gun, I might have shot the creep, and not lost a moments sleep over it later. Guess what though, I didn't run off to PETA with a donation, nor did I demand a boycott of anything this man had ever been associated with.

I was offended, but I didn't demand someone else make it better.

I support a lot of things, including the rights of individuals to do whatever they want without their neighbor interfering with them. By neighbor I mean everyone, including the government. Government should be about being good neighbors, which means that we all have the right to be offended. It does not mean we get to tell our neighbor how to live his life, or how to use his property.

I know somebody read that last sentence and just thought 'I bet he doesn't want a slaughterhouse to move in right next door.' Guess what, you are right, I don't. The funny thing is, that never happens. People that run slaughterhouses tend to be good neighbors, and put them places where no one is around to be disturbed by the noise, and stench. That might be because they don't want to live next to one either.

The problem comes later when people want see the nice view the slaughterhouse has because it was built away from all the neighbors and decide they want to move in. These people are the ones that tend to be bad neighbors, and they demand the slaughterhouse close up shop and move because it offends them that people eat animals, and killing animals is always cruel.

You have the right to be offended.

You do not have the right not to be offended.

The Clean Debate room is a perfect example of this.
Our Founders we wise beyond belief and knew whenever laws are more subjective (ie. feeling-based) than objective, it breeds tyranny. Too bad some just can't grasp that.

Which is why we must set aside our personal feelings when it comes to application of the law.
:thup: You bet. And, every year I find that the ability to compartmentalize emotions from rational thought is not as common a characteristic as I once foolishly believed. Public schools have dropped the ball on that, too.
I know somebody read that last sentence and just thought 'I bet he doesn't want a slaughterhouse to move in right next door.' Guess what, you are right, I don't. The funny thing is, that never happens. People that run slaughterhouses tend to be good neighbors, and put them places where no one is around to be disturbed by the noise, and stench. That might be because they don't want to live next to one either.

Then you should live in the country where slaughter houses and chicken ranches stench the landscape. In cities there are ordinaces prohibiting where a slaughterhouse can be built. Good neighbors even in the country try to tell you how to live and what to do, it is everywhere. Cell phone heroes and narcing neddies exists in every society.
But don't worry i ignore them, but i can still smell the chicken houses, but it does not bother me, to me it smells like money.
You have the right to fail too. It's a right some exercise way too much.
This is the one right everyone hates, but it is probably the most important right we, as humans, have. I saw a blurb about an upcoming story about a man who, apparently, intentionally ran over a box of kittens. This offended me. A lot. If I had been there, and had a gun, I might have shot the creep, and not lost a moments sleep over it later. Guess what though, I didn't run off to PETA with a donation, nor did I demand a boycott of anything this man had ever been associated with.

Violence only begets more violence.
Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Matthew 5:40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
Luke 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

These verses is where I get my liberal leaning. God tells us that the rain falls upon the wicked as well as the righteous. All benefit and as humans we are to do the same.
Our Founders we wise beyond belief and knew whenever laws are more subjective (ie. feeling-based) than objective, it breeds tyranny. Too bad some just can't grasp that.

Which is why we must set aside our personal feelings when it comes to application of the law.
:thup: You bet. And, every year I find that the ability to compartmentalize emotions from rational thought is not as common a characteristic as I once foolishly believed. Public schools have dropped the ball on that, too.

Im going to hold you to those statements, Si. :)
Which is why we must set aside our personal feelings when it comes to application of the law.
:thup: You bet. And, every year I find that the ability to compartmentalize emotions from rational thought is not as common a characteristic as I once foolishly believed. Public schools have dropped the ball on that, too.

Im going to hold you to those statements, Si. :)
Hold me to what? I'm not a judge, not a lawmaker, not even a mod here. And, I doubt you know what I do for a living.

So, your post confuses me.
:thup: You bet. And, every year I find that the ability to compartmentalize emotions from rational thought is not as common a characteristic as I once foolishly believed. Public schools have dropped the ball on that, too.

Im going to hold you to those statements, Si. :)
Hold me to what? I'm not a judge, not a lawmaker, not even a mod here. And, I doubt you know what I do for a living.

So, your post confuses me.

Im going to remind you of this post when you let your feelings inform your poilicy opinions. Ive seen a couple of times in the NON nice forums where it seemed your feelings may have had control of the keyboard.

Just a friendly little jibe man. Its late and Im in a good mood.
Im going to hold you to those statements, Si. :)
Hold me to what? I'm not a judge, not a lawmaker, not even a mod here. And, I doubt you know what I do for a living.

So, your post confuses me.

Im going to remind you of this post when you let your feelings inform your poilicy opinions. Ive seen a couple of times in the NON nice forums where it seemed your feelings may have had control of the keyboard.

Just a friendly little jibe man. Its late and Im in a good mood.
Um, OK. More importantly, we should try to hold all to such a standard. But, like I said, it's pretty rare, in my observation.

All should strive, though.
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Hold me to what? I'm not a judge, not a lawmaker, not even a mod here. And, I doubt you know what I do for a living.

So, your post confuses me.

Im going to remind you of this post when you let your feelings inform your poilicy opinions. Ive seen a couple of times in the NON nice forums where it seemed your feelings may have had control of the keyboard.

Just a friendly little jibe man. Its late and Im in a good mood.
Um, OK. More importantly, we should try to hold all to such a standard. But, like I said, it's pretty rare, in my observation.

All should strive, though.

If we could all be held to that standard, by our own personal code of conduct, I would be a happy man.
This is the one right everyone hates, but it is probably the most important right we, as humans, have. I saw a blurb about an upcoming story about a man who, apparently, intentionally ran over a box of kittens. This offended me. A lot. If I had been there, and had a gun, I might have shot the creep, and not lost a moments sleep over it later. Guess what though, I didn't run off to PETA with a donation, nor did I demand a boycott of anything this man had ever been associated with.

I was offended, but I didn't demand someone else make it better.

I support a lot of things, including the rights of individuals to do whatever they want without their neighbor interfering with them. By neighbor I mean everyone, including the government. Government should be about being good neighbors, which means that we all have the right to be offended. It does not mean we get to tell our neighbor how to live his life, or how to use his property.

I know somebody read that last sentence and just thought 'I bet he doesn't want a slaughterhouse to move in right next door.' Guess what, you are right, I don't. The funny thing is, that never happens. People that run slaughterhouses tend to be good neighbors, and put them places where no one is around to be disturbed by the noise, and stench. That might be because they don't want to live next to one either.

The problem comes later when people want see the nice view the slaughterhouse has because it was built away from all the neighbors and decide they want to move in. These people are the ones that tend to be bad neighbors, and they demand the slaughterhouse close up shop and move because it offends them that people eat animals, and killing animals is always cruel.

You have the right to be offended.

You do not have the right not to be offended.

The Clean Debate room is a perfect example of this.

I am willing to bet I can offend people in the CDZ without breaking any of the rules of the CDZ.
I know somebody read that last sentence and just thought 'I bet he doesn't want a slaughterhouse to move in right next door.' Guess what, you are right, I don't. The funny thing is, that never happens. People that run slaughterhouses tend to be good neighbors, and put them places where no one is around to be disturbed by the noise, and stench. That might be because they don't want to live next to one either.
Then you should live in the country where slaughter houses and chicken ranches stench the landscape. In cities there are ordinaces prohibiting where a slaughterhouse can be built. Good neighbors even in the country try to tell you how to live and what to do, it is everywhere. Cell phone heroes and narcing neddies exists in every society.
But don't worry i ignore them, but i can still smell the chicken houses, but it does not bother me, to me it smells like money.

What makes you think the Chicken Ranch stinks? They look like they take showers every day.

Chicken Ranch Brothel

This is the one right everyone hates, but it is probably the most important right we, as humans, have. I saw a blurb about an upcoming story about a man who, apparently, intentionally ran over a box of kittens. This offended me. A lot. If I had been there, and had a gun, I might have shot the creep, and not lost a moments sleep over it later. Guess what though, I didn't run off to PETA with a donation, nor did I demand a boycott of anything this man had ever been associated with.
Violence only begets more violence.
Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Matthew 5:40 And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
Luke 6:30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.
These verses is where I get my liberal leaning. God tells us that the rain falls upon the wicked as well as the righteous. All benefit and as humans we are to do the same.

Keep kissing the point.

I have a right to be offended, and I even have a right to think about beating the crap out of the kid down the street who keeps letting his dog crap on my lawn. As long as I don't actually beat the crap out of that kid there is nothing anyone can do about me being offended, or my thoughts.
Our Founders we wise beyond belief and knew whenever laws are more subjective (ie. feeling-based) than objective, it breeds tyranny. Too bad some just can't grasp that.

Which is why they never addressed abortion. Or same sex marriage, for that matter.

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