You guys notice there are never really any pro Obama threads?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
It's all mostly just hate topics from the left. It's like Obama doesn't even exist unless we post about him. Sad that they have nothing positive to offer.
Let's recap kids:

9.5% unemployment... for years
$4 gas
Worthless $
Record numbers of Americans on public assistance
Feckless foreign policy
$16,000,000,000,000 debt
Record deficits
Fast and Furious

Yeah... and the clamors of "four more years!" aren't forthcoming?

Actually, the thread about OBL being taken out by Obama was pretty positive for Obama.

At least.........until you right wing whackjobs tried to say that it was everyone else BUT Obama.

Jr. had nothing to do with the OBL mission, it was all Obama.
That's because he doesn't really exist...he has no birth certificate, no acquaintances from the past, no school records etc, etc.
He's a CGI avatar...who here has actually seen him for real?
He's Max Headroom for the 21st century!!!!
Let's recap kids:

9.5% unemployment... for years
$4 gas
Worthless $
Record numbers of Americans on public assistance
Feckless foreign policy
$16,000,000,000,000 debt
Record deficits
Fast and Furious

Yeah... and the clamors of "four more years!" aren't forthcoming?


Yet nearly a majority of this nation wants to reelect him. We're fucked.:eek:
Back on Christmas I thought of posting one but you guys have been naughty.
I haven't really noticed that. I have noticed that there are more negative than positive threads overall. Currently, the only thread titles that seem to be pro-anybody on the front page are Billy's and Amelia's pro-Obama threads. Admittedly, Amelia's actual thread is somewhat back-handed.
That's because he doesn't really exist...he has no birth certificate, no acquaintances from the past, no school records etc, etc.
He's a CGI avatar...who here has actually seen him for real?
He's Max Headroom for the 21st century!!!!


What we thought were teleprompters were really hologram projectors?

That's a theory I hadn't considered before. :tongue:
I haven't really noticed that. I have noticed that there are more negative than positive threads overall. Currently, the only thread titles that seem to be pro-anybody on the front page are Billy's and Amelia's pro-Obama threads. Admittedly, Amelia's actual thread is somewhat back-handed.

:D Maybe a skosh. :D

I know I've thought of a coupla more nice things about him in the past but I keep misplacing the notes I jot down when I'm in a generous mood. That's why I started the thread. So I'd have a place to put the nice things if I ever did remember. And maybe someone else would mention them and jog my memory. ( :
It's all mostly just hate topics from the left. It's like Obama doesn't even exist unless we post about him. Sad that they have nothing positive to offer.

You're an idiot.

The president gets hundreds of positive posts here every day. Just because the liberals/Democrats here have the sense and decency not to flood the board with repetitive crap as is the common practice of the rightwing nuts here, doesn't make your nonsensical charge true.
It's all mostly just hate topics from the left. It's like Obama doesn't even exist unless we post about him. Sad that they have nothing positive to offer.

You're an idiot.

The president gets hundreds of positive posts here every day. Just because the liberals/Democrats here have the sense and decency not to flood the board with repetitive crap as is the common practice of the rightwing nuts here, doesn't make your nonsensical charge true.

Yeah! TM and dean never spam the board boy.
GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
GM was saved and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
When he does something right the board is flooded with pro obama stuff. When OBL was offed, there were lots. When he took down the pirates last month there must have been quite a few . I remember at least three.

Every time unemployment takes a dip or unemployment claims drop there is a rah rah thread.

But Pro anybody threads are pretty darn sparse. I have yet to see a pro Romney thread listing what is so great about him. There is lots of batshit about his goofball religion. I would like to see a positive thread about anyone right now.

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