You don't

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Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Shoot out a headline...then try and cover your tracks.

Greenlandā€™s ā€˜Record Temperatureā€™ denied ā€“ the data was wrong

From the ā€œBut, but, wait! Our algorithms can adjust for that!ā€ department comes this tale of alarmist woe. Greenlandā€™s all-time record temperature wasnā€™t a record at all, and it never got above freezing there.

Greenlandā€™s ā€˜Record Temperatureā€™ denied ā€“ the data was wrong

Are their glaciers growing?

The ones I was trampling on in Alaska weren't. Blue ice is kinda scenic btw.

Sounds like Greenland's are growing though?
These kinds of perspectives always seem to come from agenda driven sites like

Got anything better? I'll even take Fox News.
Shoot out a headline...then try and cover your tracks.

Greenlandā€™s ā€˜Record Temperatureā€™ denied ā€“ the data was wrong

From the ā€œBut, but, wait! Our algorithms can adjust for that!ā€ department comes this tale of alarmist woe. Greenlandā€™s all-time record temperature wasnā€™t a record at all, and it never got above freezing there.

Greenlandā€™s ā€˜Record Temperatureā€™ denied ā€“ the data was wrong

Are their glaciers growing?

The ones I was trampling on in Alaska weren't. Blue ice is kinda scenic btw.

Sounds like Greenland's are growing though?

IDK...last week they were screaming Greenland lost 11 billion tons of ice in 24 hours...IDK how if the temp never got above freezing as the data now shows. Bunch of frauds
DMI tweet translated:

Var der rekordvarmt pĆ„ indlandsisen i fredags? Nej! Kvalitetstjek har bekrƦftet vores formodning om, at mĆ„lingen var for hĆøj
Temperaturen pƄ Summit var ikke over 0 grader hverken torsdag 1. aug. eller fredag 2. aug.

Was there record heat on the ice sheet last Friday? No! Quality checks have confirmed our assumption that the measurement was too high
The temperature at Summit was not above 0 degrees neither Thursday, August 1st. or Friday, Aug. 2.
Get on topic or bug someone else. How's that? Now gfy

I think my observation is relevant. This kind of stuff only comes from agenda driven websites with questionable credibility.

Do you think it'd be easier to make a few bogus websites to push misleading narratives or get the vast majority of scientists all over the planet on board with lying about the science?
Try Google

You won't find perspectives like this on more reputable websites.

...I'm not your secretary

I doubt you're qualified for that because you're somebody that actually believes there's a worldwide science conspiracy.

Heat wave in the Mid west and SW near record heat. Houston Monday 8/12/2019 around 101 degrees.... 8/12/ 1962 106 that's warmer than now right! Hmmmm?

Weather ya know. LOL
Heat wave in the Mid west and SW near record heat. Houston Monday 8/12/2019 around 101 degrees.... 8/12/ 1962 106 that's warmer than now right! Hmmmm?

That's your argument for why the scientists must be lying to us?
A lot of people have built their lives and livelihood around a hoax called man made global climate change...governments have adopted it for population control and to enrich themselves and remain in was injected into our schools and predictably corporations and media sources were given ways to earn big dollars and government favors for playing along....people who disagree with the science are shunned and tagged as lunatics....but the truth is slowly coming out...people are waking up to the fact that we have been presented false and misleading science........
Only an ignorant person would think that scientists and scientific institutions all over the world are lying to the public. The notion that a conspiracy that large could even float is ridiculous.
Only an ignorant person would think that scientists and scientific institutions all over the world are lying to the public. The notion that a conspiracy that large could even float is ridiculous.

Trillions at stake...could account for why the data is consistently manipulated.

Time and time again some "oh my God!!!" headline and a week later on page thirteen a blurb saying oops we were wrong
Only an ignorant person would think that scientists and scientific institutions all over the world are lying to the public. The notion that a conspiracy that large could even float is ridiculous.

Trillions at stake...could account for why the data is consistently manipulated.

Time and time again some "oh my God!!!" headline and a week later on page thirteen a blurb saying oops we were wrong

Every climate scientist on Earth wants to be involved in proving that AGW isn't actually happening. Those people would/will be famous and go down in history.

Sometimes scientists don't get everything right the first time. Do you even understand how you know when they get it wrong?

Because science is transparent and self-correcting.

It is scientists that make us aware of miscalculations, the same kinds of scientists you call liars and frauds. Your view is backwards and upside down. You're ignorant.
Only an ignorant person would think that scientists and scientific institutions all over the world are lying to the public. The notion that a conspiracy that large could even float is ridiculous.

Trillions at stake...could account for why the data is consistently manipulated.

Time and time again some "oh my God!!!" headline and a week later on page thirteen a blurb saying oops we were wrong

Every climate scientist on Earth wants to be involved in proving that AGW isn't actually happening. Those people would/will be famous and go down in history.

Sometimes scientists don't get everything right the first time. Do you even understand how you know when they get it wrong?

Because science transparent and self correcting.

It is scientists that make us aware of miscalculations, the same kinds of scientists you call liars and frauds. Your view is backwards and upside down. You're ignorant.

Yeah yeah yeah, you fell for it...not everyone has. Get over it
"climate change" a huge wealth redistribution scam...nothing more and nothing less
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