"You didn't get there on your own"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'

You had to drive on the road you previously and continuously paid for by being taxed to get to work in order to succeed therefore more government is the answer and the reason for your success?
The "Class warfare strategy" isn't working. The latest Gallup poll is a testament to Obama's failure to make Romney's wealth an issue.

And other polls show that the average blue collar working is not going to be cheering The O on like they did last time. His popularity is dropping like a stone.

"An overwhelming majority of voters – 75 percent – say that Mitt Romney’s $200 million net worth makes no difference in their choice between him and President Barack Obama, according to a new Gallup poll.

Meanwhile, 20 percent of voters say Romney’s wealth makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Breaking it down by party affiliation, among Republicans, 89 percent say Romney’s riches make no difference, 8 percent say they are a reason to vote for him, and 4 percent say they are a reason to vote against him. Among Democrats, 62 percent don’t care about Romney’s wealth, 37 percent say it’s a negative factor, and 1 percent say it’s positive.

The sentiment of independents may be most important, as they are likely to decide the election’s outcome. In this demographic 76 are indifferent to Romney’s wealth, 19 percent say it makes them less likely to vote for him, and 4 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Gallup: Majority Say Romney’s Wealth Won’t Affect Their Vote


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So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.
Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Infrastructure is paid for by tax dollars.
Obama's centrally planned, free enterprise hating economy has worked so well, we should do more...amiright?
I'm sure all the BUSINESS people in the country LOVE hearing this shit from Obama


please vote this Progressive idiot out
And it only resonates with the people who never had exposure to American free enterprise, the ones who embrace this are the losers, the slackers, the Mommy's basement resident, the feeble-minded who are convinced that they failed because America is so darn mean-spirited. It's not just an unAmerican attitude, it's anti-American

Dems are the American't Party
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Sorry bout that,

1. The economy is in the crap-per, and no one is to blame but Obama now.
2. His constant attack on rich people make him a hypocrite, for he is rich.
3. He stole his way to where he is, and fraud-ed his constituents, and the general public.
4. Why he is not impeached is beyond me.

Sorry bout that,

1. The economy is in the crap-per, and no one is to blame but Obama now.
2. His constant attack on rich people make him a hypocrite, for he is rich.
3. He stole his way to where he is, and fraud-ed his constituents, and the general public.
4. Why he is not impeached is beyond me.


1. I fucking love your posts.

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


They may not do it entirely on their own, but how does that entitle the federal government to anything they earn? The federal government doesn't buy what they produce. They pay far more int taxes than the value of the services they receive from the government.

This argument is just another rationalization for parasites to take another bite from the hides of productive Americans.
So, business should thank government for not taking more of what isn't theirs in the first place?

And just who is paying for this "labor and effort of others"?

Just like a republican to have such a narcissistic and self-centered point of view.
They cannot admit that it takes more than an idea to have it work.
If you think your hard-work alone and your money alone makes a business thrive then you have the narcissistic attitude and reality in now way shape or form can make you see the truth.

Even if that's the case, how does that justify government taking more of what you earn? What did government do that it hasn't already been paid to do?

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