You can fool some of the people all of the time


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
RepubliCONs are beside themselves, their strategy of trashing President Obama from day one appears to be paying off. Polls indicate that the RepubliCONs may take the Congress in November.

Well, we will get what we deserve if they do. What will that be? More of what got us into this recession. More tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. More wars. More debt.

The only bulwark against this tide of insanity will be President Obama. He will have to break out his veto pen to prevent such stupidity.

Of course the RepubliCONs will craft legislation in such a way that he will look bad if he does veto the RepubliCON bills. They'll put tax cuts together with funding for the troops and then accuse the President of not supporting the troops if he vetoes the bill.

Meanwhile the RepubliCONs will open a flood of "investigations" into the Obama Administration in an attempt to further hamstring the President. All this will be promoted by FAUX News and the right wing echo chamber.

Nothing will be accomplished for the People. They will be told that only tax cuts for the wealthy can create jobs and the easily fooled will believe, never asking why it is that for the last ten years we had tax cut for the wealthy and it resulted in a zero net gain in jobs.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, unfortunately for America, some of the people may add up to over 50%.
On the subject of 'fools'..... "It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it".
I think you are right, and that legislation will bottleneck after the 2010-elected Congress takes its seats...but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. I have whiplash from watching all the megabills go whizzing past me. Wouldn't harm us any to give some of this more thought.
Oh you're so clever Calif Girl, but do you have an answer for the question, if tax cuts for the wealthy create jobs, why has the last tens years of tax cuts created a net gain of zero jobs?
You prefer to see mega spending done with the slight of hand the RepubliCONs used during Bush's term?
How about starting wars to "liberate Iraq and Afgahnistan" and then awarding no bid contracts to cronies? Gee, that's only cost us a trillion dollars. Oh let's build infrastructure for the Iraqis and the Afgahni's but there's no way we can afford it for Americans who get stuck with the bill.

Slight of hand.

By the way, the health care bill will end up saving us money.
Nobody even knows what the health care law does, nevermind what it will cost. I happen to support the measure, but it was not done well and acknowledging that fact ain't the end of the world.

Bush was all over the tv ranting about WMD...that was hardly a secret.

Government contracts are never done by Congress.

Draw a breath, wihosa. Obama has been maybe the most effective president (as measured by the size and scope of his agenda) since FDR. T'aint a bad thing to slow him down.
In murka, they've already proven that, without any doubt, you can fool 95% of the people all of the time.
This will be proven in Nov and again in 2012.
It'll either be Demons or Repugs.
Either way you're going down hard.
Douger, I don't know what has made you despise America so much, but this constant "murkins are idiots" drum beat of yours is getting old. Change to a Costa Rican political message board already, if all you can write is that you hope we suffer.
With so much to fix, why do you want to slow down?

Why do you think no one knows what the health care bill does?

I know it prevents dropping someone because of pre-existing condition, or because of reaching a liftime cap. I know it has provisions to help small employers afford healthcare for their employees.

You are falling into thre trap set by the RepubliCONs and believing that some how spending is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!
Douger knows things are bad but can't understand why so he distrusts everybody.
wihosa, spending is "out of control" in that the deficit levels we have reached are unsustainable.

Yes, the health care law likely does some great things and overall, from what I know, I approve of it. But are those things done well? Efficiently? Fairly? Are there unintended consequences? We both know the bill was far less than perfect and very poorly understood....if it had been possible to address the issue more calmly, that would have been better.

I don't think it advances our understanding of issues to label people as "RepubliCONS" or "DemocRATS". Just my own preference.

The fact is that the reason we have had deficits for thirty years is because of the huge tax cuts the RepubliCONs pushed through.

Warren Buffet pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. We never had huge deficits until the Republicans became the RepubliCONs.

It's easy to rail against waste by government and there are plenty of things I would cut if I could, but the driving force behind the national debt is tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

Now that the debt is so high the RepubliCONs tell us that we have to cut Social Security. This has been their plan all along. Drive up the debt and blame it on the working class.
I bet Warren Buffet pays his secretary very well....anyone who earns more than about $200,000 pays the maximum rate. I doubt he pays at a lower rate than his staff, and I also doubt he pays less total tax.

I seriously doubt the 2000 era RNC had a ten year plan that included electing Obama.

You won't persuade many on here with unsubstantiated rumors, wihosa.
Warren Buffet is a capitalist, all his income comes from interest and dividends. His tax rate is 15%. I don't know what he pays his secretary but her (or his) pay is taxed at a higher rate, I know this because he has said so himself. He is not well liked by other capitalists for this reason.

Don't fall for the old trick of talking about what the total amount paid is as everyone could make that argument as a reason to have their taxes cut.

The fact is we are in a deep hole and we need more revenue and the only place we are going to get it is from the wealthy. President Clinton raised taxes on the wealthy 4 1/2% and produced a surplus after 8 years and over 20 million jobs were created at the same time.

We're being RepubliCONNED.
Call me crazy but perhaps a President who forced through legislation that people do not want...just might have something to do with his unpopularity.

That and he CLEARLY doesn't have a clue what to do.
Call me crazy but perhaps a President who forced through legislation that people do not want...just might have something to do with his unpopularity.

That and he CLEARLY doesn't have a clue what to do.

too funny.... :cuckoo:

funny given the sociopathic lying of the rightwingnuts in regard to the commie, nazi, muslim, kenyan, president.


Call me crazy but perhaps a President who forced through legislation that people do not want...just might have something to do with his unpopularity.

That and he CLEARLY doesn't have a clue what to do.

too funny.... :cuckoo:

funny given the sociopathic lying of the rightwingnuts in regard to the commie, nazi, muslim, kenyan, president.



Is that the best you can do?...noted

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