Yon Reports, Waiting For The MSM Take

To be specific, I do NOT support illegal action by US troops. I DO OPPOSE the current rules of Engagement. I oppose arresting and charging with murder military members that inadvertantly kill "civilians" while fighting against armed enemies firing at them or blowing them up. I am opposed to such a restrictive rules of engagement that military personal fear to fire their weapons because of the potential for erroneous career ending accusations and the potential for jail time for simply fighting our enemies they are task with fighting.

We can NOT fight a war on terror with the military and pretend they are just policeman. And anyone that makes the ridiculous claim the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror is either lying, stupid or unable to grasp the concept of what is happening there.
But wait....aren't we supposed to be "liberating" these people and making their lives "better?"

It's really hard to do that while you're killing them.

What part of guerrilla warfare do you not understand RSR?

BTW, if you advocate illegal and immoral acts for the U.S. to win this "war" then you are also endorsing the "right" of the enemy to conduct warfare however he sees fit.

Is that your intent?

You libs are so dense

Most of the people of Iarq are not terrorists. I do not care what tactics the military uses to defeat the terrorists

While you would coddle the terrorists and tell them how sorry you are your country started this needless war - they could cut your head off and move on to the next member of your family

Much of what the left is sprewing these days is the same crap the liberal media wrote about 1946 Berlin - how the US was losing the peace and the German people
To be specific, I do NOT support illegal action by US troops. I DO OPPOSE the current rules of Engagement..

Do you mean the rules of engagement that say you can't intentionally kill civilians?

See, that's a problem because the enemy has developed this tactic of blending in with the civilian population for cover and to confuse our troops by making it hard to tell who to kill. Their "uniforms" are the daily garb of the average Iraqi citizen.They make the rules. After all, it is their country. Maybe you could simply "talk" to them about the rules of "fair" fighting and then they would put on "real" uniforms and make themselves stand out so they would be easier targets for our troops.

I oppose arresting and charging with murder military members that inadvertantly kill "civilians" while fighting against armed enemies firing at them or blowing them up..

Right.....a simple "oops" ought to be enough!

I am opposed to such a restrictive rules of engagement that military personal fear to fire their weapons because of the potential for erroneous career ending accusations and the potential for jail time for simply fighting our enemies they are task with fighting.

You can't show a single example of an American soldier being tried and convicted for accidentally killing civilians. The only things you hear about in the news are willful executions of civilians. Do you know the difference? Do you remember Vietnam?

We can NOT fight a war on terror with the military and pretend they are just policeman..

You're right! How did our troops get in this situation in the first place?

Oh yeah....your failed president put them there. Come to think of it he did it with your support so you're responsible for this. So you've gotten what you wanted. What are you bitching about?

And anyone that makes the ridiculous claim the war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror is either lying, stupid or unable to grasp the concept of what is happening there.

Judging by your posts you are the one who is unable to grasp the concept of what is happening there RetGunny.
There is No Terrorist Threat!
I originally intended to use today's blog entry to express my solidarity with the people of Great Britain, many of whom never even voted for George Bush, as they endeavor to persevere under the constant threat of terrorist attacks. But then I remembered what the esteemed statesman Michael Moore once wrote:

"There is no terrorist threat.
You need to calm down, relax, listen very carefully, and repeat after me:
There is no terrorist threat.
There is no terrorist threat!
There... is... no... terrorist... threat!"

Boy, did I feel like an utter berk! And I am confident that if the people of London just buy Mr. Moore's book, they will as well.

So a bus exploded. So a couple of Subway cars blew up. Whoop-dee-doo! I once saw Siegfried & Roy slice a woman into six pieces and then put her back together again. It's all smoke & mirrors, folks! SMOKE AND MIRRORS! The whole "terrorist threat" is nothing but an elaborate illusion devised to incite fear and justify Bush's illegal and immoral War on Terror.

Siegfried & Roy ought to be ashamed of themselves.

There is No Terrorist Threat!
I originally intended to use today's blog entry to express my solidarity with the people of Great Britain, many of whom never even voted for George Bush, as they endeavor to persevere under the constant threat of terrorist attacks. But then I remembered what the esteemed statesman Michael Moore once wrote:

"There is no terrorist threat.
You need to calm down, relax, listen very carefully, and repeat after me:
There is no terrorist threat.
There is no terrorist threat!
There... is... no... terrorist... threat!"

Boy, did I feel like an utter berk! And I am confident that if the people of London just buy Mr. Moore's book, they will as well.

So a bus exploded. So a couple of Subway cars blew up. Whoop-dee-doo! I once saw Siegfried & Roy slice a woman into six pieces and then put her back together again. It's all smoke & mirrors, folks! SMOKE AND MIRRORS! The whole "terrorist threat" is nothing but an elaborate illusion devised to incite fear and justify Bush's illegal and immoral War on Terror.

Siegfried & Roy ought to be ashamed of themselves.


If you were REALLY concerned about terrorism the occupation of Iraq would trouble you because it is fueling terrorism.
A hint for Truthmatters, links at site:


KiKi Munshi meet Michael Yon
Posted By Uncle Jimbo

In yesterday's WashPo Kiki Munshi lets us know about conditions on the ground in Baqubah, Iraq while sunning in California.

The writer is a retired Foreign Service officer who returned to duty to lead the provincial reconstruction team in Baqubah, Iraq, from April 2006 until January 2007 JULIAN, Calif. --

Last year at this time, I traveled from Forward Operating Base Warhorse into the Iraqi town of Baqubah several times a week to meet with the governor, the provincial council chairman and other officials. Yes, it was dangerous. But it wasn't suicidal.

Today, though, such trips would be almost impossible. Baqubah is a battlefield, the site of a major push against al-Qaeda and other insurgents. The houses that haven't been destroyed are riddled with bullet holes. Many of the Iraqis I worked with are dead, and many others have fled.​

And yet all last week Michael Yon, who is actually in Baqubah as this happens, is near boredom.

MICHAEL YON EMAILS: "Baqubah has gone quiet. Very little fighting. There might be more to come, but overall the people have turned against al Qaeda and are pointing them out day by day. The people are pointing out the bombs. Baqubah received its first food shipment in 10 months just a few days ago, even while light fighting was still on. I was there for the food distribution and am writing a dispatch on it. The primary object now is to start to restore a sense of normalcy in the city. Remember Ramadi? That crazy city of death and fighting? Writers hardly want to go there any more because it's quiet. I am very curious if Baqubah will go that way. So far so good. There are serious sectarian issues here in Diyala Province, but with al Qaeda on defense instead of offense, the people in Baqubah have a chance to do what those in Ramadi and other cities are doing: reclaim their lives."
From his report on 5 July, again from Baqubah

The big news on the streets today is that the people of Baqubah are generally ecstatic, although many hold in reserve a serious concern that we will abandon them again. For many Iraqis, we have morphed from being invaders to occupiers to members of a tribe. I call it the “al Ameriki tribe,” or “tribe America.”​

Mike is not saying it's a Shangri La, but Kiki made it seem suicidal to even be there.

Don't ever doubt that those against the war inhabit all our institutions and are willing to say what is needed to ensure our defeat and retreat from the world stage. Thankfully Mike, Bill Roggio, Bill Ardolino and many others are showing the real stories.

Posted by Uncle Jimbo on July 08, 2007

What is your point Kathianne?

For the past four years there have been lots of people holding up false benchmarks which are supposed to indicate some kind of "success" in Iraq. They never mean anything.

One would think you would have learned this by now. Michael Yon's wishful thinking is not going to change anything in Iraq anymore than George Bush's or your own wishful thinking has.
What is your point Kathianne?

For the past four years there have been lots of people holding up false benchmarks which are supposed to indicate some kind of "success" in Iraq. They never mean anything.

One would think you would have learned this by now. Michael Yon's wishful thinking is not going to change anything in Iraq anymore than George Bush's or your own wishful thinking has.

What part of on the ground v. wishful thinking escapes you?
What part of on the ground v. wishful thinking escapes you?

Are you suggesting that Yon's happy little anecdote somehow means anything has changed in Iraq?

If not what was the point of posting it?

Just another feel good story to ease the guilt of Conservatives who still support this "war."
Are you suggesting that Yon's happy little anecdote somehow means anything has changed in Iraq?

If not what was the point of posting it?

Just another feel good story to ease the guilt of Conservatives who still support this "war."

Happy little anecdote? What planet are you on? Oh, I know, the one that didn't bother to read.
Happy little anecdote? What planet are you on? Oh, I know, the one that didn't bother to read.

I read it Kathianne. It's just like everything else Yon writes, simply DOD pep rally stuff.

Is that why you posted it? Are you in need of a pep rally?
I read it Kathianne. It's just like everything else Yon writes, simply DOD pep rally stuff.

Is that why you posted it? Are you in need of a pep rally?

Obvious you are lying or spinning for the other side. Anyone that has read Yon recognizes he's anything but a DOD yes man. Liar.
Obvious you are lying or spinning for the other side. Anyone that has read Yon recognizes he's anything but a DOD yes man. Liar.

I guess it's just "coincidence" then that his "reporting" always tows the Pentagon line on "success" and "progress" in Iraq!


You are so naive!
If you were REALLY concerned about terrorism the occupation of Iraq would trouble you because it is fueling terrorism.

Oh yea, the US is to blame

Much like how the liberal media "reports" on terrorism

CNN's Perry: Hamas Fighting for 'Independence' Against Israel
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on July 8, 2007 - 14:52.
On the July 4 CNN Newsrooom, as correspondent Cal Perry reported on the Hamas role in the release of BBC journalist Alan Johnston in Gaza, Perry characterized Hamas as a "military" organization fighting for "independence" against Israel without mentioning its long-term stated goal of taking over Israel as part of a Palestinian state, or its use of terrorism. Perry: "This is really an organization that's evolving. On the one hand, they're a political organization, they want to stay in political power, and of course on the other hand they're a military organization who are fighting for independence against Israel." (Transcript follows)

Perry did at least relay the criticism that Hamas was using the hostage release as a "PR ploy" for its own gain, and showed a clip of Fatah member Riyad al-Malki accusing Hamas of staging the kidnapping and using the release for "political gains."
Oh yea, the US is to blame

Much like how the liberal media "reports" on terrorismhttp://newsbusters.org/node/13955

"Blame" may not be the appropriate word but it's probably close.

Until you, and others like you come around to the conclusion that "terrorism" is simply the logical result of U.S. foreign policy you will be inefective at actually combating terrorism. Until then you're just full of hot air and you're attacking symptoms rather than the problem.

Blaming the news on the media that reports it isn't helping fight terrorism either.
Haditha anyone? Notice how it has just dropped out of the news? thats because the set piece " Marines murder unarmed civilians in revenge" turns out to be a total fabrication of the very insurgent/terrorists that caused the fire fight to begin with.

It started losing its public reporting as soon as information began flowing as to the fact that at least 10 of the 23 dead "civilians" were actually ARMED insurgents/terrorists firing on the Marines from house to house.

And of course when generals showed up to tell the Court martial that the marines broke no rules and violated no conditions, that it was simply a fire fight that happened to result in "colateral" damage, the press lost all interest in reporting anymore. Not only was the claim of " revenge" destroyed but the claim of wanton murder of unarmed civilians for no reason suddenly evaporated. Yet as far as I know the Court Martial is not over. if it is I haven't seen it reported anywhere. Those marines still could be put in prison for doing nothing more than fighting insurgents/terrorists.
"Blame" may not be the appropriate word but it's probably close.

Until you, and others like you come around to the conclusion that "terrorism" is simply the logical result of U.S. foreign policy you will be inefective at actually combating terrorism. Until then you're just full of hot air and you're attacking symptoms rather than the problem.

Blaming the news on the media that reports it isn't helping fight terrorism either.

What did the US do to deserve the 5 attacks under Clinton as well as 9-11?

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